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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Représentations sociales du VIH/SIDA et pratiques sexuelles à risques chez les usagers de drogues à Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) 2023 Annuaire roumain d'anthropologie 60 (): 35-52
  • Ahouansou Stanisla Sonagnon Houndji
  • Jérôme Evanno
  • Konan Bah Modeste Gnamien
  • Yao François Kouakou
H6/HB [ANNUAIRE-] 0039-3886
Attuning to opacity: interpreting "post-crisis" refusals on Abidjan's local airwaves 2023 Anthropological quarterly 96 (4): 683-710
  • Fabien Cante
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
From colonial ethnology to museum diplomacy. The nationalization of the Museum of Abidjan (Ivory Coast, 1942-1978) 2022 Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie (34): 74-93
  • Francis Gnoleba Tagro
  • Julien Bondaz
H6 [GRADHIVA-] 0764-8928
"This year we will sky in Dubai": halal tourism and good religiosity among Abidjan's upper-class Muslims 2022 Cahiers d'études africaines (248): 745-70
  • Marie Nathalie LeBlanc
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Différence ethnique de l’épaisseur des tissus mous du visage chez des sujets non traités 2020 Annuaire roumain d'anthropologie 57 (): 57-65
  • A.M. Beugre-Kouassi
  • A.R. Assi
  • J.B. Beugre
  • N.J.J. Gnadoh
H6/HB [ANNUAIRE-] 0039-3886
From 'animation' to encounter: community radio, sociability and urban life in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire 2018 International journal of cultural studies 21 (1): 12-26
  • Fabien Cante
H6/KF [INTERNATIONAL-] 1367-8779
'Elsewhere': an essay on borderland ethnography in the informal African city 2015 Ethnography 16 (2): 145-65
  • Jordanna Matlon
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
Globalized work by day and local Travaillement by night. Digital revolution and social revenge of Brotuteurs from the Koumassi District 2015 Journal des anthropologues (142-143): 307-24
  • Yaya Koné
H6/KF [ASSOCIATION-] 1156-0428
Re-imagining communities? 2015 Terrain (64): 84-103
  • Charlotte Brives
  • Frédéric Le Marcis
H6 [TERRAIN-] 0760-5668
Bustiers, pagne baoulé und 'Der Weg des Friedens'. Modediskurse über Weiblichkeit, Identität und Politik in Abidjan 2010 Anthropos (St Augustin) 105 (2): 503-37
  • Ilsemargret Luttmann
H6 [ANTHROPOS-] 0257-9774
The demographic situation and biometric variability of twin new born in urban Abidjanese center in 2001 and 2004 2006 Biométrie humaine et anthropologie 24 (3-4): 233-42
  • A.M.L. Beugre-Kouassi
  • J.B. Buegre
  • K. Djaha
  • K.J. Kouadio
  • N.K. Sonan
H6/HB [BIOTYPOLOGIE-] 1279-7863
Work for nothing: apprenticeship in urban Ivory Coast (Abidjan, Toumodi) 2005 Cahiers d'études africaines 179-180 (): 1037-67
  • Fabio Viti
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
The right to exist: trafficking and postcolonial nausea 2002 Cahiers d'études africaines 165 (): 83-97
  • Lydie Moudileno
The polemic of Aidjanee [French]: a non-standard variety between endogenous norm and the fantasy of uniqueness 2001 Cahiers d'études africaines 163/164 (): 423-42
  • Katja Ploog
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