Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Blood for bread: necro-labor, nonsovereign bodies, and the state of exception in Rojhelat 2024 American anthropologist 126 (1): 120-34
  • Ahmad Mohammadpour
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Learning danger: cultural difference and the limits of trust in dangerous fieldworks 2023 Qualitative research 23 (6): 1515-34
  • Axel Rudi
H6 [QUALITATIVE-] 1468-7941
‘Gan qey bedenî yeno çi mana’ (what the soul means for the body): collecting and archiving Kurdish folklore as a strategy for language revitalization and indigenous knowledge production 2023 Folklore 134 (3): 344-69
  • Farangis Ghaderi
  • Joanna Bocheńska
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
Historical alchemy: buried gold, buried pasts 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (2): 335-60
  • Anoush Tamar Suni
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Cooking in caves: Palaeolithic carbonised plant food remains from Franchthi and Shanidar 2023 Antiquity 97 (391): 12-28
  • Ceren Kabukcu
  • Chris Hunt
  • Eleni Asouti
  • Emma Pomeroy
  • Evan Hill
  • Graeme Barker
  • Tim Reynolds
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
The role of women in Kurdish cultural heritage 2022 The World of Music 11 (2): 65-72
  • Zeyneb Yaş
H6/KFY [WORLD-] 0043-8774
Introduction 2022 The World of Music 11 (2): 5-24
  • Argun Çakır
  • George Mürer
H6/KFY [WORLD-] 0043-8774
Shifts in the stature of professional music-making in Kurdistan (or how Kurds from around Mardin became professional musicians) 2022 The World of Music 11 (2): 25-64
  • Argun Çakır
H6/KFY [WORLD-] 0043-8774
Broadcasting the nation: the importance of radio in Kurdish music history 2022 The World of Music 11 (2): 73-89
  • Jon E. Bullock
H6/KFY [WORLD-] 0043-8774
Mersin and the Çukurova region as emerging spaces for Kurdish music production 2022 The World of Music 11 (2): 113-39
  • George Mürer
H6/KFY [WORLD-] 0043-8774
The commemorative power of Govend dances for a Kurdish community in transition 2022 The World of Music 11 (2): 91-111
  • Sara Islán Fernández
H6/KFY [WORLD-] 0043-8774
Kurdish music?… Music from Dersim?…: Conflicting identities and the challenge of categorization in Central-Eastern Anatolia 2022 The World of Music 11 (2): 141-68
  • Martin Greve
H6/KFY [WORLD-] 0043-8774
The egalitarian king? Abdullah Öcalan and his evolving role in the Kurdish freedom movement 2022 Social analysis 66 (3): 83-103
  • Axel Rudi
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0155-977X
Stone tools, techniques, and spaces for the pottery chaîne opératoire. The case of the pottery workshop of Gird-i Bazar (c. 1200-800 BC) in the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan, Iraq 2022 Journal of anthropological archaeology 67 (): 1-18
  • Andrea Squitieri
  • Jean-Jacques Herr
  • Silvia Amicone
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Genesis and formation of the Barzanis. Tribes, brotherhoods and nationalism in Kurdistan 2022 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 67 (199): 67-91
  • Hardy Mède
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
States, tribes, Islam: the Hezibinî and tribal involvement in radical Islam in Kurdistan, Turkey 2022 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 67 (199): 93-120
  • Adnan Çelik
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
Among the Kurdish Kirmanj of Urmia: the tribe at the interface of politics and religion 2022 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 67 (199): 121-43
  • Hawzhin Baghali
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
Rabana-Merquly: a fortress in the kingdom of Adiabene in the Zagros Mountains 2022 Antiquity 96 (388): 920-36
  • Kamal Rasheed Raheem Michael Brown, Hashim Hama Abdullah
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Connections between the northern Zagros and Mesopotamia during the fifth millennium BCE: new insights from Tepe Namashir in western Iran 2021 Origini 45 (): 7-34
  • Amir Saed Mucheschi
  • Morteza Zamani Dedaneh
  • Steve Renette
H6/KE [ORIGINI-] 0034-6805
Social lives of monumental walls: hunting along the upper Tigris 2021 Journal of field archaeology 46 (3): 153-71
  • Amir Ahmadpour
  • Francesca Simi
  • Paola Sconzo
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 2042-4582
Dengbêj - a Kurdish resistance yell 2021 GIS - Gesto, Imagem, e Som: Revista de Antropologia 6 (1): 1-16
  • Kelen Pessuto
New petroglyph sites in Hawraman, Kurdistan province of western Iran 2021 Rock art research 38 (2): 227-9
  • Amir Saed Mucheshi
  • Keyvan Rostampour
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
Bānarwāna rockshelter: new-found rock at in Kurdistan provinve, western Iran 2020 Rock art research 37 (2): 233-5
  • Amir Saed Mucheshi
  • Seyed Morteza Rahmati
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
Probabilistic borderwork: oil smuggling, nonillegality, and techno-legal politics in the Kurdish borderlands of Turkey 2020 American ethnologist 47 (1): 72-85
  • Firat Bozçali
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
Sufi past, Islamist present? A social history of the politicisation of Islam in Iranian Kurdistan 2020 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 65 (189): 185-202
  • Hawzhin Baghali
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
Zilan and the struggle of signifiers: interpretations on the immolation of a Kurdish militant woman 2020 Etnografías Contemporáneas 6 (10): 224-59
  • Dilan Bozgan
New Neanderthal remains associated with the ‘flower burial’ at Shanidar Cave 2020 Antiquity 94 (373): 11-26
  • Charles Fench
  • Chris O. Hunt
  • Emma Pomeroy
  • Graeme Barker
  • James Holman
  • Lucy Farr
  • Marine Frouin
  • Paul Bennett
  • Ross Lane
  • Tim Reynolds
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Oral poets in conflict: Âşık Veysel and Dengbêj Reso on the rope 2019 Journal of folklore research 56 (1): 71-103
  • Metin Yüksle
H6/KF [INDIANA-] 0737-7037
Asingera, a Neolithic and Chalcolithic "iceberg" in northern Mesopotamia 2019 Origini 43 (): 9-34
  • Hassan Ahmed Qasim
  • Marco Iamoni
H6/KE [ORIGINI-] 0034-6805
Finding a relatively flat archaeological site with minimal ceramics: a case study from Iraqi Kurdistan 2019 Journal of field archaeology 44 (8): 523-37
  • Andrea Squitieri
  • Mark Altaweel
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0093-4690
The Parthian rock reliefs and Bahdinan gate in Amadiya/Amedi: a preliminary report from the Columbia University mapping Mesopotamian monument survey 2019 Iraq 81 (): 47-62
  • Gabriel Rodriguez
  • Haider Almamori
  • Helen Malko
  • Serdar Yalcin
  • Zainab Bahrani
H6/KE [IRAQ-] 0021-0889
Portraits of a Parthian king: rock-reliefs and the mountain fortresses of Rabana-Merquly in Iraqi Kurdistan 2018 Iraq 80 (): 63-77
  • Kamal Rasheed
  • Michael Brown
  • Mustafa Ahmad
  • Peter Miglus
H6/KE [IRAQ-] 0021-0889
"Your son will be the scourge of Islam": changing perceptions of Yazīd ibn Mu'āwiya in Yezifi oral traditions 2018 Numen 65 (5-6): 562-88
  • Eszter Spät
H6/KFO [NUMEN-] 0029-5973
The continuity of settlement of social feuds among Kurds in the Kurdistan region 2017 Anthropology of the Middle East 12 (2): 92-107
  • Krzysztof Lalik
*H6/KW [ANTHRO-] 1746-0719
Newly discovered Neanderthal remains from Shanidar Cave, Iraqi Kurdistan, and their attribution to Shanidar 5 2017 Journal of human evolution 111 (): 102-18
  • Emma Pomeroy
  • Federica Crivellaro
  • Lucy Farr
  • Marta Mirazón Lahr
  • Tim Reynolds
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
A report on the excavation at the Mala Mcha graveyard, Kurdistan, Iran 2017 Iran 55 (2): 171-207
  • Abdolreza Mojayerinezhad
  • Masoume Javidkhan
  • Sheler Amelirad
H6/KWJ [IRAN-] 0578-6967
The Land of Nineveh Archaeological Project: the ceramic repertoire from the early pottery neolithic to the Sasanian period 2016 Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (375): 119-69
  • Katia Gavagnin
  • Marco Iamoni
  • Rocco Palermo
H6/KW [AMERICAN-] 0003-097X
Revisiting Tell Begum: a prehistoric site in the Shahrizor plain, Iraqi Kurdistan 2016 Iraq 78 (): 103-35
  • Akemi Kaneda
  • Kamal Rasheed
  • Olivier Nieuwenhuyse
  • Simone Mühl
  • Takahiro Odaka
H6/KE [IRAQ-] 0021-0889
The devoted actor: unconditional commitment and intractable conflict across cultures 2016 Current anthropology (Supplement) 57 (13): S192-S203
  • Scott Atran
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
The potential of history textbooks and curriculum reform in Iraqi Kurdistan within a conflict transformation frame: dealing with the past from a processual and dynamic perspective 2015 Ethnic and racial studies 38 (14): 2569-83
  • Jordi Tejel
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
Archaeological geophysics in the Shahrizor plain (Iraqi Kurdistan) 2015 Archaeologia polona 53 (): 481-5
  • Jörg W.E. Fassbinder
  • Simone Mühl
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] 0066-5924
Northern Ubaid and late chalcolithic 1-3 periods in the Erbil plain. New insights from recent researches at Helawa, Iraqi Kurdistan 2015 Origini 37 (1): 89-127
  • Agnese Vacca
  • Luca Peyronel
H6/KE [ORIGINI-] 0034-6805
Report on the excavations at Tell Sitak: the 2010 season 2014 Iraq 76 (): 205-29
  • Hussein Hamza
  • Mark Altawell
  • Saber Ahmed Saber
H6/KE [IRAQ-] 0021-0889
Back to Sennacherib's aqueduct at Jerwan: a reassessment of the textual evidence 2014 Iraq 76 (): 65-98
  • F.M. Fales
  • R. Del Fabro
H6/KE [IRAQ-] 0021-0889
Tongues of fire: women's suicide and self-injury by burns in the Kurdistan region of Iraq 2014 Sociological review 62 (2): 237-54
  • Izaddin A. Rasool
  • Joanne L. Payton
H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] 0038-0261
The new constitution and the paradox of Kurdish problem 2013 Dialectical anthropology 37 (1): 165-9
  • Ayhan Bilgen
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Ancient cities and landscapes in the Kurdistan region of Iraq: the Erbil Plain Archaeological Survey 2012 season 2013 Iraq 75 (): 89-117
  • James F. Osborne
  • Jason Ur
  • Jessica Giraud
  • Lidewijde De Jong
H6/KE [IRAQ-] 0021-0889
The Kurdish question in the context of Turkey and Middle East politics: an interview with Noam Chomsky 2013 Dialectical anthropology 37 (1): 183-9
  • Dilan Yildirim interv
  • Noam Chomsky
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Toward a critique of non-violence 2013 Dialectical anthropology 37 (1): 171-82
  • Omur Günay
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
The pro-Islamic challenge for the Kurdish movement 2013 Dialectical anthropology 37 (1): 159-63
  • Cuma Çiçek
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092