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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Rock art of the sacred precint at Mata Ngarau, 'Orongo 2008 Rapa Nui journal 22 (2): 110-16
  • Georgia Lee
  • Paul Horley
*H6/KX [RAPA NUI-] 1040-1385
Buddy Christ and Jesus action figure: contemporay (ab)use of Christ image(?): thoughts on the political meanings of two postmodern anti-Christs 2006 Culture and religion 7 (3): 311-27
  • Steve Nolan
H6/KFO [SCOTTISH-] 1475-5610
The fireplaces and stoves in the constructions of the KHazars time in the steppes of the Donets river region 2003 Arkheolohiia 2 (): 48-60
  • L. I. Krasyl'nikova
H6/KVY [ARKHEOLOHIYA-] 0235-3490
Saints and heroines of France: between Church and State (19th and 20th centuries) 1998 Terrain 30 (): 113-24, 167
  • Jean-Pierre Albert
Ex voto texts: written devotion in the cult of the Sacred Heart of Jesus 1998 Acta ethnographica Hungarica 43 (1/2): 63-79
  • Bertalan Pusztai
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