Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The Wehèa's shamanic healing and rites: an anxiety-reducing mechanism? 2023 Shaman 38 (1-2): 5-32
  • Antonio J. Guerreiro
*H6/KFO [SHAMAN-] 1216-7827
Heirloom beads among the Dayak of Borneo 2022 Beads 34 (): 40-59
  • Barbie Campbell Cole
*H6 [BEADS-]
Multi-layered reflexivity in participative research on mining in Indonesia. Positionality, preconceptions and roles 2022 Anthropology in action 29 (3): 40-7
  • Kristina Großmann
H6/KF [BASAPP-] 0967-201X
English usage in the linguistic landscape of Balikpapan’s main thoroughfares 2021 Indonesia and the Malay world 49 (145): 448-69
  • Alistair Welsh
  • Mannix Foster
H6/KX [INDONESIA-] 1469-8382
Making and unmaking territories with plants in the riverine peat landscape of central Kalimantan 2021 Suomen antropologi 46 (1): 15-37
  • Anu Lounela
H6 [SUOMEN -] 0355-3930
Creole objects and techniques: gold mining, gold panning and gold working in colonial Indonesia 2021 Baessler-Archiv (Neue Folge) 67 (): 67-94
  • Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz
  • Mikael Hård
H6 [BAESSLER-] 0005-3856
Kayan-Busang myths and epics about the origins of their old religion: ancient deities and ancestors before the reign of "Iné:aya'/Dipuy" 2021 Borneo research bulletin 52 (): 152-209
  • Mika Okushima
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Sailing near the Natuna Islands and West Kalimantan: notes on the “Zheng He Map” and some Ming “Rutters” 2021 Archipel (101): 85-130
  • Roderich Ptak
*H6/KX [ARCHIPEL-] 0044-8613
Impediments to establishing adat village: a socio-legal examination of the Indonesian village law 2020 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 21 (1): 17-33
  • Tody Sasmitha Jiwa Utama
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
Kuntilanak: ghost narratives and Malay modernity in Pontianak, Indonesia 2020 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 176 (2-3): 279-303
  • Timo Duile
H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] 0006-2294
Contested values and climate change mitigation in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia 2020 Social anthropology 28 (4): 862-80
  • Anu Lounela
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 1469-8676
The institutional environment of the palm oil value chain and its impact on community development in Kapuas Hulu, Indonesia 2020 Southeast Asian studies 9 (3): 439-65
  • Albert Hasudungan
  • Jeffrey Neilson
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 0563-8682
Spirits out of place: relational landscapes and environmental change in East Kalimantan, Indonesia 2020 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 26 (4): 766-85
  • Isabel Herrman
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Framing the future through the lens of hope: environmental change, diverse hopes and the challenge of engagement 2020 Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 145 (1): 71-92
  • Michaela Haug
H6 [ZEITSCHRIFT-] 0044-2666
Living together: spirit guardians and people in Singkawang 2020 Taiwan journal of anthropology 18 (1): 123-42
  • Elena Gregoria Chin Fern Chai
H6/KWS [TAIWAN-] 1727-1878
Epics of the Ga'ay, the most hegemonic Kayanic subgroups in East and North Kalimantan (2): their prosperity in the age of the Baram and Balui basins 2020 Borneo research bulletin 51 (): 134-231
  • Mika Okushima
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
A past for the future: frontier heritage on the upper Mahakam (East Kalimantan, Indonesia) 2020 Paideuma 66 (): 201-18
  • Christian Oesterheld
H6 [PAIDEUMA-] 0078-7809
Frontier-making and salvage landscapes in West Kalimantan (Indonesia) 2020 Paideuma 66 (): 235-52
  • Timo Kaartinen
H6 [PAIDEUMA-] 0078-7809
The impact of the oil palm on adat social structure and authority: the case of the Medang people, Indonesia 2020 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 21 (2): 140-58
  • Emiko Fujiwara
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
'Dayak, wake up': land, indigeneity, and conflicting ecologies in central Kalimantan, Indonesia 2019 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 175 (1): 1-28
  • Kristina Großman
H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] 0006-2294
Epics of the Ga'ay, the most hegemonic Kayanic subgroups in East and North Kalimantan: biographies of chiefs in the age of the Kayan Basin 2019 Borneo research bulletin 50 (): 95-189
  • Mika Okushima
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Nexus of mobility. Chinese economic migration to West Borneo, c. 1740-1850 2018 Journal of Chinese overseas 14 (2): 157-81
  • Hui Kian Kwee
H6/KW [JOURNAL-] 1793-0391
Neoliberal conservation in central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Evaluating the approach to environmental education of the transnational conservation organisation Rare 2018 Indonesia and the Malay world 46 (136): 241-62
  • Greg Acciaioli
  • Suraya Afiff
H6/KX [INDONESIA-] 1363-9811
Herwig Zahorka and the misrepresentation of photographic images 2018 Borneo research bulletin 49 (): 32-4
  • Herwig Zahorka
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
More light on Thomas Gullock's ambitions for trade with Borneo atthe end of the seventeenth century and on the man himself: and was he Ramírez's cruel' Captain Bel'? 2018 Borneo research bulletin 49 (): 35-52
  • F. Andrew Smith
  • Sue Paul
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Kayanic oral literature in East and North Kalimantan: its categories, structure, and influences from India and Indochina 2018 Borneo research bulletin 49 (): 102-80
  • Mika Okushima
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Genre diversification: orthodoxy and innovation in an Indonesian minority religion 2017 Indonesia and the Malay world 45 (131): 24-43
  • Isabell Herrmans
H6/KX [INDONESIA-] 1363-9811
Roving Report 3: lesser known museums and private collections of Southeast Asia: collection of the Mangkubumi Palace 2017 Textile Asia 9 (2): 24-31
  • Jhon Ang
H1/KGG [TEXTILES ASIA. Newsletter-]
Orangutan reintroduction: reconstruction or reconstitution of animality? 2017 Anthropologie et sociétés 41 (2): 241-57
  • Frédéric Loiuchart
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0702-8997
Masks from Indonesia in the Náprstek Museum 2017 Annals of the Náprstek Museum 38 (1): 41-94
  • Fiona Kerlogue
H6/KVL [PRAGUE-] 0231-844X
Punan "gita", Penan Banalui, Punan Aput: from hunter-gatherers to average citizens 2017 Borneo research bulletin 48 (): 283-319
  • Herwig Zahorka
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Dayak identification and divergent ethnogenesis among Tidung in north Kalimantan and Sabah 2017 Borneo research bulletin 48 (): 265-82
  • Nathan Bond
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Exploring Borneo: Adolphe Combanaire to the country of headhunters - and Gutta Percha 2017 Borneo research bulletin 48 (): 67-104
  • Helen L. Godfrey
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
A mission that failed: the Americans in western Borneo (1839-1849) 2017 Borneo research bulletin 48 (): 38-66
  • F. Andrew Smith
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Beyond size: the potential of a geometric morphometric analysis of shape and form for the assessment of sex in hand stencils in rock art 2017 Journal of archaeological science 78 (): 202-13
  • Anthony Sinclair
  • Emma Nelson
  • Jason Hall
  • Patrick Randolph-Quinney
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Naturalizing the native subject: indigenous activism, discourse, and the meaning of nature in West Kalimantan, Indonesia 2017 Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 142 (1): 1-22
  • Timo Duile
H6 [ZEITSCHRIFT-] 0044-2666
Learning knowledge about rattan (Calamoideae arecaceae) and its uses amongst Ngaju Dayak in Indonesian Borneo 2016 Journal of ethnobiology 36 (1): 125-46
  • Viola Schreer
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0278-0771
Introduction: belonging in Borneo: refiguring Dayak ethnicity in Indonesia 2016 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 17 (2): 95-101
  • Jennifer Alexander
  • Kenneth Sillander
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
Indigenous micro-ethnicity and principles of identification in Southeast Borneo 2016 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 17 (2): 102-20
  • Kenneth Sillander
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
Identity constructions and Dayak ethnic strife in West Kalimantan, Indonesia 2016 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 17 (2): 121-37
  • Anika König
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
(Un)becoming Dayak: intermarriage and the dynamics of identity and belonging in East Kalimantan 2016 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 17 (2): 138-56
  • Christian Oesterheld
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
Political dynamics of foreign-invested development projects in decentralized Indonesia: the case of coal railway projects in Kalimantan 2016 Southeast Asian studies 5 (3): 413-42
  • Morishita Akiko
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 0563-8682
Woven power 2016 Hali (190): 98-103
  • Jeff Spurr
*H6/KGG [HALI-] 0142-0798
Indianization in west Borneo: the elephant in the room 2016 Borneo research bulletin 47 (): 63-83
  • F. Andrew Smith
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
"Miraculous diminution": a short note on Kayan avoidance terms 2016 Borneo research bulletin 47 (): 170-7
  • Oliver Venz
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
The raised coffin-like ossuaries of the Benuaq Dayak of east Kalimantan 2016 Borneo research bulletin 47 (): 199-214
  • Herwig Zahorka
H6/KX [BORNEO-] 0006-7806
Public presentation of non-European cultures at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Part 1: an analysis of the collection of Vráz's glass slides in the photographic collections of the Náprstek Museum 2016 Annals of the Náprstek Museum 37 (1): 3-16
  • Jiřina Todorovová
H6/KVL [PRAGUE-] 0231-844X
Public presentation of non-European cultures at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Part 2: 'From worlds afar' - the lecture activity of Enrique Stanko Vráz 2016 Annals of the Náprstek Museum 37 (2): 3-16
  • Jiřina Todorovová
H6/KVL [PRAGUE-] 0231-844X
The importance of Dutch and German 19th-century sources 2015 Anthropos (St Augustin) 110 (1): 206-10
  • Martin Baier
H6 [ANTHROPOS-] 0257-9774
The quest for legal certainty and the reorganization of power: struggles over forest law, permits, and rights in Indonesia 2015 Journal of Asian studies 74 (3): 639-66
  • Andiko
  • Paul K. Gellert
*H6/KW [JOURNAL-] 0021-9118