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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Shouting the Qur'an: exuberance and playfulness in the taḥzzabt - collective recitation - in Morocco 2020 Ethnomusicology forum 29 (2): 166-86
  • Anis Fariji
H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] 1741-1912
Baboon vocal repertoires and the evolution of primate vocal diversity 2019 Journal of human evolution 126 (): 1-13
  • Julia Fischer
  • Kurt Hammerschmidt
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Studies on the role of emotion in chimpanzee vocal production 2016 Annales de la Fondation Fyssen (31): 60-74
  • Guillaume Dezecache
*H6 [ANNALES-] 0980-157X
Duetting - a mechanism to strengthen pair bonds in a dispersed pair-living primate (Lemilemur edwardsi)? 2009 American journal of physical anthropology 139 (4): 523-32
  • Elke Zimmermann
  • Maria Meńdez-Cárdenas
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
Kidung Interaktif: vocalising and interpreting traditional literature through electronic mass media in Bali 2009 Indonesia and the Malay world 37 (109): 249-76
  • I. Nyoman Darma Putra
H6/KX [INDONESIA-] 1363-9811
Interpreting the fossil evidence for the evolutionary origins of music 2009 Southern African humanities 21 (2): 395-417
  • Sarah Wurtz
H6/KY [NATAL-] 1681-5564
Primate vocalization, gesture, and the evolution of human language 2008 Current anthropology 49 (6): 1053-76
  • Katja Liebal
  • Michael A. Arbib
  • Simone Pika
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
How can we know the dancer from the dance? The dynamic nature of African great ape social communication 2003 Anthropological theory 3 (1): 5-26
  • Barbara J. King
  • Stuart G. Shanker
'Et la voix s'est faite chair...' naissance, essence, sense du geste vocal 2001 Cahiers de musiques traditionnelles 14 (): 3-38
  • Claire Gillie-Guilbert
[Labial mutation in the contemporary Uigur language] 1995 Izvestiia Natsional'noi Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan (Seriia obshchestvennykh nauk) 6 (205): 62-6
  • Mikhail Ivanovich Trofimov
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