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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Pakistan's opioid squeeze: impacts of Taliban edicts, Indian synthetics and Chinese regulations 2023 South Asia research 43 (3): 325-42
  • Nicholas Lassi
H6/KWL [SOUTH-] 0262-7280
Afghanistan's neo-Taliban puzzle 2021 South Asia research 41 (2): 220-37
  • Zahoor Ahmad Wani
H6/KWL [SOUTH-] 0262-7280
The archaeology of Afghanistan revisited 2020 Antiquity 94 (376): 1084-7
  • J. Eva Meharry
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
The Taliban andthe humanitarian soldier. Configurations of freedom and humanity in Afghanistan 2019 ANUAC: rivista della Società Italiana di Antropologia Culturale 8 (1): 31-57
  • Antonio De Lauri
Drone warfare in Waziristan and the new military humanism 2019 Current anthropology (Supplement) 60 (19): S77-S86
  • Hugh Gusterson
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Post-colonial ruins: archaeologies of political violence and IS 2015 Anthropology today 31 (6): 22-6
  • Chiara De Cesari
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 0268-540X
Understanding Taliban resurgence: ethno-symbolism and revolutionary mobilization 2015 Studies in ethnicity and nationalism 15 (1): 66-82
  • Kareem Kamel
H6/KF [STUDIES-] 1473-8481
Imperialist feminism redux 2012 Dialectical anthropology 36 (3-4): 147-60
  • Saadia Toor
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Fatal embrace: trading in hospitality on the frontiers of South and Central Asia 2012 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) (): S117-S130
  • Magnus Mardsen
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
A question of honour: why the Taliban fight and what to do about it 2010 Asian journal of social science 38 (2): 343-63
  • Scott Atran
Still 'taming the turbulent frontier'? The state in the federally administered tribal areas of Pakistan 2009 Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford (NS) 1 (2): 179-206
  • Maira Hayat
The fate of the Kabul museum (on the 60th birthday of KH.A. Amirkhanov) 2009 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 4 (): 123-31
  • G.A. Koshelenko
  • R.M. Munchaev
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
'Akramiia': extremist movement or a forerunner of Islamic social democracy? 2006 Rasy i narody 32 (): 116-56
  • Alisher Abrorovich Il'khamov
The pendulum of gender politics in Afghanistan 2006 Central Asian survey 25 (1-2): 27-59
  • Maliha Zulfacar
H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Waking the Buddha 2005 Archaeology 58 (1): 18-23
  • David Bosco
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 0003-8113
Adversarial discourses, analogous objectives 2004 Cultural dynamics 16 (2/3): 213-36
  • Saba Gul Khattak
H6 [CULTURAL-] 0921-3740
Vielvölkerstaat vor der Zerreißprobe 2003 Pogrom 34 (2): 20-1
  • Ulrich Delius
Dismembering /disremembering the Buddhas: renderings on the Internet during the Afghan purge of the past 2003 Journal of social archaeology 3 (1): 75-98
  • Chip Colwell-Chathaphonh
Iran between religious hardliners and hawks in America 2003 Central Asian survey 22 (2/3): 133-49
  • Adam Tarock
H6/ KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Gender relations and development in a weak state: the rebuilding of Afghanistan 2003 Central Asian survey 22 (2/3): 187-207
  • Carol J. Riphenburg
H6/ KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Afghan tragedy 2003 Museums journal 103 (6): 16-17
  • Mark Rowe
*H6 [MUSEUMS-] 0027-416X
Talibans towards Afghan women: the position of the woman in Islam 2002 Literatura ludowa 46 (6): 27-38
  • Gabriela Wolak-Wereśniak
Negative hertitage and past mastering in archaeology 2002 Anthropological quarterly 75 (3): 557-74
  • Lynn Meskell
Feminism, the Taliban, and politics of counter-insurgency 2002 Anthropological quarterly 75 (2): 339-54
  • Charles Hirschkind
  • Saba Mahmood
Centre and periphery in Afghanistan: new identities in a broken state 2002 Sociologus (New Series) 52 (1): 107-24
  • Bernt Glatzer
Ethnie, nation, état, empire: à propos des tâlebân et de l'Afghanistan 2002 L'Homme 162 (): 291-308
  • Jackie Assayag
H6 [HOMME-] 0439-4216
War, factionalism, and the state of Afghanistan 2002 American anthropologist 104 (3): 715-22
  • Nazif M. Shahrani
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
September 11: participant webservation of the [War on Terrorism] 2002 American anthropologist 104 (3): 934-8
  • Daniel Martin Varisco
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Why mighty young British Muslims support the Taliban? 2002 Anthropology today 18 (1): 5-8
  • Alison Shaw
HI [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 0361-7882
Sources of Muslim assertiveness in Britain 2002 Anthropology today 18 (2): 24-5
  • Tariq Modood
HI [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 0361-7882
Challenges in Pakistan: efforts to combat a Taliban mentality 2002 Archaeology 55 (2): 19, 21
  • J. Mark Kenoyer
Afghanistan nach den Taliban 2002 Pogrom 33 (5): 32-3
  • Michael Pohly
  • Wolfgang Mayr interv
A country abandoned 2001 Himal 14 (10): 38-45
  • Mohsen Makhmalbaf
Perverting Islam: Taliban social policy toward women 2001 Central Asian survey 20 (4): 415-26
  • Larry P. Goodson
Exploring issues of violence within the recent context of the Hazarajat, Afghanistan 2001 Central Asian survey 20 (2): 195-228
  • Iesha Singh
H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Light at the end of the tunnel: a view from Pakistan 2000/2001 Cambridge anthropology 22 (3): 77-85
  • Ali Khan
Understanding the Taliban case through history and the context of Pukhtunwali 2000/2001 Cambridge anthropology 22 (3): 86-92
  • Amineh Ahmed
Nationalism in Afghanistan 2000 International journal of Middle East studies 34 (2): 299-315
  • Anthony Hyman
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