Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
The role of rulers in the winding up of the Old Norse Religion | 2021 | Numen 68 (2-3): 272-97 | H6/KFO [NUMEN-] | 0029-5973 | |||
How do we explain the quiet demise of Graeco-Roman religion? An essay | 2021 | Numen 68 (2-3): 230-71 | H6/KFO [NUMEN-] | 0029-5973 | |||
Motherhood(s) and polytheisms: epistemological and methodological reflections on the study of religions, gender, and women | 2018 | Numen 65 (4): 405-35 | H6/KFO [NUMEN-] | 0029-5973 | |||
Quetzalcoatl in the Huasteca | 2016 | Estudios de cultura náhuatl 51 (): 5-41 | H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] | 0071-1675 | |||
The Hume/Tylor genealogy and Andrew Lang. Of miracles and marvels, animism, and materialism | 2016 | Anthropos (St Augustin) 111 (1): 185-200 | H6 [ANTHROPOS-] | 0257-9774 | |||
The family prayer Ag-nykh in the Byzb Abkhazia | 2015 | Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3 (): 78-91 | H6/KVY [ETNOGRAFICHESKOE-] | 0869-5415 | |||
Translating gods: Tohil and Curiacaueri in Mesoamerican polytheism in the Popol Vuh and the Relación de Michoacán | 2015 | Ancient Mesoamerica 26 (2): 347-69 | *H6/KE [ANCIENT-] | 0956-5361 | |||
Written and oral aspects of an early Wahhābī epistle | 2015 | Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London) 78 (1): 161-78 | H6/KW [LONDON-] | 0041-977X | |||
Religion of the Tangkhul Naga in north-east India: continuity and change | 2014 | International journal of modern anthropology (7): 69-83 | H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] | 1737-7374 | |||
The ancient sky map of the Macedonian people | 2014 | Cosmos 30 (): 167-92 | H6/KFO [COSMOS-] | 0269-8773 | |||
Polytheism to monotheism: impact of Christianity among the Tangkhul Naga tribe of north-east India | 2014 | South Asian anthropologist 14 (1): 73-80 | H6/KW [SOUTH-] | 0257-7348 | |||
Monotheism the Zoroastrian way | 2014 | Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Series 3) 24 (2): 225-49 | H6/KW [ROYAL-] | 1356-1863 | |||
Religion is made with the harvest of land: a conceptual questioning of "religion" in Africa and the Yorubá case | 2013 | Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 17 (3): 457-76 | H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] | 0873-6561 | |||
Das Monotheismus/Polytheismus-Paradigma in der religionswissenschaftlichen Forschung des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts und sein Einfluß auf die Theoriebildung der Gegenwart | 2013 | Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte 21 (): 323-35 | H6/KFO [JAHRBUCH FUR ANTHROPOLOGIE UND RELIGIONGESCHICHTE-] | 0939-9186 | |||
Homer, the spirit of paganism, and philosophers: a conflict between sorts of wisdom | 2012 | L'Homme 201 (): 55-84 | H6 [HOMME-] | 0439-4216 | |||
Trojan excursions: a recurrent ritual, from Xerxes to Julian | 2010 | History of religions 49 (4): 339-53 | H6/KFO [HISTORY-] | 0018-2710 | |||
Los "2000 dioses" de los mexicas: politeísmo, iconografía y cosmovisión | 2008 | Arqueología mexicana 16 (91): 44-9 | *H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] | 0188-8218 | |||
Religion et religions. En marge du Génie du paganisme | 2008 | L'Homme (185-186): 313-31 | H6 [HOMME-] | 0439-4216 | |||
Rejecting monotheism? Polytheism, pluralism, and Battlestar Galactica | 2008 | Journal of contemporary religion 23 (3): 355-62 | H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] | 1353-7903 | |||
The evolutionary forms of the religious life: a cross-cultural, quantitative analysis | 2008 | American anthropologist 110 (4): 454-66 | *H6 [AMERICAN-] | 0002-7294 | |||
Religious revival, nationalism and the 'invention of tradition': political Tengrism in Central Asia and Tatarstan | 2007 | Central Asian survey 26 (2): 203-16 | *H6/KW [CENTRAL-] | 0263-4937 | |||
Los dioses mayas: una aparición tardía | 2007 | Arqueología mexicana 15 (88): 32-41 | *H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] | 0188-8218 | |||
Burkhanism | 2005 | Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 3-5 | H6/KVY [ETNOGRAFICHESKOE-] | 0869-5415 | |||
Studien zur Geschichte der Ngaju-Dayak - einige Schwerpunkte zwischen 1690 und 1942 | 2003 | Tribus 52 (): 67-72 | 0082-6413 | ||||
Babel-Bibel oder die wiederkehrende Theomachie | 2003 | Paideuma 49 (): 61-86 | 0078-7809 | ||||
W. F. Albright's vision of Israelite religion | 2002 | Near eastern archaeology 65 (2): 63-8 | 1094-2076 | ||||
Ugaritic studies and Israelite religion: a retrospective view | 2002 | Near eastern archaeology 65 (2): 17-29 | 1094-2076 | ||||
First look: the Qiang people of Sichuan | 2002 | Asian anthropology 1 (): 195-206 | 1683-478X | ||||
Óðinn and his heroes: a social analysis | 2001 | Cosmos 17 (1): 83-97 | H6/KFO [COSMOS-] | 0269-8773 | |||
Christianity in Hindu polytheistic structural mould. Converts in southern Tamilnadu respond to an alien religion during 'the Vasco de Gama epoch' | 1998 | Archives de sciences sociales des religions 103 (): 67-86 | H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] | ||||
Le Voudou est-il une religion polythéiste ou monothéiste? [orig publ in Bull Bur natn Ethnol Haiti 1961 (3:27) 3-22] | 1998 | Bulletin du Bureau national d'Ethnologie 1/2 (): 101-32 | 0256-355X | ||||
Antisemitismus im neuheidnischen deutschen Polytheismus? Eine Überlegung zum Thema Einheit und Vielheit | 1997 | Mitteilungen für Anthropologie und Religionsgeschichte 12 (): 111-28 |