Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
The Middle Mongol zodiac in Georgian transcription | 2024 | Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London) 87 (2): 249-63 | H6/KW [LONDON-] | 0041-977X | |||
“They drip pain upon everything, the pain falls upon the people”. Sickness and fateful times in a fragment of the Chilam Balam de Kaua | 2024 | Boletín del Museo chileno de Arte precolombino 29 (2): 143-57 | H6/KE [BOLETIN-] | 0716-1530 | |||
Celebrating the ox | 2021 | Textiles Asia 12 (3): 3-7 | H1/KGG [TEXTILES ASIA. Newsletter-] | 2225-0190 | |||
The year of the rat | 2020 | Textiles Asia 11 (3): 3-11 | H1/KGG [TEXTILES ASIA. Newsletter-] | ||||
Deux représentations en images de l’année celtique: la cruche de Brno-Maloměřice et le vase des taureaux de Numance | 2019 | Archeologické rozhledy 71 (3): 418-434 | H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] | 0323-1267 | |||
Divination and its potential futures: sensation, scripts, and the virtual in South Korean eight-character fortune telling | 2019 | Material religion 15 (5): 599-618 | H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] | 1743-2200 | |||
Uses and beliefs related to Mac Donald and Bristol almanacs in Old Providence and Santa Catalina islands, Colombia | 2019 | Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 23 (1): 49-68 | H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] | 0873-6561 | |||
Wall calendar: zodiacal signs in synagogues | 2015/2016 | Etnografia nowa 7/8 (): 362-73 | H6/KVM [WARSAW. Panstwowe Muzeum Etnograficzne w Warszawie. Etnografia nowa] | 2080-8747 | |||
Archaeological evidence of the history of printing on the basis of printing houses in Ostrów Tumski in Poznań | 2015 | Folia praehistorica posnaniensia 20 (): 39-61 | H6/KE [FOLIA-] | 0239-8524 | |||
Sagittarius or Centaur: specifics of formation and functioning of an image popular in cultures of the ancient world in the 1st millennium BC | 2014 | Arkheologicheskie vesti 20 (): 332-41 | H6/KVY [ARKHEOLOGICHESKIE-] | 1817-6976 | |||
Mapungubwe: interpretation of the gold content of the original gold burial M1, A620 | 2012 | Journal of African archaeology 10 (2): 175-87 | H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 1612-1651 | |||
On rams and bulls in sacrifices | 2010 | Istoriko-filologicheskiy zhurnal 1 (): 197-213 | H6/KVY [ISTORIKO-FILOLOGICHESKIY ZHURNAL] | 0135-0536 | |||
What hides behind the mask of Father Christmas? | 2010 | Liaudies kultūra 6 (): 20-31 | H6/KVT [LIAUDIES-] | 0236-0551 | |||
Ibn Abī l-Rijāl's Urjūza and Ibn Qunfudh's commentary: astrology and history in the Amghrib during the 11th and 14th centuries (I) | 2009 | Al-Qanṭara 30 (1): 7-39 | H6/KW [AL-QANTARA-] | 0211-3589 | |||
Abul Fazl's vision of astronomy in historical perspective | 2009 | Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 90 (): 81-97 | H6/KW [BHANDARKAR-] | ||||
Oroscopo e astrologia: ideologie leggere nell'Europa contemporanea | 2008 | Studi etno-antropologici e sociologici 36 (): 35-43 | H6/KF [ETNOLOGIA-] | ||||
A study of Babylonian observations involving the zodiac | 2007 | Journal for the history of astronomy 38 (4): 443-58 | H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0021-8286 | |||
One forgotten Old Russian divination book: 'Zverinets ili Metnik' (also known as 'Discussion about the twelve months') | 2005 | Zhivaia Starina (NS) 1 (): 14-17 | H6/KVY [ZHIVAIA-] | 0204-3432 | |||
'Mirror, mirror on the wall...' (prophesies, horoscopes and the policy of parapsychology in Serbia in the period 1992 - 2000) | 2005 | Bulgarska etnologiia 31 (2): 18-34 | H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] | 1310-5213 | |||
Did the pre-Indo-Europeans influence the formation of the western zodiac ? | 2005 | Journal of Indo-European studies 33 (1/2): 65-150 | H6 [JOURNAL-] | 0092-2323 | |||
Astro-ethnobiology: II the astrological basis of human characters - an ecological imperative | 2005 | Journal of human ecology 17 (4): 263-76 | H6 [JOURNAL-] | 0970-9274 | |||
Astrology in Indian culture: historical-anthropological view | 2003 | Liaudies kultûra 3 (): 41-51 | H6/KVT 'LIAUDIES-' | 0236-0551 | |||
On cognitive aspects of rhetorical time reckoning. Metaphor and image-schema in calendrical divination in Okinawa | 2003 | Asian folklore studies 62 (2): 291-321 | H6/KWS 'FOLKLORE-' | 0385-2342 | |||
Concerning the reconstruction of the calendar systems of the east European steppe and forest-steppe population of the bronze age | 2002 | Arkheolohiia 3 (): 127-33 | H6/KVY [ARKHEOLOHIYA-] | 0235-3490 | |||
The Mithraic journey of the soul | 1997 | Diadora 18/19 (): 195-220 | H6/KE [DIADORA] | 0417-4046 |