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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Colonialism, heritage and conservation: Zanzibari perceptions of the collapse of the House of Wonders 2023 Journal of Eastern African studies 17 (4): 594-614
  • Fatma Said
  • Sarah Longair
  • Stephanie Wynne-Jones
H6/KY [EASTERN-] 1753-1063
Assessing imageability of port cities through the visibility of public spaces: the cases of Famagusta and Limassol 2022 Space and culture 25 (4): 535-52
  • Erincik Edgü
  • Nezih Ayıran
  • Nezire Özgece
H6 [SPACE-] 1206-3312
Kinship on the waterfront: logistics labour in a global port 2021 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 27 (3): 518-33
  • Hege Høyer Leivestad
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Fluid marginality: Penang Clan Jetties and the changing images of Weld Quay 2019 Journal of archaeology and anthropology (90): 107-52
  • Yi-chieh Pan
H6/KWS [TAIWAN-] 0077-5483
The cultural heritage in the postindustrial waterfront: a case study of the south bank of the Tagus estuary, Portugal 2018 Space and culture 21 (2): 170-91
  • André Fernandes
  • João Figueira De Sousa
  • Regina Salvador
H6 [SPACE-] 1206-3312
The revitalization of the old harbour in Reykyavik by a cultural economy 2018 Space and culture 21 (4): 424-38
  • Agnieszka Konior
H6 [SPACE-] 1206-3312
Learning from Blackpool promenade: re-enchanting sterile streets 2018 Sociological review 66 (5): 1017-35
  • Steve Millington
  • Tim Edensor
H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] 0038-0261
Enclave ecology: hardening the land-sea edge to provide freshwater in Singapore's hydrohub 2017 Human organization 76 (1): 82-95
  • Stephanie C. Kane
H6/KF [APPLIED-] 0018-7259
The nature of urban heritage: the view from New Westminster, British Columbia 2017 Anthropologica (New Series) 59 (2): 295-309
  • Pamela Stern
Zorrotzaurre: for the port and industrial peninsula, to ‘dream’ island for tertiary and residential new Bilbao. Horizon of social, urban and spatial transformation 2016-2017 Kobie: antropología cultural (20): 53-70
  • Amaia Lekerikabeaskoa Gaztañaga
  • Isusko Vivas Ziarrusta
H6/KVE [KOBIE-] 0214-7971
Bayonne and Basque coast border: a European metropolis on the edge of the sea 2014 Kobie: antropología cultural (18): 67-86
  • Isuko Vivas Ziarrusta
H6/KVE [KOBIE-] 0214-7971
Dis/embedded geographies of film: virtual panoramas and the touristic consumption of Liverpool waterfront 2010 Space and culture 13 (1): 54-74
  • Les Roberts
H6 [SPACE-] 1206-3312
Überbaute Erinnerungen. Die Neuverhandlung von Kultur, Erbe und Geschichte im Veraluf eines Stadtumbauprojektes im Grossraum Lissabon 2008 Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde 104 (1): 3-27
  • Eva Maria Blum
Culturas de planeamento em conflito: a remodelação do antigo estaleiro 2008 Trabalhos de antropologia e etnologia 48 (1-4): 61-79
  • Eva Maria Blum
Rocks, ropes, and Maya boats; stone bollards at ancient waterfronts along the Rio Usumacinta: Yaxchilan, Mexico to El Porvenir, Guatemala 2007 PARI journal 8 (3): 5-14
  • Dave Pentecost
  • Ronald L. Canter
H1/KUC [PRE-COLUMBIAN-] 1531-5398
The shaping of Hong Kong's central business district 2007 Journal of the Hong Kong branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 47 (): 5-32
  • Nick Sallnow-Smith
Historical archaeology and public spaces; the development of Sotomayor square from Valparaíso 2007 Clava 6 (): 79-85
  • Alejandra Didier
*H6/KUL [CLAVA-] 0716-0887
Gentrifying water and selling Jim Crow 2002 Urban anthropology 31 (1): 93-121
  • Brett Wiliams
Urban waterfront revitalization in developing countires: the example of Zanzibar's Stone town 2002 Geographical journal 168 (2): 141-62
  • Brian Hoyle
Down, but not out: biological evidence for complex economic organization in Lincoln in the late 4th century 1998 Antiquity 72 (276): 417-24
  • Keith Dobney
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