Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Messy episodes: Indigenous countersigns in Ludwig Choris's diary and ethnographic portraits of Aleut, Kamchadal and Chukchi (1822) | 2024 | History and anthropology 35 (4): 995-1015 | H6 [HISTORY-] | 1477-2612 | |||
Fusion subsistence: the diverse foodscapes of the Aleutians | 2023 | Food Culture and Society 26 (5): 1085-106 | H6/KF [FOOD-] | 1751-7443 | |||
Unangax ecosystem engineers: a constructed fisher-hunter-gatherer landscape and seascape | 2022 | Arctic anthropology 59 (2): 166-78 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Ecological networks and archaeology | 2021 | Antiquity 95 (381): 812-25 | H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] | 0003-598X | |||
Japan's World War II on Kiska Island: previosly undocumented features on the Vega Bay coastline | 2020 | Arctic anthropology 57 (2): 149-66 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Indigenous peoples of the Pacific and the forgotten Russian artist Mikhail Tikhanov | 2019 | Tribal art (92): 120-5 | *H6/KFY [WORLD-] | 1354-2990 | |||
Dental calculus indicates widespread plant use within the stable Neanderthal dietary niche | 2018 | Journal of human evolution 119 (): 27-41 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Ethno-ornithology in the Rat Islands: prehistoric Aleut relationships with birds in the western Aleutians, Alaska | 2018 | Journal of anthropological archaeology 51 (): 144-58 | *H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0278-4165 | |||
The hunting of marine animals and fishing among the Natives of the Northwest Coast of America | 2018 | Journal of northwest anthropology 52 (2): 231-40 | H6/KUB [NORTHWEST-] | 1538-2834 | |||
Cultural identity, mental health, and suicide prevention: what can we learn from Unangax culture? | 2018 | Arctic anthropology 55 (1): 119-41 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Cultural borrowings of Russians from the natives of Alaska in the 18th and 19th centuries | 2017 | International journal of cultural studies 20 (4): 395-401 | H6/KF [INTERNATIONAL-] | 1367-8779 | |||
Aleut ethnography in transition: in memory of Dorothy Jones | 2017 | Arctic anthropology 54 (1): 61-71 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
"The Russians are coming": U.S.-Soviet collaboration in the study of the prehistory of Beringia during the Cold War - joint excavations in the Aleutian Islands, 1974 | 2017 | Arctic anthropology 54 (1): 72-89 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Anterior dental microwear textures show habitat-driven variability in Neandertal behavior | 2017 | Journal of human evolution 105 (): 13-23 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
The dynamics of barter between the Russians and Alaska natives, 1741-1867 | 2017 | Folk life 55 (2): 67-87 | H6/KVC [FOLK-] | 0008-3496 | |||
Two museums for a heritage: Unangax collections from Unga Island | 2017 | Etudes inuit 42 (1): 179-207 | *H6/KUB [ETUDES-] | 0701-1008 | |||
Genetic affiliation of pre-Hispanic and contemporary Mayas through maternal linage | 2016 | Human biology 88 (2): 136-67 | H6/HB [HUMAN-] | 0018-7143 | |||
Douglas W. Veltre: a life in Aleutian anthropology | 2016 | Arctic anthropology 53 (2): 1-10 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Qugax: an ethnoscience analysis of ancient Unangax | 2016 | Arctic anthropology 53 (2): 81-92 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Sagdag- to catch birds | 2016 | Arctic anthropology 53 (2): 93-113 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
At the foot of the Smoking Mountains: the 2014 scientific investigations in the Islands of the Four Mountains | 2016 | Arctic anthropology 53 (2): 141-59 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
The palaeo-Aleut to neo-Aleut transition revisited | 2015 | Journal of anthropological archaeology 37 (): 67-84 | *H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0278-4165 | |||
Smallpox, Aleuts, and kayaks: a translation of Eduard Blashke's article on his trip through the Aleutian Islands in 1838 | 2015 | Journal of northwest anthropology 49 (1): 71-86 | H6/KUB [NORTHWEST-] | 1538-2834 | |||
Arctic archaeologies: recent work on Beringia | 2015 | Antiquity 89 (345): 740-2 | H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] | 0003-598X | |||
Anangula - a major pressure-microblade site in the Aleutian islands, Alaska: reevaluating its lithic component | 2015 | Arctic anthropology 52 (1): 23-59 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Nitrogen isotope composition of peat samples as a proxy for determining human colonization of islands | 2014 | Arctic anthropology 51 (1): 77-85 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
The bow and arrow in northern North America | 2013 | Evolutionary anthropology 22 (3): 133-8 | H6/HB [EVOLUTIONARY-] | 1060-1538 | |||
Alphonse Louis Pinard in Alaska | 2013 | Arctic anthropology 50 (2): 74-89 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
The peopling of the New World: tentative results of a multidisciplinary study | 2013 | Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3 (): 3-20 | H6/KVY [ETNOGRAFICHESKOE-] | 0869-5415 | |||
Human pelvis and long bones reval differential preservation of ancient population history and migration out of Africa | 2012 | Human biology 84 (2): 139-52 | H6/HB [HUMAN-] | 0018-7143 | |||
What is in a name? The predicament of ethnonyms in the Sugpiaq-Alutiiq region of Alaska | 2012 | Arctic anthropology 49 (1): 3-17 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Seeing the unseen: visionary aspects of Eskimo snow goggles | 2012 | Tribal art (65): 102-13 | *H6/KFY [WORLD-] | 1354-2990 | |||
Open skin boats of the Aleutians, Kodiak Island, and Prince William Sound | 2012 | Etudes inuit 36 (1): 157-81 | *H6/KUB [ETUDES-] | 0701-1008 | |||
Two chiefs' houses from the western Aleutian Islands | 2011 | Arctic anthropology 48 (2): 3-16 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Petroglyphs from Gillon Point, Agattu Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska | 2011 | Arctic anthropology 48 (2): 17-24 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Rat Islands Archaeological Research 2003 and 2009: working toward an understanding of regional cultural, and environmental histories | 2011 | Arctic anthropology 48 (2): 25-51 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Analysis of artifacts and debitage: perspectives on lithic resource use on Adak Island, Alaska | 2011 | Arctic anthropology 48 (2): 52-68 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Zooarchaeological analysis at ADK-011, Adak Island, central Aleutian Islands, Alaska | 2011 | Arctic anthropology 48 (2): 69-82 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Tukusngaluga, or the chiefs; gathering place: a bureaucratic case history of an Alaska Native heritage site in the Aleutian Islands | 2011 | Arctic anthropology 48 (2): 83-91 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Architecture and complex hearth features at the Amaknak Bridge site, eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska | 2011 | Arctic anthropology 48 (2): 92-112 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Chipped stone technology and the colonization of the Aleutian archipelago | 2011 | Arctic anthropology 48 (2): 113-25 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Features of the upwards social mobility of the creole population in Russian America | 2011 | Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2 (): 74-89 | H6/KVY [ETNOGRAFICHESKOE-] | 0869-5415 | |||
A whalebone mask from Amaknak Island, eastern Aleutian islands, Alaska | 2011 | Arctic anthropology 48 (1): 66-79 | *H6 [ARCTIC-] | 0066-6939 | |||
Stable isotope chemistry, population histories and Late prehistoric subsistence change in the Aleutian Islands | 2011 | Journal of archaeological science 38 (1): 183-96 | H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0305-4403 | |||
Reconstructing site organization in the eastern Aleutian islands, Alaska using multi-element chemical analysis of soils | 2011 | Journal of archaeological science 38 (7): 1441-55 | H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0305-4403 | |||
Hunting impacts on the sea otter (Enhydra lutris) population in Clam Lagoon (Adak Island, Aleutian Islands) 7,000 years ago? Results of preliminary stable isotopes analysis | 2011 | Journal of island and coastal archaeology 6 (1): 155-9 | H6/KE [ISLAND-] | 1556-4894 | |||
Americana in the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography Kunstkamera in the XX-XXI centuries: collections and investigations | 2010 | Sbornik Muzeya Antropologii i Etnografii 56 (): 5-136 | H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Muzey po Antropologii i Etnografii Sbornik] | ||||
Kayaks of Pacific Eskimos based on archaeological and ethnographic data | 2010 | Sbornik Muzeya Antropologii i Etnografii 56 (): 198-227 | H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Muzey po Antropologii i Etnografii Sbornik] | ||||
An index of materials on Americana in the archive of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography Kunstkamera at the Russian Academy of Sciences | 2010 | Sbornik Muzeya Antropologii i Etnografii 56 (): 245-57 | H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Muzey po Antropologii i Etnografii Sbornik] | ||||
A unique archaeological find: an Aleut bone mask from Amaknak island | 2010 | Sbornik Muzeya Antropologii i Etnografii 56 (): 258-70 | H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Muzey po Antropologii i Etnografii Sbornik] |