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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Altered logics of production and exchange during the colonial encounter: historical changes in obsidian source acquisition in the Admiralty Islands 2023 World archaeology 55 (4): 428-43
  • Mark Golitko
  • Robin Torrence
H6/KE [WORLD-] 1470-1375
Obsidian point discovered on Kapingamarangi Atoll, Micronesia: implications for post-settlement regional interactions 2022 Waka Kuaka: Journal of the Polynesian Society 131 (4): 389-426
  • Callan Ross-Sheppard
  • Nina Kononenko
  • Peter J. Sheppard
  • Takuya Nagaoka
H6/KX [POLYNESIAN-] 0032-4000
Re-presenting encounters: the drawings of Jean Piron 2022 History and anthropology 33 (1): 44-66
  • Nicola Dickson
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Long-distance connections in Vaunatu: new obsidian characterisations for the Makué site, Aore Island 2014 Archaeology in Oceania 49 (2): 110-16
  • Christian Reepmeyer
  • Jean-Christophe Galipaud
  • Peter Withe
  • Robin Torrence
  • Sarah Kelloway
H6/KX [ARCHEOOLOGY-] 0003-8121
Bowls from the Admiralty Islands 2013 Arts & cultures (): 194-215
  • Christian Kaufmann
Ethnographic film as exchange 2013 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 14 (2): 195-205
  • Ton Otto
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
Oceanic tattooing and the implied Lapita ceramic connection 2012 Journal of Pacific archaeology 3 (1): 1-21
  • Wal Ambrose
H6/KE [NEW-] 1179-4704
Obsidian network patterns in Melanesia - sources, characterisation and distribution 2009 Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 29 (): 109-23
  • Glenn R. Summerhayes
Kapkap: the art of connecting in island Melanesia 2006 Pacific arts 1 (): 27-35
  • Graeme Were
*H6/KFY [PACIFIC-] 1018-4252
Der Admiralitäts-Insulaner Po Minis. Vom 'ungemein aufgeweckten' Informanten zum [notorischen Lumpen]? 2003 Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde (Hamburg) 33 (): 142-54
  • Maren Mohr de Collado
Was Objekte erzählen. Aus dem Alltag und von Festen auf den Admiralitäts-Inseln, Papua Neuguinea 2003 Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde (Hamburg) 33 (): 195-219
  • Sylvia Ohnemus
Investigating early settlement on Lord Howe Island 2003 Australian archaeology 57 (): 98-102
  • Atholl Anderson
*H6/KE [AUSTRALIAN-] 0312-2417
The rocky road: the selection and transport of Admiralties obsidian to Lapita communities 2003 Australian archaeology 57 (): 135-42
  • Glenn Summerhayes
*H6/KE [AUSTRALIAN-] 0312-2417
Par-delà l'horizon: les artes de l'Amirauté au Rietberg Museum de Zurich 2002 Arts d'Afrique noire, arts premiers 124 (): 28, 30-1, 34-5
  • Gilles Bounoure
H6/KFY [ARTS-] 0337-1603
'Lords of an empty creation': Manus, America and the depression 2000 Journal of the Polynesian Society 109 (3): 233-50
  • Maureen Molloy
H6/KX [POLYNESIAN-] 0032-4000
Points of discussion. Obsidian blade technology on the Admiralty islands, 2100 BP to 50 BP 2000 Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 20 (4): 93-106
  • Clayton Fredericksen
H6/KE [INDO-] 0156-1316
When the shark bites the stingray: the night sky in the construction of the Manus world 2000 Anthropos. Anthropos Institut, Sankt Augustin 95 (1): 23-36
  • Go tz Hoeppe
War charms of the Admiralty islands 1998 World of tribal arts 5 (2): 84-91
  • Philippe Bourgoin
Nackenschmuck (ornament worn on the back of the neck) 1998 World of tribal arts 5 (2): 92-5
  • Hans Neverann
Changes in Admiralty islands obsidian source use: the view from Pamwak 1997 Archaeology in Oceania 32 (1): 68-73
  • Clayton Fredericksen
Continuity and change in Lapita and post-Lapita ceramics: a review of evidence from the Admiralty islands and New Ireland, Papua New Guinea 1997 Archaeology in Oceania 32 (1): 118-23
  • E. Wachira Wahome
Ethnoarchaeology, museum collections and prehistoric exchange: obsidian-tipped artifacts from the Admiralty islands 1993 World archaeology 24 (3): 467-81
  • R Torrence
The ways of "kastam": tradition as category and practice in a Manus village 1992 Oceania 62 (4): 264-83
  • T Otto
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