Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Urban/image: conceptualizing Amsterdam as urban environment in virtual renderings 2024 European journal of cultural studies 27 (4): 665-80
  • Linda Kopitz
H6/KF [EUROPEAN-] 1367-5494
Beyond door policies: cultural production as a form of spatial regulation in Amsterdam nightclubs 2024 European journal of cultural studies 27 (1): 36-51
  • Timo Koren
H6/KF [EUROPEAN-] 1367-5494
What a Genderful World - thinking through and making of an exhibition 2023 Journal of material culture 28 (4): 604-24
  • Fanny Wonu Veys
H6/KF [JOURNAL-] 1359-1835
Churches and urban regeneration in postindustrial Amsterdam 2023 Space and culture 26 (2): 204-14
  • Linda van de Kamp
H6 [SPACE-] 1206-3312
The politics of mapping religion: locating, counting, and categorizing places of worship in European cities 2023 Space and culture 26 (2): 167-79
  • Julia Martínez-Ariño
  • Mar Griera
  • Tobias Müller
H6 [SPACE-] 1206-3312
Managed by data: the dataification of performance in logistics labour 2022 Etnofoor 34 (1): 89-104
  • Naomi I. Veenhoven
*H6 [ETNOFOOR-] 0921-5158
Welfare, social citizenship, and the spectre of inequality in Amsterdam 2022 Ethnography 23 (3): 335-57
  • Anouk de Koning
  • Wiebe Ruijtenberg
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
Sound collections and postcolonial India’s cultural politics 2021 The World of Music 10 (1): 21-38
  • Felix van Lamsweerde
  • Rasika Ajotikar interv
H6/KFY [WORLD-] 0043-8774
“So nicely in harmony with the tropical nature.” Listening to the cultural and the natural in Suriname, 1883–2020 2021 The World of Music 10 (2): 51-78
  • Emily Hansell Clark
H6/KFY [WORLD-] 0043-8774
Food and white multiculturalism: racial aesthetics of commercial gentrification in Amsterdam's Javastraat 2021 Space and culture 24 (3): 392-407
  • Elisa Fiore
  • Liedeke Plate
H6 [SPACE-] 1206-3312
Housing, personhood and affect in gentrifying garden villages of Amsterdam 2021 Space and culture 24 (3): 437-50
  • Linda van de Kamp
H6 [SPACE-] 1206-3312
Creative work, self-organizing and autonomist potentiality: snapshots taken from Amsterdam's art factories 2021 European journal of cultural studies 24 (2): 394-410
  • Boukje Cnossen
H6/KF [EUROPEAN-] 1367-5494
The unfinished lampposts: the (anti-)politics of the Amsterdam Smart Lighting Project 2020 City and society 32 (1): 137-58
  • Dorien Zanbergen
H6/KD [CITY-] 0893-0465
The anticipated mosque: the political affect of a planned building 2020 City and society 32 (1): 118-36
  • Oskar Verkaaik
H6/KD [CITY-] 0893-0465
Local responses in restrictive national policy contexts: welfare provisions for non-removed rejected asylum seekers in Amsterdam, Stockholm and Vienna 2020 Ethnic and racial studies 43 (16): 115-34
  • Ilker Ataç
  • Theresa Schütze
  • Victoria Reitter
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
At home in the workplace: the value of materiality for immaterial labor in Amsterdam 2019 European journal of cultural studies 22 (4): 468-83
  • Simone van Dijk
H6/KF [EUROPEAN-] 1367-5494
Project Creapolis - civic museums and urban creativity: heritage as a source of inspiration in cultural and creative industries 2018 Etnološka istraživanja 23 (): 9-26, 113
  • Zvjezdana Antoš
H6/KVP [ETNOLOSKA-] 0351-4323
Freak shows. Otherness of the human body as a form of public presentation 2018 Anthropologie (Brno) 56 (2): 91-102
  • Barbora Půtová
H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0323-1119
On the primacy of the eye: amplifying Islam, racism, and the senses 2018 Etnofoor 30 (2): 95-100
  • Pooyan Tamimi Arab
*H6 [ETNOFOOR-] 0921-5158
Into the new wonder house. Visual image and world-making in a Buddhist temple in Chinatown Amsterdam 2018 Journal of Chinese overseas 14 (1): 54-87
  • Paramita Paul
H6/KW [JOURNAL-] 1793-0391
Theorizing the urban housing commons 2017 Focaal 79 (): 23-38
  • Don Nonini
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
'Handled with care': diffuse policing and the production of inequality in Amsterdam 2017 Ethnography 18 (4): 535-55
  • Anouk De Koning
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
Anthropologists in global health experiments 2016 Medical anthropology 35 (5): 447-51
  • Anita Hardon
  • Robert Pool
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0145-9740
Temple building and the myth of the multicultural city among Hindus in the Bijlmer 2016 Etnofoor 28 (2): 55-75
  • Priya Swamy
*H6 [ETNOFOOR-] 0921-5158
Does education 'trump' nationality? Boundary-drawing practices among highly educated migrants from Turkey 2016 Ethnic and racial studies 39 (11): 2041-59
  • Zeynep Yanasmayan
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
Windows for understanding: broadening access to knowledge production through participatory action research 2016 Qualitative research 16 (5): 557-74
  • Elena Ponzoni
H6 [QUALITATIVE-] 1468-7941
Interface methods: renegotiating relations between digital social research, STS and sociology 2016 Sociological review 64 (1): 21-46
  • Carolin Gerlitz
  • Noortje Marres
H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] 0038-0261
Touring the fashion: branding the city 2016 Journal of consumer culture 16 (2): 432-46
  • Maria Skivko
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1469-5405
Who is the other? Cultures of translation in an 18th century Nahuatl manuscript: from Reportorio de los tiempos to De materia medica 2015-2016 Thule (38-39/40-41): 245-82
  • Ilona Heijnen
H6/KUL [THULE-] 1126-8611
Winti, Kabra and the limbo imagination 2015 Material religion 11 (2): 261-4
  • Wayne Modest
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Negotiations around the Kabra mask 2015 Material religion 11 (2): 257-9
  • Annemarie De Wildt
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Working with the ancestors. The Kabra mask and the "African renaissance" in the Afro-Surinamese Winti religion 2015 Material religion 11 (2): 251-4
  • Markus Balkenhol
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Diverse cities and good citizenship: how local governments in the Netherlands recast national integration discourse 2015 Ethnic and racial studies 38 (10): 1798-814
  • Myrte Hoekstra
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
Multi-isotope analysis of elephant ivory artefacts from Amsterdam: a preliminary provenance study 2015 World archaeology 47 (3): 504-24
  • G.R. Davies
  • L.M. Kookter
  • M.J. Rijklijkhuizen
H6/KE [WORLD-] 0043-8243
Whitening a diverse Dutch classroom: white cultural discourses in an Amsterdam primary school 2015 Ethnic and racial studies 38 (2): 359-76
  • Melissa F. Weiner
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
Introduction 2015 Ethnic and racial studies 38 (1): 1-4
  • John Solomos
  • Martin Bulmer
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
Urban markets and diversity: towards a research agenda 2015 Ethnic and racial studies 38 (1): 5-21
  • Daniel Hiebert
  • Jan Rath
  • Steven Vertovec
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
Back to the future: revisiting the contact hypothesis at Turkish and mixed non-profit organizations in Amsterdam 2015 Ethnic and racial studies 38 (1): 158-75
  • Wahideh Achbari
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
Children and childhood in ethnological and anthropological studies 2015 Glasnik slovenskega etnološkega Društva 55 (1/2): 32-40
  • Barbara Turk Niskač
We are museums 2014 2014 Etnografia nowa 6 (): 372-7
  • Claire Solery
  • Diane Drubay
H6/KVM [WARSAW. Panstwowe Muzeum Etnograficzne w Warszawie. Etnografia nowa] 2080-8747
Making differences and making citizens in ethnographic museums 2014 Bulgarska etnologiia 40 (4): 484-501
  • Sharon Macdonald
H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] 1310-5213
Local communities and social inclusion of the ethnographic museums 2014 Bulgarska etnologiia 40 (4): 458-72
  • Nikolaĭ Nenov
H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] 1310-5213
'Collecting' the present in ethnographic museums 2013/2014 Etnološka istraživanja 18/19 (): 115-28, 330-1
  • Zvjezdana Antoš
H6/KVP [ETNOLOSKA-] 0351-4323
Mutualism, resource competition and opposing movements among Turkish organizations in Amsterdam and Berlin, 1965-2000 2013 British journal of sociology 64 (3): 453-77
  • Floris Vermeulen
H6/KF [BRITISH-] 0007-1315
Designing the future - a new scientific discipline 2013 Journal of human ecology 41 (3): 193-200
  • Hans Jörg Leisi
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0970-9274
Creating exceptional problem neighbourhood: media, policy, and Amsterdam's 'notorious' Diamantbuurt 2013 Etnofoor 25 (2): 13-30
  • Anouk de Koning
*H6 [ETNOFOOR-] 0921-5158
Integration and religiosity among the Turkish second generation in Europe: a comparative analysis across four capital cities 2012 Ethnic and racial studies 35 (2): 320-41
  • Fenella Fleischmann
  • Karen Phalet
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
The 500th anniversary of Armenian book-printing 2012 Istoriko-filologicheskiy zhurnal 1 (): 53-66
  • Anait Muradian
Marian visionaries in Roman Catholicism as popular theologians: 'The Lady of All Nations' of Amsterdam 2012 Journal of contemporary religion 27 (2): 291-304
  • Chris Maunder
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 1353-7903
Pipes and tobacco use in western areas of present-day Poland in the period between the 17th and the beginning of the 20th century 2011 Folia praehistorica posnaniensia 16 (): 435-42
  • Łukasz Gil
H6/KE [FOLIA-] 0239-8524