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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
History in the mirror of West Indian indépendantisme. In memory of Jean-Pierre Sainton 2024 Cahiers d'études africaines (255-256): 499-519
  • Jean-Luc Bonniol
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Contemporary art, Amerindian rock art heritage, and decolonization in the Guadeloupean archipelago 2024 American anthropologist 126 (2): 317-20
  • Julien Monney
  • Leila Baracchini
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Community archaeology and climate change 2023 World archaeology 55 (3): 282-98
  • Klara Ósk Gunnarsdóttir
H6/KE [WORLD-] 1470-1375
The Caribbean-French Dictionary of the Dominican Raymond Breton: testimony to intercultural tensions 2023 Journal de la Société des Américanistes 109 (2): 9-32
  • Marie-Christine Pioffet
H6/KUB [SOCIETE-] 0037-9174
The plant landscape and Hinduisms of the West Indies (Guedeloupe) and the Mascarenes (Reunion, Mauritius). Ethnography of a circulation of religious practices 2022 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 67 (197): 83-111
  • Lou Kermarrec
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
First records of modified snake bones in the Pre-Columbian archaeological record of the Lesser Antilles: cultural and paleoecological implication 2022 Journal of island and coastal archaeology 17 (1): 126-41
  • Corentin Bochaton
H6/KE [ISLAND-] 1556-4894
Beyond traditional maritime knowledge? The case of French Overseas Territories 2019 Anthropologie et sociétés 43 (3): 295-312
  • Hélène Artaud
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0702-8997
Mainstreaming African diasporic foodways when academia is not enough 2019 Transforming anthropology 27 (2): 149-63
  • Peggy Brunache
H6 [TRANSFORMING-] 1051-0559
Experimental approach of the pre-Columbian navigation in the Antilles 2016 Journal de la Société des Américanistes 102 (2): 171-204
  • Benoit Bérard
  • Costantino Nicolizas
  • Guillaume Lalubie
  • Jean-Yves Billard
  • Thierry L'Etang
H6/KUB [SOCIETE-] 0037-9174
From burials to population identity: archaeological appraisal of the status of a Lesser Antilles colonial cemetery (Baillif, Guadalupe) 2013 Antiquity 87 (337): 829-39
  • S. Kacki
  • T. Romon
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
The evolving relationship between humans and dogs in the circum-Caribbean 2013 Archaeological review from Cambridge 28 (2): 96-112
  • Esther Plomp
From burials to population identity: archaeological appraisal of the status of a Lesser Antilles colonial cemetery (Baillif, Guadeloupe) 2013 Antiquity 87 (337): 829-39
  • S. Kacki
  • T. Romon
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Czech travellers and ethnographers on the boundary of civilizations: Vráz, Frič and Kořenský 2012 Národopisná revue 1 (): 3-18
  • Barbora Půtová
H6/KVL [NÁRODOPISNÉ-] 0862-8351
Recognition and validation of the traditional herbal pharmacopoeias of the French overseas departments and territories: scientific and regulatory aspects 2011 Curare 34 (1-2): 79-82, 140
  • Bernard Weniger
H6/KGT [CURARE-] 0344-8622
The gift of the "face of the living": shell faces as social valuables in the Caribbean late ceramic age 2011 Journal de la Société des Américanistes 97 (2): 7-43
  • Angus A.A. Mol
H6/KUB [SOCIETE-] 0037-9174
Rumour in Guadeloupe of certain supposed practices of the Haitians 2010 Terrain 54 (): 130-9, 155
  • Christiane Bougerol
H6 [TERRAIN-] 0760-5668
La Guadeloupe en lutte (Janvier-Mars 2009) 2010 Journal des anthropologues (120-121): 419-44
  • Jean Luc Bonniol
H6/KF [ASSOCIATION-] 1156-0428
The past is made by walking: labor activism and historical production in postcolonial Guadeloupe 2010 Cultural anthropology 26 (3): 313-39
  • Yarimar Bonilla
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Road incidents in Guadeloupe. Witchcraft, vindication, [responsibility] 2009 Terrain (52): 164-77, 181
  • Christiane Bougerol
H6 [TERRAIN-] 0760-5668
Domestic economy and daily practice in Guadeloupe: historical archaeology at La Mahaudière plantation 2009 International journal of historical archaeology 13 (1): 27-44
  • Heather R. Gibson
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Where is the Caribbean? French colonial archaeology in the English lake 2009 International journal of historical archaeology 13 (1): 80-93
  • Kenneth G. Kelly
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Creole culture of the Caribbean: historical archaeology in the French West Indies 2008 International journal of historical archaeology 12 (4): 388-402
  • Kenneth G. Kelly
H6/KE [INTERNATIONAL-] 1092-7697
Present-day witchcraft in the Antilles 2008 Cahiers d'études africaines (189-90): 267-81
  • Christiane Bougerol
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
The founder rape myth in French West Indies 2007 Ethnologie française 37 (3): 517-24
  • Stéphanie Mulot
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIE-] 0046-2616
Technical skills and reputation. Rivalry among drivers in Guadeloupe 2007 Ethnologie française 37 (4): 721-31
  • Christiane Bougerol
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIE-] 0046-2616
Adieu Madras, Adieu Foulard: musical origins and the Doudou's colonial plaint 2007 Ethnomusicology forum 16 (1): 19-43
  • Edwin Hill
H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] 1741-1912
El vestido criollo en las Antillas francesas (1848-1950) 2006 Anales. Museo de América (Madrid) 14 (): 327-49
  • Martina Lemoine
H6/KUL [MUSEO DE AMERICA. Anales] 1133-8741
Traces of masks 2003 Ethnologie française 33 (1): 111-22
  • Stephanie Mulot
Essai d'ethnographie de la parole. Insultes, menaces et divination à la Guadeloupe 2003 Gradhiva 34 (): 7-14
  • Christiane Bougerol
H6 [GRADHIVA-] 0764-8928
Pentecostalism in translation: religion and the production of community in the Haitian diaspora 2003 American ethnologist 30 (1): 85-101
  • Paul Brodwin
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
Life in prison in Guadeloupe: reputation and rivalry among young delinquents 2002 Ethnologie française 32 (4): 699-708
  • Christiane Bougerol
The West Indian memory of slavery 2002 Ethnologie française 32 (4): 601-12
  • Christine Chivallon
African diaspora archaeology in Guadeloupe, French West-Indies 2002 Antiquity 76 (292): 333-4
  • Kenneth G. Kelly
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Subsistance et mode de vie des premiers habitants de Guadeloupe (500 av. - 1500 ap. J.-C.) 2001-2002 Préhistoire anthropologie méditerranéennes 10-11 (): 191-213
  • Sandrine Grouard
Self-esteem and identity management of Guadeloupean students in continental France 2000 L'Autre: cliniques, cultures et sociétés 1 (2): 325-38
  • Christian Treber
  • Odette Lescarret
Les sociétés créoles des départements français d'Amerique et le fait esclavagiste: unelaborieuse reconnissance 2000 Journal des africanistes 70 (1/2): 145-71
  • Serge Mam Lam Fouk
A tradition in transition: Ali Tur in Guadeloupe, 1929-1937 1999 Traditional dwellings and settlements review 10 (2): 21-32
  • Anne Hublin
  • Christian Galpin
The song of the Guadeloupe people: 'the more things stay the same, the more they change' 1997 Cahiers d'études africaines 148 (): 907-42
  • Marie-Céline Lafontaine
Fouilles sur le site précolombien de l'Anse à la Gourde (Saint-François, Guadeloupe) 1997 Journal de la Société des Américanistes 83 (): 279-82
  • Andre Delpuech
  • Corinne Hofman
  • Menno Hoogland
The origin of knowledges or images of the body ? From the hot /cold syndrome to a theory of humors in the Caribbean 1997 Cahiers d'études africaines 148 (): 863-90
  • Catherine Benoît
The magical-religious cumulation in Guadeloupe 1993 Journal de la Société des Américanistes 79 (): 91-103
  • C Bougerol
The social aspects of fishing in Guadeloupe 1992 Bulletin des séances. Académie royale des Sciences d'outre-mer, Brussels 38 (3): 421-40
  • D C Boulbe's
'Jealousy' and social links in Guadeloupe 1992 Ethnologie française 22 (2): 135-43, 239
  • C Bougerol
A propos d'une epidemie de cholera: science medicale, société creole et pouvoir colonial à la Guadeloupe (1865-1866) [Spanish and English summaries] 1992 Asclepio 44 (1): 215-21, 384
  • D Taffin
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