Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
On the concept of leadership and the office of Leader of the Zoroastrians (hu-dēnān pēšōbāy) in Abbasid Zoroastrianism 2023 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London) 86 (1): 1-29
  • Kianoosh Rezania
H6/KW [LONDON-] 0041-977X
Culture and national security: contribution to critical security studies' discussions 2018 Studia Ethnological Croatica 30 (): 227-51
  • Mirko Bilandžić
H6 [STUDIA-] 1330-3627
Conceptual framework of an ideal Muslim capital: comparison between early Muslim capital of Baghdad and latest of Islamabad 2018 Journal of Islamic thought and civilisation 7 (1): 71-88
  • Faiqa Khilat
  • Fariha Tariq
'When language skews narratives': critical medical humanitarianism after Beirut, Paris, and Baghdad 2017 Medicine Anthropology Theory 4 (2): 81-91
  • Ashish Premkumar
  • Kareem Raad
The early bronze age/middle bronze age transition and the aquifer geography in the Near East 2016 Journal of archaeological science 69 (): 1-11
  • Konstantin Pustovoytov
  • Simone Riehl
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Yang Liangyao's mission of 785 to the Caliph of Baghdād: evidence of an early Sino-Arabic power alliance? 2015 Bulletin de l’Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient 101 (): 177-241, 401, 405
  • Angela Schottenhammer
H6/KWY [ECOLE-] 0336-1519
Muslim religious authority in modern Asia: established patterns and evolving profiles 2014 Asian journal of social science 42 (5): 501-16
  • R. Michael Feener
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
Knowledge? Toward bridging religious and modern sciences: Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s approach 2013 Journal of Islamic thought and civilisation 3 (2): 13-20
  • Mohammad Dawood Sofi
Sasanian glass from Veh Ardašīr investigated by strontium and neodymium isotopic analysis 2013 Journal of archaeological science 40 (12): 4264-70
  • Frank Vanhaecke
  • Kris Latruwe
  • Monica Ganio
  • Monica Gulmini
  • Patrick Degryse
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Resources of the Muslim world: a reflection on the Muslim world's resources, their development and utilization 2012 Journal of Islamic thought and civilisation 2 (1): 73-87
  • Habib Elahi Sahibzada
  • Muhammad Iqbal Majoka
  • Muhammad Saeed Khan
Is the Mongol an heretic like any other? The image of the Mongol in the Pérégrinations en Terre Sainte by Riccold of Monte Croce 2012 Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph 64 (): 24, 459-70
  • Matthieu Chochoy
H6/KE [BEIRUT-] 0253-164X
Circulus magicus: magical plowing and similar rituals in folklore 2012 Bulgarski folklor 38 (2): 74-89, 154
  • Arkhimandrit Pavel Stefanov
H6/KVR [BULGARSKI-] 0323-9861
The concept of Wağh al-Ḥikma in Abū Isḥāq al Šīrāzī's (d. 476/1083) Uṣūl al Fiqh 2012 Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph 64 (): 21, 213-26
  • Eric Chaumont
H6/KE [BEIRUT-] 0253-164X
Abu Hamid on Muslims in the land of the Slavs and the southern Hungarian kingdom 2012 Rad vojvodanskih Muzeja 54 (): 119-30
  • Irina Cvijanović
H6/KVP [NOVI-] 1450-6696
An Islamic approach to moral virtue: Fakhr al-Dīn Al-Rāzī's (d. 606/1209). Treatment of birr (virtue) in his al-Tafsīr al-Kabīr 2012 Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph 64 (): 12, 87-100
  • Nuha Al-Shaar
H6/KE [BEIRUT-] 0253-164X
The idea of Tashabbuh in Sufi communities and literature of the late 6th/12th and early 7th/13th century in Baghdad 2011 Al-Qanṭara 32 (1): 175-97
  • Arin Shawkat Salamahy-Qudsi
H6/KW [AL-QANTARA-] 0211-3589
Civilization links: early Islam and Western Renaissance 2011 Journal of Islamic thought and civilisation 1 (2): 1-34
  • S. M. Ghazanfar
"Securing democracy in Iraq": sectarian politics and segregation in Baghdad, 2003-2007 2010 Traditional dwellings and settlements review 21 (2): 71-87
  • Mona Damluji
H6 [TRADITIONAL-] 1050-2029
Genealogies of fundamentalism: Salafi discourse in nineteenth-century Baghdad 2009 British journal of Middle Eastern studies 36 (2): 267-80
  • Itzchak Weismann
H6/KW [BRITISH-] 1353-0194
Two Abbasid trials: Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and Hunayn B. Ishāq 2001 Al-Qanṭara 22 (2): 375-93
  • Michael Cooperson
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