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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Ontological collisions in Northern Territory's Aboriginal water rights policy 2023 Oceania 93 (3): 259-81
  • Erin O'Donnell
  • Lee Godden
  • Marcia Langton
  • Sue Jackson
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
Political ecologies of water capture in an Indian 'smart city' 2020 Ethnos 85 (3): 435-53
  • Georgina Drew
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
Citizen stewardship: mobilizing to protect the ocean and its resources in Hawai'i 2017 Cultural Survival quarterly 41 (4): 18-19
  • Kevin Chang
H6/KD [CULTURAL-] 0740-3291
A political ecology of water and enslavement. Water ways in eighteenth-century Caribbean plantations 2017 Current anthropology 58 (2): 227-56
  • Mark William Hauser
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Climate change, water practices and relational worlds in the Andes 2016 Ethnos 81 (1): 75-98
  • Astrid B. Stensrud
H6 [ETHNOS-] 0014-1844
Conceptualizing biopolitics: citizen-state interactions in the securing of water services in South Africa 2015 Medical anthropology 34 (6): 533-50
  • Nicola Bulled
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0145-9740
Property, legal pluralism, and water rights: the critical analysis of water governance and the politics of recognizing 'local' rights 2015 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 47 (3): 456-75
  • Dik Roth
  • Margreet Zwarteveen
  • Rutgerd Boelens
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Spoiling and sustainability: technology, water insecurity, and visibility in Arctic Alaska 2014 Medical anthropology 33 (6): 478-96
  • Laura Eichelberger
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0145-9740
The classification of drinking water between public administration and rural communities in South Kordofan, Sudan. Travelling models and technologies 2012 Sociologus (New Series) 62 (1): 73-93
  • Enrico Ille
H6/KF [ZEITSCHRIFT-] 0038-0377
Water flowing north of the border: export agriculture and water politics in a rural community in Baja California 2011 Cultural anthropology 26 (4): 565-88
  • Christian Zlolniski
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
Relevâncias da experiência e critérios de potabilidade: conflito de interpretações sobre a água “boa” em uma localidade do Cariri 2011 Anuário antropológico (Rio) 36 (2): 55-81
  • Anna Davison
  • Carla C. Teixeira
  • Luís Cláudio Moura
Pressure: the politechnics of water supply in Mumbai 2011 Cultural anthropology 26 (4): 542-64
  • Nikhil Anand
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0886-7356
In memoriam: Ikromiddin Mukhiddinov (6.2.1933-17.9.2010) 2011 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2 (): 189-91
  • L.F. Monogarova
  • T.S. Kalandarov
  • V.P. Terekhov
Wasser und Abfall als privates und kommunales Problem staedtischer Agglomerationen: Belege aus der Stadt Tabor, 13-18 Jahrhundert 2009 Památky archeologické 100 (): 261-300
  • Rudolf Krajic
H6/KE [PAMATKY-] 0031-0506
Citizenship prepaid: water, calculability, and techno-politics in South Africa 2008 Journal of southern African studies 34 (4): 899-917
  • Antina von Schnitzler
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0305-7070
Epilogue: the cultural politics of water - a comparative perspective 2008 Journal of southern African studies 34 (4): 939-48
  • David Mosse
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0305-7070
Crowd renting or struggling from below? The Concerned Citizens' Forum in Mpumalanga township, Durban, 1999-2005 2008 Journal of southern African studies 34 (4): 919-38
  • Buntu Siwisa
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0305-7070
Early struggles over water: from private to public water utility in the city of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, 1894-1924 2008 Journal of southern African studies 34 (4): 882-98
  • Muchaparara Musemwa
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0305-7070
Patrolling Kariba's waters: state authority, fishing and the border economy 2008 Journal of southern African studies 34 (4): 861-79
  • JoAnn McGregor
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0305-7070
'For more and better water, choose pipes!' Building water and the nation on Kilimanjaro, 1961-1985 2008 Journal of southern African studies 34 (4): 841-59
  • Matthew V. Bender
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0305-7070
Subaltern strategies and development practice: urban water privatization in Ghana 2006 Geographical journal 172 (1): 50-65
  • Ian Yeboah
H6/KU [GEOGRAPHICAL-] 0016-7398
Forced to abandon their farms: water deprivation and starvation among the Gila River Pima, 1892-1904 2004 American Indian culture and research journal 28 (3): 29-56
  • David H. Dejong
H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 0161-6463
The politics of decentralisation and donor funding in South Africa's rural water sector 2003 Journal of southern African studies 29 (4): 865-84
  • Adam Habib
  • Mary Galvin
H6/KY 'JOURNAL-' 0305-7070
Value of water: political ecology and water reform in southern Africa 2003 Human organization 62 (3): 277-88
  • Anne Fergusoin
  • Bill Derman
H6/KF 'APPLIED-' 0018-7259
Archipelagos and networks: urbanization and water privatization in the south 2003 Geographical journal 169 (4): 328-41
  • Karen Bakker
H6/KU [GEOGRAPHICAL-] 0016-7398
Optimal gardening strategies: maximizing the input and retention of water in prehistoric gridded fields in north central New Mexico 2002 World archaeology 34 (1): 131-63
  • Steven Dominguez
Successfully governing the commons: principles of social organization in an Andean irrigation system 2001 Human ecology 29 (1): 1-25
  • Paul B. Trawick
The origin and diffusion of qanats in Arabia: new evidence from the northern and southern peninsula 2000 Geographical journal 166 (3): 215-26
  • Dale R. Lightfood
H6/KU [GEOGRAPHICAL-] 0016-7398
Government intervention in the Muda irrigation scheme, Malaysia: [actors], expectations and outcomes 2000 Geographical journal 166 (3): 192-214
  • Clare L. Johnson
H6/KU [GEOGRAPHICAL-] 0016-7398
The Thames embankment and the disciplining of nature in modernity 2000 Geographical journal 166 (3): 227-38
  • Stuart Oliver
H6/KU [GEOGRAPHICAL-] 0016-7398
Engaruka: additional observations on fields, furrows and enclosures 1999 Azania 34 (): 114-15
  • J. E. G. Sutton
Anthropological perspectives on coastal management 1992 Practicing anthropology 14 (4): 16-18
  • W E Sibley
Ist der Türkis-See bald ein Schlamm-Loch? Tibeter wehren sich gegen chinesische Umweltverbrechen 1992 Pogrom 168 (): 35-6
  • T Norbu
Regional diversity in environmental attitudes, knowledge, and policy: the Kentucky River Authority 1992 Human organisation 51 (2): 99-108
  • E H Christianson
  • T A Arcury
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