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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The police raid on 'Occupy' in Cyprus: an autoethnographic account of 'For 1 gramme' 2016 Bulgarska etnologiia 42 (1): 71-83
  • Mike Hajimichael
H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] 1310-5213
Traditional protest media and anti-military struggle in Nigeria 1988-1999 2002 African affairs 101 (403): 193-211
  • Ayo Olukotun
The satirical poetry of the martial law period 2002 Literatura ludowa 46 (4/5): 85-93
  • Agnieszka Dębska
The folklore image of Aleksandr Lukashenko in Belorussia 2001 Literatura ludowa 45 (6): 37-47
  • Jan Prokopiuk
The strike from the perspective of the participant: the poetry of August 1980 2001 Literatura ludowa 45 (4/5): 79-88
  • Agnieszka Dębska
The dullness of everyday life during the communist period: on the perception of the concept of 'quality of life' in the [People's Republic of Poland] 2001 Prace etnograficzne 36 (): 13-57
  • Andrzej Delorme
The revolution in December 1989 reflected in the musical folklore 1994 European meetings in ethnomusicology 1 (): 65-97
  • Steluţa Popa
*H6/kfyv [east-] 1582-5841
A cry for independence: a poem from Djibouti about the agony of colonial oppression 1992 Islam et sociétés au sud du Sahara 6 (): 95-101
  • L Kapteijns
  • M O Ali
[Motifs of social protest reflected in Belorussian baptism and wedding songs and in funeral laments] 1991 Vestsi Akademii Navuk BSSR Seryya: hramadskikh navuk 6 (): 81-91
  • A U Marozau
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