Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Pieces of a persistent place: circulation of Washademoak chert and portable place-making on the Maritime Peninsula, eastern Canada | 2024 | Northeast anthropology 93-94 (): 176-206 | H6/KUB [MAN IN THE NORTHEAST-] | 1068-9982 | |||
"… the most delicious fish … ”—toward a zooarchaeology of the green sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, on the coastal Northeast of North America | 2024 | Journal of island and coastal archaeology 19 (4): 765-85 | H6/KE [ISLAND-] | 1556-4894 | |||
State recognition and the dangers of race shifting: the case of Vermont | 2023 | American Indian culture and research journal 46 (2): 53-84 | H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] | 0161-6463 | |||
Late Maritime Woodland period hunter-fisher-gatherer complexity in the far Northeast: toward an historical and contingent approach | 2023 | Journal of anthropological archaeology 71 (): 1-13 | *H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0278-4165 | |||
The place-name analysis of the Kwuphag and Muanbissek terms | 2023 | Ethnohistory 70 (3): 279-301 | H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] | 1527-5477 | |||
Phallic effigies from the Maritime Peninsula | 2022 | Northeast anthropology (89): 41-51 | H6/KUB [MAN IN THE NORTHEAST-] | 1068-9982 | |||
Entretien avec Nicole O’Bomsawin. Le wampum et la culture abénakise, entre passé et présent | 2022 | Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie (33): 132-43 | H6 [GRADHIVA-] | 0764-8928 | |||
A history of Native North American wampum arrived in France between 1678 and 1845 | 2022 | Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie (33): 78-97 | H6 [GRADHIVA-] | 0764-8928 | |||
Shellfishing, seasonality, and stable isotopes: a view from the Devil's Head site, Calais, Maine | 2021 | Archaeology of eastern North America 49 (): 87-102 | *H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] | 0360-1021 | |||
Wabanaki subtidal shellfish harvesting: an ecological and archaeological study of horse mussels and barnacles at the Reversing Falls site, Pembroke, Maine, USA | 2021 | Archaeology of eastern North America 49 (): 73-85 | *H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] | 0360-1021 | |||
Aesthetics or function in heat-treating? The influence of colour preference in lithic preparation on the Maritime Peninsula, eastern Canada | 2020 | Journal of anthropological archaeology 60 (): 1-15 | *H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0278-4165 | |||
Gifts from the dawn land: 19th century Wabanaki souvenir beadwork. Part 2 | 2019 | Whispering wind 47 (1): 6-15 | *H6/KUB [WHISPERING-] | 0300-6565 | |||
Gifts from the dawn land: 19th century Wabanaki souvenir beadwork (part 1) | 2019 | Whispering wind 46 (6): 6-10 | *H6/KUB [WHISPERING-] | 0300-6565 | |||
The indigenous populations of Canada, the posts of the Domaine du Roy and Acadia, 1680-1763: a demographic portrait | 2019 | Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 49 (1): 45-62, 105 | H6/KUB [RECHERCHES-] | 0318-4137 | |||
Are French Acadia and today’s Canadian colonies in the true sense of the word? | 2019 | Bulletin des séances. Académie Royale des Sciences d’Outre-Mer (New Series) 65 (2): 133-46 | H6/KY [INSTITUT-] | 0001-4176 | |||
A "labyrinth of uncertainties": Penobscot River islands, land assignments, and indigenous women proprietors in nineteenth-century Maine | 2018 | American Indian quarterly 42 (4): 454-87 | H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] | 0095-182X | |||
Woven in tradition: a history of Maine Indian baskets | 2018 | Native American art April/May (): 82-7 | H6/KUB [NATIVE-] | 2469-6137 | |||
More on frit-core beads in North America | 2018 | Beads 30 (): 55-9 | *H6 [BEADS-] | ||||
A "labyrinth of uncertainties": Penobscot River islands, land assignments, and indigenous women proprietors in nineteenth-century Maine | 2018 | American Indian quarterly 42 (4): 454-87 | H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] | 0095-182X | |||
Maritime Woodland period dwelling surface construction on the coast of the Maritime Peninsula: implications for site reuse and intra-site space | 2018 | Archaeology of eastern North America 46 (): 1-16 | *H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] | 0360-1021 | |||
Broken chains of custody: possessing, dispossessing, and repossessing lost wampum belts | 2018 | Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 162 (1): 56-105 | H6 [AMERICAN-] | 0003-49X | |||
Archaeological expertise as a component of the process of territorial management and affirmation of the grand council of the Waban-Aki nation | 2018 | Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 48 (3): 81-90, 139-40 | H6/KUB [RECHERCHES-] | 0318-4137 | |||
Later maritime woodland to protohistoric culture change and continuity at the Devil's Head site, Calais, Maine | 2017 | Archaeology of eastern North America 45 (): 85-108 | *H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] | 0360-1021 | |||
A pragmatic thinker: thoughts of Peter Paul Osunkhirhine, an Abenaki minister during the nineteenth century | 2016 | Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 46 (1): 49-62, 106 | H6/KUB [RECHERCHES-] | 0318-4137 | |||
Nia ta kdak / me and the other: the denomination of indigenous nations according to Abenaki ethnonymy | 2016 | Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 46 (1): 19-36, 105 | H6/KUB [RECHERCHES-] | 0318-4137 | |||
Wabanaki homeland and mobility: concepts of home in nineteenth-century Maine | 2016 | Ethnohistory 63 (4): 621-43 | H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] | 0014-1801 | |||
Enclitic particles in western Abenaki: form and function | 2015 | International journal of American linguistics 81 (3): 301-35 | H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] | 0020-7071 | |||
Alien abductions: how the Abenaki discovered England | 2015 | American Indian NMAI Fall (): 32-41 | *H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] | 1528-0640 | |||
Wampum from early European collections, part 2: cuffs, bags and more | 2014 | American Indian art magazine 40 (1): 70-8 | *H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] | 0192-9968 | |||
Slat, sand, and sweetgrass: methodologies for exploring the seasonal basket trade in southern Maine | 2014 | American Indian quarterly 38 (4): 411-26 | H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] | 0095-182X | |||
With open arms: Rhonda Besaw - traditional Abenaki beadwork artist | 2014 | Whispering wind 43 (1): 10-14 | *H6/KUB [WHISPERING-] | 0300-6565 | |||
Transcending the St. Croix legacy in the Northeast borderlands | 2014 | Native American and indigenous studies 1 (1): 49-64 | |||||
Introduction | 2013 | SAIL: studies in American Indian literatures (Series 2) 24 (3): x-xviii | *H6/KUB [SAIL-] | 0730-3238 | |||
Placing Joseph Bruchac: Native literacy networks and cultural transmission in the contemporary Northeast | 2013 | SAIL: studies in American Indian literatures (Series 2) 24 (3): 71-96 | *H6/KUB [SAIL-] | 0730-3238 | |||
Perspectivism, mortuary symbolism, and human-shark relationships on the Maritime Peninsula | 2012 | American antiquity 77 (4): 621-45 | *H6/KE [AMERICAN-] | 0002-7316 | |||
Rethinking recognition: The Aroostook Indian and Mikhu Paul's rewritings of land and community | 2010 | Papers of the Algonquian conference 42 (): 254-62 | H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] | 0031-5671 | |||
"All this / is Abenaki country": Ceryl Savageau's poetic Awikhiganak | 2010 | SAIL: studies in American Indian literatures (Series 2) 22 (3): 1-25 | *H6/KUB [SAIL-] | 0730-3238 | |||
Uncommon thread: Wabanaki textiles, clothing and costume | 2010 | Ornament 30 (4): 34-9 | *H6 [BEAD-] | 0148-3897 | |||
Tree & tradition: Maine Indian brown ash basketry | 2010 | American Indian art magazine 35 (2): 36-45 | *H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] | 0192-9968 | |||
Politics and Western European religion shape the Wabanaki world | 2009 | Papers of the Algonquian conference 41 (): 299-321 | H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] | 0031-5671 | |||
Aln8baïwi kdakina - notre monde à la manière abénakise: la toponymie abénakise au Québec | 2006 | Papers of the Algonquian conference 37 (): 49-73 | H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] | 0031-5671 | |||
'Delicate sweet dishes too they make': birchbark art in the Abbe Museum's collections | 2006 | American Indian art magazine 31 (3): 58-65 | *H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] | 0192-9968 | |||
Finding the Almouchiquois: Native American families, territories, and land sales in southern Maine | 2004 | Ethnohistory 51 (1): 73-100 | H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY] | 0014-1801 | |||
Interpreting Wabanaki women's history | 2004 | American anthropologist 106 (1): 161-4 | *H6 [AMERICAN-] | 0002-7294 | |||
Wabanaki seating arrangements | 2004 | Papers of the Algonquian conference 35 (): 431-34 | H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] | 0031-5671 | |||
Wabanaki chief-making and cultural change | 2004 | Papers of the Algonquian conference 35 (): 389-405 | H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] | 0031-5671 | |||
'Of woman and territoriality': starting a dialogue on the gendered nature of aboriginal rights | 2004 | Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 34 (3): 75-86, 117 | H6/KUB [RECHERCHES-] | 0318-4137 | |||
Crespieul: old Abenaki reserve (1851-1911) | 2003 | Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 33 (2): 57-69, 142 | 0318-4137 | ||||
Creating new relations to improve relations: strangers as Wabanaki chiefs | 2003 | Papers of the Algonquian conference 34 (): 333-40 | 0031-5671 | ||||
George Soctomah's hat | 2003 | Papers of the Algonquian conference 34 (): 393-9 | 0031-5671 |