Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Feeding a tourism boom: changing food practices and systems of provision in Hoi An, Vietnam | 2024 | Food Culture and Society 27 (1): 94-112 | H6/KF [FOOD-] | 1751-7443 | |||
(Re)framing built heritage through the machinic gaze | 2024 | Journal of social archaeology 24 (2): 197-217 | H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 1469-6053 | |||
Heritage and decoloniality reflections from Sri Lanka - a conversation | 2024 | American anthropologist 126 (2): 349-54 | *H6 [AMERICAN-] | 0002-7294 | |||
Completing the UNESCO puzzle: intangible heritage as a lifeline for Talavera ceramics | 2024 | Disparidades: revista de antropologia 79 (1): 1-15 | H6/KVE [REVISTA-] | 2659-6881 | |||
Tranhsumance in the time of UNESCO: political narratives, rhetorical representations, enhancement practices | 2024 | Martor: revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain (29): 87-100 | H6/KVQ [MARTOR-] | 2734-8350 | |||
Rural settlement dynamics in a rapidly urbanizing landscape: insights from satellite remote sensing and archaeological field surveys in Zanzibar, Tanzania | 2024 | Journal of field archaeology 49 (8): 634-52 | *H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 2042-4582 | |||
New deals for the past: the Cold War, American archaeology, and UNESCO in Egypt and Syria | 2023 | History and anthropology 34 (2): 194-214 | H6 [HISTORY-] | 1477-2612 | |||
Geophilia: ethnographic fragments on the vitality of fossils | 2023 | Space and culture 26 (1): 103-15 | H6 [SPACE-] | 1206-3312 | |||
Catching the wind in a spider's web: echoes of a heritage beyond humanity | 2023 | Cadernos de arte e antropologia 12 (): 156-72 | |||||
Mediterranean diet 3.0: from traditional food to sustainable policies | 2023 | Etnološka tribina 46 (53): 36-49 | H6/KVT [ETNOLOSKA-] | 0351-1944 | |||
Response to Jelena Ivanišević: Mediterranean diet 3.0 - from traditional food to sustainable policies | 2023 | Etnološka tribina 46 (53): 50-2 | H6/KVT [ETNOLOSKA-] | 0351-1944 | |||
Mediterranean diet: from health to sustainability through culture, or on cultural models interpreted from the urgency of the present moment | 2023 | Etnološka tribina 46 (53): 55-9 | H6/KVT [ETNOLOSKA-] | 0351-1944 | |||
Comment to Jelena Ivanišević’s 'Mediterranean Diet 3.0 – from traditional food to sustainable policies' | 2023 | Etnološka tribina 46 (53): 59-62 | H6/KVT [ETNOLOSKA-] | 0351-1944 | |||
The musealization of the Mediterranean diet | 2023 | Etnološka tribina 46 (53): 62-7 | H6/KVT [ETNOLOSKA-] | 0351-1944 | |||
A Catholic ritual with snakes in Central Italy. Tradition as an ecological and dynamic force | 2023 | Konteksty 77 (3): 212-22, 323 | H6/KVM [POLSKA-] | 1230-6142 | |||
Why there is still an illicit trade of cultural objects and what can we do about it | 2022 | Journal of field archaeology 47 (2): 117-30 | *H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 2042-4582 | |||
Quilting power: Mana, UNESCO and spiritual sovereignty in the Marquesas Islands | 2022 | Oceania 92 (1): 31-50 | H6/KX [OCEANIA-] | 0029-8077 | |||
#WeareHeritage. World heritage changes: from having to being heritage | 2022 | Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 17 (1): 1-20 | H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] | 1981-8122 | |||
The affective archaeologies of the undergraduate production of Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco: historical developments and theoretical interfaces in the construction of archaeology in the southeast and southwestern of Piauí | 2022 | Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 17 (2): 1-32 | H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] | 1981-8122 | |||
Protected area conservation in Yemen's conflict | 2022 | Jemen-Report 53 (1-2): 56-67 | H6/KWH [JEMEN-] | 0930-1488 | |||
Jean Gabus, Kabul and the museum crusade | 2022 | Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie (34): 56-73 | H6 [GRADHIVA-] | 0764-8928 | |||
Utopies, continuités et discontinuités muséales à l’ère des décolonisations | 2022 | Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie (34): 12-39 | H6 [GRADHIVA-] | 0764-8928 | |||
Resisting internationalism? | 2022 | Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 178 (4): 379-409 | H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] | 0006-2294 | |||
Historical origin and future projection of the saltpeter offices complex Santiago Humberstone (ex La Palma) and Santa Laura, world heritage site | 2022 | Taltalia: Revista del Museo Augusto Capdeville Rojas (15): 129-52 | 2452-5944 | ||||
The mute: ritual and transgressive meanings of the masked character in the Romanian Căluş ritual | 2022 | Folklore (Tartu) 87 (): 37-72 | H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] | 1406-0949 | |||
Políticas y politizaciones en torno a las prácticas artísticas y culturales | 2022 | Cuadernos de antropologia social (56): 7-23 | H6/KF [CUADERNOS-] | 1850-275x | |||
TK, TCE, and Co.: the path from culture as a commons to a resource for international negotiation | 2022 | Cuadernos de antropologia social (56): 25-39 | H6/KF [CUADERNOS-] | 1850-275x | |||
'Schutz und Erhaltung in Bestand und Wertigkeit' 50 Jahre UNESCO-Welterbe. Eine Betrachtung | 2022 | Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 151-152 (): 5-14 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN WIEN. Mitteilungen-] | 0066-4693 | |||
Die Ausgrabungen in Sayala als Teil der UNESCO-Kampagne zur Rettung der Nubischen Altertümer: 1961-1965 | 2022 | Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 151-152 (): 15-24 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN WIEN. Mitteilungen-] | 0066-4693 | |||
Reflexionen zur Bedeutung des UNESCO-Welterbes für das Naturhistorische Museum in Wien | 2022 | Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 151-152 (): 25-38 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN WIEN. Mitteilungen-] | 0066-4693 | |||
Die prähistorischen Fundstellen des UNESCO-Welterbes 'Kulturland-schaft Wachau' - Zwischen Sichtbarkeit, öffentlicher Wahrnehmung und der Funktion archäologischer Funde als Projektionsflächen | 2022 | Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 151-152 (): 39-54 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN WIEN. Mitteilungen-] | 0066-4693 | |||
Die Prähistorischen Pfahlbauten um die Alpen: Ein Unterwasserwelterbe mit Herausforderungen | 2022 | Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 151-152 (): 55-68 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN WIEN. Mitteilungen-] | 0066-4693 | |||
7000 Jahre Salz - Erforschung und Vermittlung des UNESCO-Welterbes Hallstatt-Dachstein/Salzkammergut | 2022 | Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 151-152 (): 69-98 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN WIEN. Mitteilungen-] | 0066-4693 | |||
Musical sustainability vis-à-vis intangible cultural heritage: safeguarding and incentives in the Feast of the Virgin of Candelaria, Puno, Perú | 2022 | Ethnomusicology forum 31 (2): 283-303 | H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] | 1741-1912 | |||
A lost city and its time machine: vision and affect in rail travel to Machu Picchu | 2022 | Space and culture 25 (4): 586-99 | H6 [SPACE-] | 1206-3312 | |||
Unintended exchange: The interplay of tourism, identity, and community action in an island town | 2022 | Etnološka tribina 45 (52): 141-56 | H6/KVP [ETNOLOSKA-] | 0351-1944 | |||
The troubled state of the Buryat language today | 2022 | Cultural Survival quarterly 46 (1): 8-9 | H6/KD [CULTURAL-] | 0740-3291 | |||
Serbian epic singing with gusla accompaniment between scientific subject and intangible cultural heritage: the perspective of ethnomusicology | 2022 | Bulgarski folklor 48 (2): 170-89 | H6/KVR [BULGARSKI-] | 0323-9861 | |||
Food heritage as a tourist attraction: the commodification of the Mediterranean diet, in Chefchaouen (Morocco) | 2021 | Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 25 (1): 231-53 | H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] | 0873-6561 | |||
Documenting the UNESCO feast: stories of women’s ‘empowerment’ and programmatic cooking | 2021 | Social anthropology 29 (1): 188-204 | H6/KF [SOCIAL-] | 1469-8676 | |||
Verace glocal Pizza. Localized globalism and globalized localism in the Neapolitan artisan pizza | 2021 | Food Culture and Society 24 (3): 406-30 | H6/KF [FOOD-] | 1751-7443 | |||
Sustainable emotions: the front and backstages of slavery in Gorée Island | 2021 | Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 25 (2): 437-64 | H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] | 0873-6561 | |||
“One of the richest and most refined forms of art in the world.” Alain Daniélou, the IICMSD Archive, and Indian music | 2021 | The World of Music 10 (1): 71-92 | H6/KFY [WORLD-] | 0043-8774 | |||
“Glory to all inglorious struggles:” negotiations, tensions, disputes, and resistance related to Afro-Brazilian heritage | 2021 | Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 16 (2): 1-21 | H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] | 1981-8122 | |||
Quebrada de Humahuaca: rock art in the landscape. Narratives and images of agropastroal societies in the Andes of Argentina | 2021 | Boletín. Sociedad de Investigación del Arte Rupestre de Bolivia (35): 19-24 | *H6/KE [SOCIEDAD-] | 1017-4346 | |||
Community perceptions of co-managing Tajik National Park | 2021 | Central Asian survey 40 (3): 420-37 | *H6/KW [CENTRAL-] | 0263-4937 | |||
The 'Cairé' and 'The Ghost of Komat' textual landscapes and cultural heritage in Argentinean and Slovenian folktales | 2021 | Studia mythologica slavica 24 (): 61–77 | H6/KVP [STUDIA-] | 1408-6271 | |||
Digesting the Finnish nature and past: food, pastness, and the naturalness of the national in the Wiki-Inventory for Living Heritage | 2021 | Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 15 (2): 89-111 | H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] | 1736-6518 | |||
October 17 - Intangible Cultural Heritage Day. Scientific contributions of the "Constantin Brăiloiu" Institute of Ethnography and Folklore of the Romanian Academy at the creation of Romanian nomination files for the representative list of intangible cutural heritage of humanity | 2021 | Anuarul Institutului de Etnografie şi Folclor ‘Constantin Brăiloiu’ (Serie Nouă) 32 (): 243-61 | H6/KVQ [ANUARUL-] | 1220-5230 | |||
The search for identity: an anthropological interpretation of engaged research in Paštrovići and the use of the concept of intangible cultural heritage for identity political purposes | 2021 | Ethno-anthropological problems journal 16 (1): 179–207 | H6/KVP [ETNOANTROPOLOSKI PROBLEMI Casopis -] | 0353-1589 |