Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Modern religious practices and the preservation of rock art in India | 2017 | Adoranten (): 55-63 | |||||
Wandering cloth | 2016 | Hali (187): 102-5 | *H6/KGG [HALI-] | 0142-0798 | |||
Social structure of the Banjara of South India | 2015 | Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 140-50 | H6/KVY [ETNOGRAFICHESKOE-] | 0869-5415 | |||
Cultural diversity of Lambadas: a review | 2014 | Vanyajati 62 (4): 15-22 | H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] | 0042-2622 | |||
Incidence of ABO and Rh (D) blood groups among Banjara, a nomadic group of Rajasthan, India | 2012 | The Anthropologist 14 (1): 87-8 | H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGIST-] | 0972-0073 | |||
Adaptations of a community: socio-cultural dynamics in a village of south India | 2011 | Annuaire roumain d'anthropologie 48 (): 68-87 | H6/HB [ANNUAIRE-] | 0039-3886 | |||
Role of NGO in the development of Sugalis: a case study of a settlement in Andhra Pradesh | 2009 | Journal of human ecology 27 (2): 115-22 | H6 [JOURNAL-] | 0970-9274 | |||
Physical growth and nutritional status of the Lambadi children of Andhra Pradesh | 2009 | The Anthropologist 11 (3): 195-206 | H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGIST-] | 0972-0073 | |||
When classic ethnographic work is made impossible: the human politics of research in India | 2009 | Anthropology and humanism 34 (2): 143-62 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGY-] | 0193-5615 | |||
Muslinm Banjaras: peddlers of Uttar Pradesh - a socio-historical study | 2009 | Man in India 89 (4): 619-35 | H6/KWL [MAN-] | 0025-1569 | |||
Poverty and development in a settlement of the Sugali tribe in Andhra Pradesh | 2008 | South Asian anthropologist 8 (1): 83-93 | H6/KW [SOUTH-] | 0257-7348 | |||
Food habits, shelter, drinking, smoking, wearing clothes and ornaments among Lambadas - a study in Warangal district | 2006 | Man in India 86 (3/4): 371-5 | H6/KWL [MAN-] | ||||
Origin and history of Banjara in Andhra Pradesh a historical account | 2005 | Vanyajati 53 (3): 7-11 | H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] | 0042-2622 | |||
Tribe and caste relations: a study of Warangal district | 2005 | Vanyajati 53 (3): 22-3 | H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] | 0042-2622 | |||
Tattoing as health care practice among the Lambani community in Dharwad and Haveri districts of Karnataka | 2004 | Oriental anthropologist 4 (2): 204-11 | *H6/KF [ORIENTAL-] | 0972-558X | |||
Folkloristic interpretation and historical traditions about the origins of Banjaras | 2003 | Vanyajati 51 (2): 6-11 | 0042-2622 | ||||
Sacred traditions of Banjaras in Andhra Pradesh | 2003 | Man in India 83 (3/4): 433-8 | |||||
Traditional dressing pattern of Banjara women | 2003 | Vanyajati 51 (4): 4-8 | 0042-2622 | ||||
Correlation matrix and linear regression of anthropometric characters among the Sugalis - a tribal population of Cuddapah district, Andhra Pradesh | 2001 | Journal of human ecology 12 (1): 49-55 | 0970-9274 | ||||
Management of house dust mites with herbal extracts on Lamani households | 2001 | Journal of human ecology 12 (3): 239-41 | H6 [JOURNAL-] | 0970-9274 | |||
Body mass index (BMI) among the Sugalis - a tribal population of Cuddapah district, Andhra Pradesh | 2000 | Journal of human ecology 11 (5): 409-10 | 0970-9274 | ||||
A study of finger dermatoglyphics among Chenchu and Lambadi females of Andhra Pradesh, India | 2000 | The Anthropologist 2 (4): 265-6 | |||||
Distribution and variation of LH blood types among the Yerukala and Sugaliu tribes of Andhra Pradesh | 2000 | Man in India 80 (3/4): 309-12 | |||||
Growth pattern of the Sugalis - a tribal population of Andhra Pradesh, India | 2000 | Annals of human biology 27 (1): 67-81 | 0301-4460 | ||||
Life cycle ceremonies among the Lambadis of Periyar district, Tamil Nadu | 1998 | Vanyajati 46 (3): 2-5 | 0042-2622 | ||||
Distribution of ABO and rhesus blood groups among the Sugalis of Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh | 1998 | Journal of human ecology 9 (3): 296 | |||||
The other side of modern society | 1998 | Vanyajati 46 (1): 8-11 | 0042-2622 | ||||
A note on the worship of Hindu deities in a tribal community of Andhra Pradesh: the case of Banjaras | 1992 | Man and life 18 (1/2): 45-53 | |||||
Forests and the Sugalis in Andhra Pradesh: historical and anthropological perspective | 1991 | Man in India 71 (4): 611-19 | |||||
Problems of the origin of Gypsies: the Banjara and the Gadulia Lohar peoples of Rajasthan, India | 1991 | Ethnologia polona 15-16 (): 81-103 | |||||
Les Lohar, les Banjara et le problème de l'origine des Tsiganes | 1990 | Etudes tsiganes 36 (1): 3-14 |