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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Nubian complex strategies in the Egyptian high desert 2010 Journal of human evolution 59 (2): 188-201
  • Deborah I. Olszewski
  • Harold L. Dibble
  • Laurent Chiotti
  • Shannon P. McPherron
  • Utsav A. Schurmans
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Middle palaeolithic lithic technology from the western high desert of Egypt 2009 Journal of field archaeology 34 (3): 307-18
  • Deborah I. Olszewski
  • Harold L. Dibble
  • Laurent Chiotti
  • Shannon P. McPherron
  • Utsav A. Schurmans
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0093-4690
Prehistoric Abydos: Africa's gateway to the world 2008 Expedition 50 (3): 17-22
  • Deborah I. Olszewski
  • Harold L. Dibble
  • Jennifer R. Smith
  • Shannon P. McPherron
  • Utsav Schurmans
H6 [EXPEDITION-] 0014-4738
Variation in porotic hyperostosis in the royal cemetry complex at Abydos, upper Egypt: a social interpretation 2006 Antiquity 80 (307): 64-73
  • A. J. Boyce
  • S. O. Y. Keita
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Boat-building and its social context in early Egypt: interpretations from the first dynasty boat-grave cemetery at Abydos 2006 Antiquity 80 (307): 118-29
  • Cheryl Ward
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Magnetic survey at South Abydos: revisiting archaeological plans 2003 Archaeologia polona 41 (): 200-4
  • Josepf Wegner
  • Tomasz Herbich
H6/KE 'ARCHAEOLOGIA-' 0066-5924
A hundred years at south Abydos: reconstructing the temple of Pharaoh Senwosret III 2000 Expedition 42 (2): 9-18
  • Josef Wegner
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