Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
"Not only in jacales": ways of living in the Indian communities of Mexico City (1790-1813) 2024 Estudios de historia novohispana (70): 121-51
  • Enriqueta Quiroz
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 2448-6922
A methodological approach to the reading of the Inca quipus from the colonial quipus 2024 Revista española de antropología americana 54 (1): 63-77
  • Magdalena Setlak
H6/KUL [MADRID-] 0556-6533
Indigenous visits and judicial records in the northeastern Río de la Plata. Corrientes, 17th century 2024 Boletín americanista (88): 23-48
  • Fatima Valenzuela
  • María Laura Salinas
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0520-4100
Minutes of the cabildo of Corrientes as sources for population studies 2024 Boletín americanista (88): 49-70
  • Fernando Ariel Pozzaglio
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0520-4100
Internal status borders: municipal registration between emancipation, exclusion and omission in Italy 2024 Ethnic and racial studies 47 (12): 2499-519
  • Enrico Gargiulo
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
The perception of women in Trabzon Sharī'a court records. Thoughts on definitions of women over gender, sexuality and status 2023 Hawwa: journal of women of the Middle East and the Islamic world 21 (2): 147-71
  • Asli Özcan
H6/KW [HAWWA-] 1569-2078
Archival reading of the visible and invisible images and traces of (or about) social care and health care in Bulgaria in the period 1945 – 1989 2023 Bulgarska etnologiia 49 (2): 170-88
  • Mariiana Piskova
H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] 1310-5213
'Mutating records' - bureaucratic knowledge in the realm of splintering digitality 2023 Contributions to Indian sociology (New Series) 57 (3): 329-55
  • Nafiz Aziz Hasan
Moving paperwork: political communication and the making of archives in the Spanish empire 2022 Allpanchis 49 (90): 159-86
  • Caroline Cunill
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
Researching pandemics from below. An interview with the medical historian Frédéric Vagneron by Janina Kehr & Ehler Voss 2022 Curare 45 (2): 71-82
  • Ehler Voss interv
  • Frédéric Vagneron
  • Janina Kehr interv
H6/KGT [CURARE-] 0344-8622
Dialectologist, ethnographer, writer: strategies of secondary textualization of folk tales in the Ethnographic Collection of the Archives of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts until 1914 2022 Bulgarski folklor 48 (2): 229-49
  • Marina Mladenović Mitrović
H6/KVR [BULGARSKI-] 0323-9861
The Bulgarians in Bessarabia in the 1940s (Exogenous factors of the demographic process: birthrate and mortality) 2022 Bulgarska etnologiia 48 (4): 415-33
  • Aleksander A. Prigarin
  • Aleksander I. Ganchev
H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] 1310-5213
The last records of the encomienda. Census of the Indians of the encomiendas in the jurisdiction of Córdoba (Governorate of Tucumán, 1704-1705) 2021 Revista Tefros 19 (2): 198-246
  • Isabel Castro Olañeta
Mapping urban 'mixing' and intercommunal relations in late Ottoman Jerusalem: a neighborhood study 2021 Comparative studies in society and history 63 (1): 133-69
  • Michelle U. Campos
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 0010-4175
Documenting dictatorship: writing and resistance in Chile's Vicaría de la Solidaridad 2021 Theory, culture and society 38 (1): 53-78
  • Vikki Bell
H6 [THEORY-] 0263-2764
Using social network analysis to study crime: navigating the challenges of criminal justice records 2021 Social networks 66 (): 50-64
  • Carlo Morselli
  • David Bright
  • Russell Brewer
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0378-8733
Configuration to conviction: network structures of political judiciary in the Austrian corporate state 2021 Social networks 66 (): 185-201
  • Cindarella Petz
  • Jürgen Pfeffer
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0378-8733
Instructions for scribes in the military office during the Baḥrī Mamluk period. 'Scribal arts for the Dīwān and the pen of fiscal administration' (§2.5.14) of Shihāb al-Dīn Aḥmad al-Nuwayrī's Nihāyat al'Arab fi Funūn al-Adab 2021 Journal of Asian and African studies (Tokyo) (102): 115-156
  • Hidenori Teshima
  • Manabu Kameya
  • Ryosuke Kubo
  • Takenori Yoshimura
  • Wakako Kumakura
The material culture of urban pragmatic literacy in medieval Hungary 2021 Antaeus 37 (): 225-48
  • Katalin Szende
H6/KE [MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Regeszeti Intezet.Kozlemenyei-] 0238-0218
The search for identity: an anthropological interpretation of engaged research in Paštrovići and the use of the concept of intangible cultural heritage for identity political purposes 2021 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 16 (1): 179–207
  • Miloš Rašić
The possibilities and obstacles to ceating an inclusive register of the intangible cultural heritage of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina: An anthropological analysis 2020 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 15 (1): 313-31
  • Jelena Ćuković
  • Miloš Milenković
How (un)Aware are young people in Serbia and the diaspora of Serbia’s intangible cultural heritage? 2020 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 15 (4): 1037–58
  • Ana Banić Grubišić
  • Dragana Antonijević
  • Miloš Rašić
Intangible cultural heritage and museums 2020 Etnolog (New Series) 30 (): 49-67
  • Nena Židov
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
Intangible cultural heritage between volunteering, free time and marketing 2020 Etnolog (New Series) 30 (): 167-76
  • Anja Jerin
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
Not even hearsay? The oral narratives of the First Nations of British Columbia 2019 Journal of northwest anthropology 53 (1): 54-77
  • David Henige
H6/KUB [NORTHWEST-] 1538-2834
"I was surprised": the UBC school and hearsay - a reply to David Henige 2019 Journal of northwest anthropology 53 (1): 78-107
  • Andrew Martindale
  • Charles R. Menzies
H6/KUB [NORTHWEST-] 1538-2834
Fugitives, vagrants, and found dead bodies: identifying the individual in Tsarist Russia 2019 Comparative studies in society and history 61 (2): 366-88
  • Alison K. Smith
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 0010-4175
Reconsidering 'tokens': the Neolithic origins of accounting or mutlifunctional, utilitarian tools? 2019 Cambridge archaeological journal 29 (2): 233-59
  • Lucy E. Bennison-Chapman
H6/KE [CAMBRIDGE-] 0959-7743
Folk belief and landscape in Connacht: accounts for the ordenance survey letters 2019 Folk life 57 (1): 56-69
  • Ciaran McDonough
H6/KVC [FOLK-] 0008-3496
The list of intangible cultural heritage is expanded 2019 Būdas 2 (): 27-9
  • Anonymous
H6/KVT [LIAUDIES-] 2669-0403
'Strangers from a different shore'. Examining archival representations and descriptions of the Chinese in America 2019 Journal of Chinese overseas 15 (1): 106-22
  • Jeannie Chen
H6/KW [JOURNAL-] 1793-0391
Calendars in knotted cords: new evidence on how khipus captured time in nineteenth-century Cuzco and beyond 2019 Ethnohistory 66 (3): 437-64
  • José Carlos de la Puente
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 0014-1801
Long-term archaeological perspectives on new genomic and environmental evidence from early medieval Ireland 2019 Journal of archaeological science 106 (): 23-8
  • Emma Hannah
  • Rowan McLaughlin
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
The 1918-19 influenza pandemic and its impact on Aboriginal ppeople in South Australia 2019 Aboriginal history 43 (): 3-32
  • Tom Gara
H6/KX [ABORIGINAL-] 0314-8769
Algunas reflexiones sobre la escritura de la historia del Tahuantinsuyo a partir de fuentes primarias (quipus) 2019 Allpanchis 46 (83-84): 13-38
  • Gary Urton
H6/KUL [ALLPANCHIS-] 0252-8835
Syphilis in Coimbra at the beginning of the 20th century. The importance of hospital records for the study of disease 2019 Antropologia portuguesa 36 (): 67-92
  • Célia Lopes
H6 [ANTROPOLOGIA-] 0870-0990
Numerical signs and accounting of Nahuatl hieroglyphic writing 2019 Revista española de antropología americana 49 (): 301-28
  • Albert Davletshin
  • Alfonso Lacadena
H6/KUL [MADRID-] 0556-6533
Document/ation: power, interests, accountabilities 2018 Anthropologica (New Series) 60 (1): 167-77
  • Kathleen Inglis
  • Stacy Leigh Pigg
  • Susan L. Erikson
"When the governement the government changes, the card will also change": questioning identity in biometric smartcards for national health insurance (RSBY) in India 2018 Anthropologica (New Series) 60 (1): 190-200
  • Stefan Ecks
Absence and ambiguity: documenting the moment of birth in east Lombok, Indonesia 2018 Anthropologica (New Series) 60 (1): 201-11
  • Leslie Butt
Proofing exemption: documenting indigeneity at the Canada-US border 2018 Anthropologica (New Series) 60 (1): 212-22
  • Ian Kalman
What documents do not do: papering persecution and moments of recognition in a Congolese refugee camp 2018 Anthropologica (New Series) 60 (1): 223-35
  • Marnie Jane Thomson
Plans for altering work: fitting kids into car-management documents in a Swedish preschool 2018 Anthropologica (New Series) 60 (1): 236-45
  • Renita Thedvail
Burden of proof: documentation of an HIV prevention program in Ghana 2018 Anthropologica (New Series) 60 (1): 246-58
  • Kathleen Inglis
Facsimileing the state: the bureaucracy of document transmission in Israeli human rights NGOs 2018 Anthropologica (New Series) 60 (1): 259-73
  • Omri Grinberg
Die Festnahme von Vojta Náprstek im Jahre 1847 2018 Annals of the Náprstek Museum 39 (1): 21-38
  • Martin Šámal
H6/KVL [PRAGUE-] 0231-844X
Accounting for the soul: improvisational Islam in democratic Indonesia 2018 Anthropological quarterly 91 (3): 1001-28
  • Nur Amali Ibrahim
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
'Hell was let loose on the country': the social history of military technology in the Republic of Biafra 2018 African studies review 61 (3): 99-118
  • Samuel Fury Childs Daly
*H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0002-0206
Naming practice in Tárnok, 1826-1875 2018 Studia comitatensia (36): 178-207
  • Andrea Anna Muscovics
H6/KVN [STUDIA-] 0133-3046
La ultima voluntad legal en el siglo XVIII 2018 Boletín de Lima 40 (192): 109-28
  • Editors
*H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0253-0015