Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
On the concept of leadership and the office of Leader of the Zoroastrians (hu-dēnān pēšōbāy) in Abbasid Zoroastrianism | 2023 | Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London) 86 (1): 1-29 | H6/KW [LONDON-] | 0041-977X | |||
Culture and national security: contribution to critical security studies' discussions | 2018 | Studia Ethnological Croatica 30 (): 227-51 | H6 [STUDIA-] | 1330-3627 | |||
Conceptual framework of an ideal Muslim capital: comparison between early Muslim capital of Baghdad and latest of Islamabad | 2018 | Journal of Islamic thought and civilisation 7 (1): 71-88 | 2520-0313 | ||||
'When language skews narratives': critical medical humanitarianism after Beirut, Paris, and Baghdad | 2017 | Medicine Anthropology Theory 4 (2): 81-91 | 2405-691X | ||||
The early bronze age/middle bronze age transition and the aquifer geography in the Near East | 2016 | Journal of archaeological science 69 (): 1-11 | H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0305-4403 | |||
Yang Liangyao's mission of 785 to the Caliph of Baghdād: evidence of an early Sino-Arabic power alliance? | 2015 | Bulletin de l’Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient 101 (): 177-241, 401, 405 | H6/KWY [ECOLE-] | 0336-1519 | |||
Muslim religious authority in modern Asia: established patterns and evolving profiles | 2014 | Asian journal of social science 42 (5): 501-16 | H6/KW [ASIAN-] | 1568-4849 | |||
Knowledge? Toward bridging religious and modern sciences: Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s approach | 2013 | Journal of Islamic thought and civilisation 3 (2): 13-20 | 2520-0313 | ||||
Sasanian glass from Veh Ardašīr investigated by strontium and neodymium isotopic analysis | 2013 | Journal of archaeological science 40 (12): 4264-70 | H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0305-4403 | |||
Resources of the Muslim world: a reflection on the Muslim world's resources, their development and utilization | 2012 | Journal of Islamic thought and civilisation 2 (1): 73-87 | 2520-0313 | ||||
Is the Mongol an heretic like any other? The image of the Mongol in the Pérégrinations en Terre Sainte by Riccold of Monte Croce | 2012 | Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph 64 (): 24, 459-70 | H6/KE [BEIRUT-] | 0253-164X | |||
Circulus magicus: magical plowing and similar rituals in folklore | 2012 | Bulgarski folklor 38 (2): 74-89, 154 | H6/KVR [BULGARSKI-] | 0323-9861 | |||
The concept of Wağh al-Ḥikma in Abū Isḥāq al Šīrāzī's (d. 476/1083) Uṣūl al Fiqh | 2012 | Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph 64 (): 21, 213-26 | H6/KE [BEIRUT-] | 0253-164X | |||
Abu Hamid on Muslims in the land of the Slavs and the southern Hungarian kingdom | 2012 | Rad vojvodanskih Muzeja 54 (): 119-30 | H6/KVP [NOVI-] | 1450-6696 | |||
An Islamic approach to moral virtue: Fakhr al-Dīn Al-Rāzī's (d. 606/1209). Treatment of birr (virtue) in his al-Tafsīr al-Kabīr | 2012 | Mélanges de l’Université Saint-Joseph 64 (): 12, 87-100 | H6/KE [BEIRUT-] | 0253-164X | |||
The idea of Tashabbuh in Sufi communities and literature of the late 6th/12th and early 7th/13th century in Baghdad | 2011 | Al-Qanṭara 32 (1): 175-97 | H6/KW [AL-QANTARA-] | 0211-3589 | |||
Civilization links: early Islam and Western Renaissance | 2011 | Journal of Islamic thought and civilisation 1 (2): 1-34 | 2520-0313 | ||||
"Securing democracy in Iraq": sectarian politics and segregation in Baghdad, 2003-2007 | 2010 | Traditional dwellings and settlements review 21 (2): 71-87 | H6 [TRADITIONAL-] | 1050-2029 | |||
Genealogies of fundamentalism: Salafi discourse in nineteenth-century Baghdad | 2009 | British journal of Middle Eastern studies 36 (2): 267-80 | H6/KW [BRITISH-] | 1353-0194 | |||
Two Abbasid trials: Ahmad Ibn Hanbal and Hunayn B. Ishāq | 2001 | Al-Qanṭara 22 (2): 375-93 | 0211-3589 |