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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Chihuahuan Desert shrine caves: refining chronologies of religious iconography and social histories for the Jornada and Mimbres Mogollon regions of the North American Southwest 2024 American antiquity 89 (1): 37-57
  • Darrell G. Creel
  • Myles R. Miller
  • Phil R. Geib
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Religion(s) in seals: old and new challenges 2024 Near Eastern Archaeology 87 (1): 4-13
  • Fabio Porzia
H6/KE [BIBLICAL-] 0006-0895
Mastering the seven-headed serpent: a stamp seal from Hazor provides a missing link between cuneiform and Biblical mythology 2024 Near Eastern Archaeology 87 (1): 14-19
  • Christoph Uehlinger
H6/KE [BIBLICAL-] 0006-0895
The travel of a thangka: crossing gender and cultural boundaries with Lutso's stories 2024 Journal of material culture 29 (1): 102-21
  • Ming Xue
H6/KF [JOURNAL-] 1359-1835
The making of faith: human intentions and the material influences in the Orthodox Christian practice of iconography 2023 Material religion 19 (1): 55-78
  • Elena V. Kravchenko
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Laca asiática y color mexicano en la cruz del Nazareno de el Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz, España) 2023 Arqueología mexicana 29 (178): 76-81
  • Ana García Barrios
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
The feast of the Nazarene of Caguach: religious identity, geography, and community in the archipelago of Chiloé 2023 Ethnohistory 70 (3): 303-28
  • Astrid Windus
  • Fernando Guzmán
  • Lorenzo Berg
  • Renato Cárdenas
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 1527-5477
The treasure of Coricancha 2023 Ñawpa Pacha 43 (2): 139-73
  • Annick Benavides
H6/KE [NAWPA-] 0077-6297
The puma and the snake. Interpretation of the mural painting of the church of Parinacota, Northern Chile 2023 Boletín del Museo chileno de Arte precolombino 28 (2): 51-67
  • Fernando Guzmán
  • Magdalena Pereira
  • Paola Corti
H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0716-1530
The Aztec rain god from the church of La Enseñanza, Mexico City 2023 Mexicon 45 (6): 128-33
  • Diego Matadamas-Gomora
*H6/KUL [MEXICON-] 0720-5988
Networks of specialized knowledge. Cult and its imagery in early Iron Age Malizi and Palastina 2023 Near Eastern Archaeology 86 (2): 112-21
  • Nathan Lovejoy
H6/KE [BIBLICAL-] 0006-0895
Imprinting exemplarity: a culture of print in Mexican nuns' portraits 2022 Colonial Latin American review 31 (1): 4-30
  • Kelly Donahue-Wallace
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
An unpublished iconographic description of the 18th century, regarding the main altarpiece of the Monastery of San Jerónimo de Granada 2022 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas 44 (120): 315-38
  • José Policarpo Cruz Cabrera
H6/KFY [MEXICO-] 0185-1276
Lightning symbol and snake dance: Aby Warburg and Pueblo art 2022 Tribal art (104): 62-7
  • Christine Chávez
*H6/KFY [WORLD-] 1354-2990
The neo-Byzantine modernization of Aparecida's image 2022 GIS - Gesto, Imagem, e Som: Revista de Antropologia 7 (1): 1-28
  • Adriano Godoy
Una representación del joven dios del maíz procedente de Palenque, Chiapas 2022 Arqueología mexicana (103): 88-93
  • Arnoldo González
  • Carlos Varela
  • Wenceslao Urbina
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
The Quito Nativity, a polysemic iconography: Christianization, image and construction of the social body in the context of the Realm of New Granada. Seventeenth and eigteenth century 2022 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas 44 (121): 43-89
  • Juan Pablo Cruz Medina
H6/KFY [MEXICO-] 0185-1276
Atonement of Christ at the whipping-post: scents, chants and Novo-Hispanic paintings 2022 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas 44 (121): 91-120
  • Carolina Sacristán Ramírez
H6/KFY [MEXICO-] 0185-1276
The diety as a mosaic: images of the god Xipe Totec in divinatory codices from central Mesoamerica 2022 Ancient Mesoamerica 33 (3): 432-58
  • Katarzyna Mikulska
*H6/KE [ANCIENT-] 0956-5361
Putin's descent: iconography of the Last Judgement and politics in contemporary Ukraine 2022 Material religion 18 (2): 182-202
  • Taras Lesiv
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Post-secular art for post-secular age: stational installations of the via dolorosa in Western cities 2022 Material religion 18 (2): 203-27
  • Pnina Arad
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Materiality of seclusion: a decorated monastic hermitage in the Dead Sea escarpment 2022 Material religion 18 (3): 287-310
  • Roi Porat
  • Temo Jojua
  • Uri Davidovich
  • Yana Tchekhanovets
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Buying a God in Paris: cultural hybridity in the thinking of Yuri Vella, forest Nenets intellectual 2022 Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 16 (2): 22-42
  • Eva Toulouze
  • Laur Vallikivi
  • Liivo Niglas
H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] 1736-6518
American religion at the Met Cloisters 2022 Material religion 18 (4): 459-84
  • Rachel B. Gross
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Spendor and scarcity of religious matter: medieval cathedral treasuries of the north 2022 Material religion 18 (5): 501-11
  • Marika Räsänen
  • Visa Immonen
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Estonian-Finnish art connections in the middle ages and the bells of Turku cathedral 2022 Material religion 18 (5): 548-63
  • Anu Mänd
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Trading and smuggling of New-Granadan emeralds in southern Italy: jewellery and symbologies in the modern age 2022 Fronteras de la Historia 27 (1): 328-58
  • Francesco de Nicolo
  • Laura Liliana Vargas
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
Las imágenes de Huitzilopochtli en el Templo Mayor de Tenochtitlan. Nuevos descubrimientos, nuevas ideas 2022 Arqueología mexicana 29 (177): 22-33
  • Karl Taube
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
Hidden, forgotten, and reborn – Survivals of Nordic reliquaries after the Middle Ages 2022 Suomen Museo/Finskt Museum 129 (): 61-84
  • Sophia Lahti
Coats of arms and coats of paint – Transformations of the old pulpit of Siuntio 2022 Suomen Museo/Finskt Museum 129 (): 85-111
  • Saila Leskinen
The medieval crucifx fragment in St. Mary's Church in Sastamala 2022 Suomen Museo/Finskt Museum 129 (): 167-77
  • Hanna Tuolila
  • Katri Vuola
When shrines and images grow tired: toward a theory of devotional conservation 2022 Res 77-78 (): 157-66
  • Maurizio Peleggi
*H6 [RES-] 2327-9621
Roman Catholic brass pendant icon from the 18th century from the burial mound of Glybay in Rechytsa district Gomel region 2022 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 67 (1): 49-59
  • A. A. Kunash
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 0321-1649
The medieval stele of Vivar del Cis (Burgos) 2022 Kobie: antropología cultural (24): 27-36
  • Jacinto Campillo Cueva
H6/KVE [KOBIE-] 0214-7971
'Whoever looks on Him will Live' (Works of religious art as visual cures against the plague) 2022 Konteksty 76 (4): 271-8, 309
  • Piotr Krasny
H6/KVM [POLSKA-] 1230-6142
The role of Jizō statues in temple atmosphere, seen through the eyes of Sendai temple abbots 2021 Folklore (Tartu) 81 (): 121-56
  • Alīse Eishō Donnere
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0949
For one and or for many: affluent and common patronage of narrative art in Tibet 2021 Material religion 17 (1): 29-55
  • Elena Pakhoutova
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
The survival and transformation of annular pacchas in Cusco: an example of artistic and ideological continuity and change 2021 Boletín del Museo chileno de Arte precolombino 26 (1): 135-61
  • Richard L. Burger
H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0716-1530
From ira to imagen: the Virgin of the Antigua as a ‘space for correlation’ in seventeenth-century Lima 2021 Colonial Latin American review 30 (2): 214-37
  • Ximena Gómez
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
Architects of their own humanity: race, devotion, and artistic agency in Afro-Brazilian confraternal churches in eighteenth-century Salvador and Ouro Preto 2021 Colonial Latin American review 30 (2): 238-71
  • Miguel A. Valerio
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
The composite pardo of seventeenth-century Lima: blackness, whiteness, and Creole self-fashioning in the earliest portraits of Martín de Porres 2021 Colonial Latin American review 30 (2): 272-304
  • Larissa Brewer-García
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
Patrons, clientele and patronage: iconography of the Virgin of Mercy and Saint Joseph's patronage in New Spain 2021 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas 43 (119): 169-208
  • Antonio Rubial García
H6/KFY [MEXICO-] 0185-1276
La paleta cromatica del poder: el brillo, la iridiscencia y lo sacro 2021 Archivos 19 (): 29-74
  • María Cristina Dasso
H6/KUL [ARCHIVOS-] 1668-4737
Numerales y cómputo del tiempo en la iconografía de Teotihuacan, México 2021 Latin American antiquity 32 (4): 760-80
  • Aurelio López Corral
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Interpretation, topography and chronology of the Greco-Catholic medals of the 17th-18th centuries (according to archaeological research and analysis of private collections) 2021 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 1 (): 41-57
  • Aliaksandr A. Kunash
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 0321-1649
Rock art in Cachi Cachi, Oruro - preliminary study 2021 Boletín. Sociedad de Investigación del Arte Rupestre de Bolivia (35): 48-62
  • Genaro Huarita Choque
*H6/KE [SOCIEDAD-] 1017-4346
Pictorial graffiti from the Ghazali northern church, Sudan: an overview 2021 Journal of African archaeology 19 (): 187-204
  • Artur Obłuwski
  • Julia Maczuga
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1612-1651
Portraiture and collective memory: new challenges around the study of nun portraits in New Spain 2021 Fronteras de la Historia 26 (1): 62-91
  • Adriana Guadalupe Alonso Rivera
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
About eyes that still closed allow to see. The symbolic representation of the female monasticism of strict rules in the New Spain Baroque and its honor supplies 2021 Fronteras de la Historia 26 (1): 92-114
  • Nathaly Rodríguez Sánchez
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
Between miracle and devotion. Image and evangelization in New Granada in the Visita of Andrés Verdugo y Oquendo, 1755-1756 2021 Fronteras de la Historia 26 (1): 138-68
  • Juan Pablo Cruz Medina
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676