Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Suspicious citizenship, bureaucratic coordination, and deportation of Cambodian American refugees | 2021 | Polar: political and legal anthropology review 44 (2): 271-86 | H6/KF [APLA-] | 1081-6976 | |||
Nutritional status and dental caries of vulnerable Cambodian children and adolescents living in Phnom Penh | 2021 | Antropologia portuguesa (38): 63-77 | H6 [ANTROPOLOGIA-] | 0870-0990 | |||
Allison Chhorn, Diane Severin Nguyen, forensic architecture | 2020 | Art Asia Pacific Magazine (120): 58-63 | H6/KFY [ART] | 1039-3625 | |||
Ghosts in action | 2018 | L'Autre: cliniques, cultures et sociétés 19 (3): 276-83 | H6 [AUTRE-] | 1626-5378 | |||
Structuring ritual of the deceased-living relationships in Cambodia in individual and collective deaths | 2018 | L'Autre: cliniques, cultures et sociétés 19 (3): 264-75 | H6 [AUTRE-] | 1626-5378 | |||
Migration disruption: crisis and continuity in the Cambodian mass returns | 2018 | International migration review 52 (4): 1130-61 | H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] | 0197-9183 | |||
Resurrecting discontinued bonds: a comparative study of Israeli holocaust and Cambodian genocide trauma descendant relations with the genocide dead | 2018 | Ethos 46 (2): 230-53 | H6/KH [ETHOS-] | 0091-2131 | |||
About (no) child desire: human reproduction and structural violence in Cambodia | 2017 | Anthropologie et sociétés 41 (2): 79-96 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] | 0702-8997 | |||
Socio-economic concerns of young musicians of traditional genres in Cambodia: implications for music sustainability | 2016 | Ethnomusicology forum 25 (3): 306-25 | H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] | 1741-1912 | |||
Trauma, memory, and representation: the role of collaboration in the development of the museum exhibit "Remembering the killing fields" | 2015/2016 | Collaborative anthropologies 8 (1-2): 83-106 | H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] | 1943-2550 | |||
Rethinking local history through collaboration: the creation of the Cambodian Community History and Archive project | 2015/2016 | Collaborative anthropologies 8 (1-2): 1-20 | H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] | 1943-2550 | |||
The establishment of the national language in twentieth-century Cambodia: debates on orthography and coinage | 2015 | Southeast Asian studies 4 (1): 43-72 | H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] | 0563-8682 | |||
The "thinking a lot" idiom of distress and PTSD: an examination of their relationship among traumatized Cambodian refugees using the "thinking a lot" questionnaire | 2015 | Medical anthropology quarterly (New Series) 29 (3): 357-80 | H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] | 0745-5194 | |||
Cultural transmission and relationship disorders in migrant's children. An experimental device for co-constructing links | 2015 | L'Autre: cliniques, cultures et sociétés 16 (1): 38-47 | H6 [AUTRE-] | 1626-5378 | |||
These children who remember their previous lives: convoking the deceased and forming ties of partnership in Thanaat Chum (Cambodia) | 2015 | L'Homme 213 (): 69-92 | H6 [HOMME-] | 0439-4216 | |||
Intergenerational land transfer in rural Cambodia since the late 1980s: special attention to the effect of labor migration | 2015 | Southeast Asian studies 4 (1): 3-42 | H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] | 0563-8682 | |||
HIV transmission from husband to wives in Cambodia: a systematic review of the literature | 2013 | Culture, health & sexuality 15 (9): 1115-28 | H6/KGT [CULTURE-] | 1369-1058 | |||
Indochine chic: why is Vietnamese food so classy in Singapore? | 2012 | Anthropology today 28 (2): 17-20 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGY-] | 0268-540X | |||
PTSD and key somatic complaints and cultural syndromes among rural Cambodians: the results of a needs assessment survey | 2012 | Medical anthropology quarterly (New Series) 26 (3): 383-407 | H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] | 0745-5194 | |||
Migrant labour and the politics of immobilisation: Cambodian fishermen in Thailand | 2010 | Asian journal of social science 38 (6): 915-32 | H6/KW [ASIAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE-] | 1568-4849 | |||
Asian American ethnic options: how Cambodian students negotiate ethnic identities in a U.S. urban school | 2010 | Anthropology and education quarterly 41 (4): 341-59 | H6 [COUNCIL-] | 0161-7761 | |||
Seeing possible futures: Khmer youth and the discourse of the American dream | 2009 | Anthropology and education quarterly 40 (1): 62-81 | H6 [COUNCIL-] | 0161-7761 | |||
The survivor's paradox: psychological consequences of the Khmer Rouge rhetoric of extermination | 2006 | Anthropology and medicine 13 (1): 1-11 | H6/KGT [BRITISH-] | 1364-8470 | |||
Cambodians and the new American citizenship | 2004 | Anthropological quarterly 77 (2): 349-53 | H6 [PRIMITIVE-] | 0003-5491 | |||
Cambodian refugees in Ontario: religious identies, social cohesion and transnational linkages | 2004 | Canadian ethnic studies 36 (2): 101-18 | H6/KUB [CANADIAN-] | 0008-3496 | |||
'Theories' of French, Vietnamese and Cambodian parents about children and their difficulties | 2002 | L'Autre: cliniques, cultures et sociétés 3 (2): 311-28 | |||||
Pratiques alimentaires chez les Vietnamiens et les Cambodgiens en France | 1997 | Ethnologie française 27 (1): 113-17 | |||||
Music as necessity, music as cultural identity. The Khmer refugees in Washington | 1996 | Cahiers de musiques traditionnelles 9 (): 241-58 | |||||
The apparition of [ghosts] and ancestors in traumatic experiences: an introduction to a clinical ethnography among Cambodian refugees in Paris | 1992 | Cahiers d'anthropologie et biométrie humaine 10 (1/2): 1-19 |