Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Of sacred things, taboos, and orthopraxis: the concept of Lulik in East Timor 2023 Mana 29 (1): 1-27
  • Alberto Fidalgo-Castro
  • Enrique Alonso-Población
H6/KUL [MANA-] 1678-4944
Shrines to the buffalo spirit: meteorites and meteorite shrines on the plains 2023 Midcontinental journal of archaeology 48 (1): 47-70
  • Donald J. Blakeslee
Ekphrasis and encounter. The making of the Holy Tear of Christ at the abbey of La Trinité, Vendôme 2023 Res 79-80 (): 227-43
  • Anne Heath
*H6 [RES-] 0277-1322
The Amaru-Illapa Illa from T'oqocachi in Cusco 2022 Andean past 13 (13): 193-220
  • Carlos Delgado González
*H6/KE [ANDEAN-] 1055-8756
A cloth that promises resurrection: new considerations on sacred cloths and archaic looms in eastern Indonesia 2022 Indonesia and the Malay world 50 (148): 313-41
  • Geneviève Duggan
H6/KX [INDONESIA-] 1469-8382
The Nanteos Cup: folklore and heritage from country house to the Internet 2022 Folklore 133 (4): 439-62
  • Juliette Wood
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
“How dare men mix up the Bible so with their own bad passions”: when the good book became the bad book in the American Civil War 2022 Material religion 18 (2): 129-60
  • Jamie L. Brummitt
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Buying a God in Paris: cultural hybridity in the thinking of Yuri Vella, forest Nenets intellectual 2022 Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 16 (2): 22-42
  • Eva Toulouze
  • Laur Vallikivi
  • Liivo Niglas
H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] 1736-6518
Hidden, forgotten, and reborn – Survivals of Nordic reliquaries after the Middle Ages 2022 Suomen Museo/Finskt Museum 129 (): 61-84
  • Sophia Lahti
Moving the living and the dead: the power of bronze drums in contemporary ethnic China 2022 Asian ethnology 81 (1-2): 173-206
  • William David Nitzky
H6/KWS [FOLKLORE-] 1882-6865
Reliquaries in the Mucem Collections: a tale of popular beliefs 2021 Material religion 17 (1): 120-3
  • Emilie Girard
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Menhirs, Kollones (masks) and granite oracles in the Lácar Basin, northwestern Argentinian Patagonia 2021 Boletín del Museo chileno de Arte precolombino 26 (1): 11-25
  • Alberto E. Pérez
H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0716-1530
About the xinguano sacred flutes and the antropologization of the world 2021 Revista de antropología (São Paulo) 64 (2): 1-16
  • Rafael José de Menezes Bastos
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0034-7701
Devotion to Cura Brochero and veneration of his relics in contemporary Argentina 2021 Etnografías Contemporáneas 7 (13): 224-47
  • Rodolfo Puglisi
Interpretation, topography and chronology of the Greco-Catholic medals of the 17th-18th centuries (according to archaeological research and analysis of private collections) 2021 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 1 (): 41-57
  • Aliaksandr A. Kunash
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 0321-1649
Bones, blood, wax, and papal potencies: neo-baroque relics in Mexico 2021 Material religion 17 (3): 355-80
  • Kristin Norget
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Human remains as cultural objects: a case study in Tibetan material religion 2021 Journal of museum ethnography (34): 127-41
  • Ayesha Fuentes
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0954-7169
Objects of Catholic conversion in colonial Buganda: a study of the miraculous medal 2021 Journal of religion in Africa 51 (1-2): 27-64
  • Alison Bennett
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 0022-4200
"We cannot pray without kumyshka": alcohol in Udmurt ritual life 2021 Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 15 (2): 221-39
  • Eva Toulouze
  • Laur Vallikivi
H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] 1736-6518
Editorial: holy matter and the semantics of image-making 2021 Res 75-76 (): 1-9
  • Annette Hoffmann
  • Jessica N. Richardson
*H6 [RES-] 0277-1322
Beneath ground: image-making and the poetics of wood in thirteenth-century Italy 2021 Res 75-76 (): 10-28
  • Jessica N. Richardson
*H6 [RES-] 0277-1322
A cane and a Ka'ba model: mediated experiences in the early modern Ottoman empire 2021 Res 75-76 (): 29-44
  • Gül Kale
*H6 [RES-] 0277-1322
Written on a Bodhi tree leaf 2021 Res 75-76 (): 45-58
  • Michele Matteini
*H6 [RES-] 0277-1322
The thing itself: images of architecture and their power in early Deccan India 2021 Res 75-76 (): 59-73
  • Subhashini Kaligotla
*H6 [RES-] 0277-1322
Flesh and stone: interpreting the sacred in Dakota and Euro-American art 2021 Res 75-76 (): 74-90
  • Annika K. Johnson
*H6 [RES-] 0277-1322
Icons made of relics: creating holy matter in Byzantium 2021 Res 75-76 (): 91-100
  • Alexei Lidov
*H6 [RES-] 0277-1322
Liquid holy sites 2021 Res 75-76 (): 101-13
  • Michele Bacci
*H6 [RES-] 0277-1322
Afterword: matter, image, object 2021 Res 75-76 (): 114-17
  • Gerhard Wolf
*H6 [RES-] 0277-1322
Materiality and the sacred: Ligna crucis relics in Santiago de Chile, 17th and 18th centuries 2021 Fronteras de la Historia 26 (1): 116-37
  • Josefina Schenke Reyes
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
Materializing religion, Heidegger, and the stability of Joseph Smith’s seer stones as religious objects 2020 Material religion 16 (3): 345-59
  • Michael Hubbard Mackay
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
The problem. Religion within the world of slaves 2020 Current anthropology (Supplement) 61 (22): S276-S288
  • Mark P. Leone
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Materiality and global spiritual networks: old and new sacred places and objects 2020 The Australian journal of anthropology 31 (2): 210-23
  • Cristina Rocha
H6/KF [AUSTRALIAN-] 1757-6547
The new sacred since André Breton and Édouard Glissant 2020 Arts & cultures (21): 68-81
  • Manthia Diawara
  • Terri Geis
Artefact transfers. Displacing, representing and (re-)valuing objects in Mongolia 2020 Inner Asia 22 (2): 255-76
  • Baatarnaran Tsetsentsolmon
  • Maria-Katharina Lang
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Encounters with stone: missionary battles with idols in the southern New Hebrides 2020 Journal of Pacific archaeology 11 (2): 21-33
  • Dijana Haskell-Crook
  • Matthew Spriggs
  • Richard Shing
  • Stuart Bedford
H6/KE [NEW-] 1179-4704
The infantification of Niño Dios: the ontological ambiguity of the statuettes of the Child Jesus (Mexico) 2020 L'Homme (234-235): 129-59
  • Charles-Édouard de Suremain
  • Élodie Razy
H6 [HOMME-] 0439-4216
Entranced by Krishna 2020 Hali (203): 76-81
  • Anita Bharat Shah
  • Mahduvanti Ghose
*H6/KGG [HALI-] 0142-0798
The image and the cult: the icon of the Joyful Lady of Bač 2020 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 15 (1): 335-48
  • Nikola Piperski
Nacre – nature, sources, and use. Nacre belt buckles from the Fund of the Kŭrdzhali Regional Museum of History 2020 Bulgarski folklor 46 (2): 222-37 [insert i-iv]
  • Lidiia Kirilova
  • Sonia Kostadinova
H6/KVR [BULGARSKI-] 0323-9861
Comparative analysis of early medieval anthropomorphic wooden figurines from Poland. Representations of gods, deceased or ritual objects? 2020 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 72 (2): 143-67
  • Paweł Szczepanik
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
The magic eye and the power of seeing 2020 Etnolog (New Series) 30 (): 159-66
  • Marko Frelih
  • Urška Furlan
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
Folk piety and historical memory in the stories of the crosses of Šiauliai region 2019 Būdas 2 (): 72-80
  • Dalia Jakaitė
H6/KVT [LIAUDIES-] 2669-0403
The centre of the land, the periphery of the nation: wars and migration in southern Tetun society, Timor Island 2019 Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 43 (3): 333-50
  • Shintaro Fukutake
H6 [OSAKA-] 0385-180X
The secret pipe: protecting the ptehiŊčala čaŊŊuŊpa of the Lakota Sioux 2019 History of religions 59 (1): 38-67
  • Simon J. Joseph
H6/KFO [HISTORY-] 0018-2710
Sacred surfaces. Carpets and textiles in colonial Peru 2019 Hali (201): 58-69
  • Elena Phipps
*H6/KGG [HALI-] 0142-0798
Sacred treasures 2019 British Museum magazine (94): 42-5
  • Tim Clark
*H6 [BRITISH MUSEUM SOCIETY. Bulletin] 0965-8297
Craft production as an empowering strategy in an emerging empire 2019 Journal of anthropological research 75 (3): 328-60
  • Donna J. Nash
H6 [SOUTHWESTERN-] 0091-7710
Quelle sacralité pour l'objet de luxe? Regard sur la société romaine au temps de Pline l'Ancien (Ier siècle apr. J.-C.) 2019 Gradhiva: revue de anthropology et museologie (30): 32-51
  • Pierre Schneider
H6 [GRADHIVA-] 0764-8928
Ontologies wrapped. Concepts and practices concerning texitle bundles among the Maya 2019 Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología (37): 119-35
  • Daniel Grecco Pacheco
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
Devotion in flesh and bone. The mummified corpses of Mount Yudono ascetics in Edo-period Japan 2019 Asian ethnology 78 (1): 25-51
  • Andra Castiglioni
H6/KWS [FOLKLORE-] 1882-6865