Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Pet-friendly rental housing: racial and spatial inequalities | 2023 | Space and culture 26 (1): 116-29 | H6 [SPACE-] | 1206-3312 | |||
Empathic pathographies. On disease and death of pets in view of multispecies ethnography | 2022 | Etnografia polska 66 (1/2): 73-92 | H6/KVM [ETNOGRAFIA-] | 0071-1861 | |||
'The household snake': detection and eradication of pests in the home by means of snakes, as reflected in Talmudic sources | 2022 | Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 32 (3): 685-97 | H6/KW [ROYAL-] | 1356-1863 | |||
Growing, grown, gone. The ephemeral status of pets among the Madiha (Kulina) of the Peruvian Amazon | 2022 | Journal de la Société des Américanistes 108 (2): 9-38 | H6/KUB [SOCIETE-] | 0037-9174 | |||
Gary Francione and pets. The dynamics of an aporia | 2020 | Etudes rurales 210 (): 80-97 | H6 [ETUDES-] | 0014-2182 | |||
'Petishism', or animals in the city and on the islands: case study of the Island of Silba | 2020 | Studia mythologica slavica 23 (): 235–52 | H6/KVP [STUDIA-] | 1408-6271 | |||
Toward an affective sense of life: artificial intelligence, animacy, and amusement at a robot pet memorial service in Japan | 2020 | Cultural anthropology 36 (2): 222-51 | H6 [CULTURAL-] | 0886-7356 | |||
Ancient pets. The health, diet and diversity of cats, dogs and monkeys from the Red Sea port of Berenice (Egypt) in the 1st-2nd centuries AD | 2020 | World archaeology 52 (4): 639-53 | H6/KE [WORLD-] | 1470-1375 | |||
Ancient DNA evidence for the introduction and dispersal of dogs (Canis familiaris) in New Zealand | 2018 | Journal of Pacific archaeology 9 (1): 1-10 | H6/KE [NEW-] | 1179-4704 | |||
An overview of the findings of the research accompanying the exhibition Of animals and humans. A dog, a woman, a cat, a man - in search of the lost past | 2017 | Etnološka istraživanja 22 (): 34-59 | H6/KVP [ETNOLOSKA-] | 0351-4323 | |||
Human-animal communication | 2017 | Annual review of anthropology 46 (): 357-78 | H1 [BIENNIAL-] | 0084-6570 | |||
Hacer a un perro. Relaciones entre los qom del Gran Chaco argentino y sus compañeros animales de caza | 2016 | Anthropos (St Augustin) 111 (1): 113-25 | H6 [ANTHROPOS-] | 0257-9774 | |||
The animal body, violence and moral panic: the case of Mila the dog | 2014 | Glasnik Etnografskog Instituta 62 (1): 163-79 | H6/KVP [SRPSKA-] | 2334-8259 | |||
Urban Japan's 'fuzzy' new families: affect and embodiment in dog-human relationships | 2013 | Asian anthropology 12 (2): 83-103 | H6/KW [ASIAN-] | 1683-478X | |||
Feeding (and eating). Reflections on Strathern's 'eating (and feeding)' | 2013 | Cambridge anthropology 31 (1): 156-62 | H6 [CAMBRIDGE-] | 0305-7674 | |||
"Flexible personhood": loving animals as family members in Israel | 2012 | American anthropologist 114 (3): 420-32 | *H6 [AMERICAN-] | 0002-7294 | |||
Vengeful spirits or loving spiritual companions? Changing views of animal spirits in contemporary Japan | 2010 | Asian ethnology 69 (1): 35-67 | H6/KWS [FOLKLORE-] | 1882-6865 | |||
The necrogeography of pet memorial spaces: pets as liminal family members in contemporary Japan | 2010 | Material religion 6 (3): 304-35 | H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] | 1743-2200 | |||
Current state of the chimpanzee pet trade in Sierra Leone | 2009 | African study monographs 30 (1): 37-54 | H6/KY [AFRICAN-] | 0285-1601 | |||
Grief at the loss of a pet - As exemplified by the cat | 2008 | Arv: Nordic yearbook of folklore 64 (): 61-100 | 0066-8176 | ||||
Toward a theory of the World Wide Web vernacular: the case of pet cloning | 2005 | Journal of folklore research 42 (3): 323-60 | H6/KF [INDIANA-] | 0737-7037 | |||
Indios, blancos y perros | 2005 | Anthropos (St Augustin) 100 (2): 495-506 | H6 [ANTHROPOS-] | 0257-9774 | |||
Tierliebe und Tiertod. Kulturwissenschaftliche Betrachtungen zu einem verdrängten Alltagsbereich | 2004 | Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde 100 (2): 229-50 | H6/KVI [SCHWEIZERISCHES-] | 0036-794X | |||
People and pets | 2002 | Folklore (Tartu) 21 (): 147-55 | H6/KVT 'FOLKLORE-' | 1406-0957 | |||
Parakeet to paradise: archaeology of a pet cemetery | 2000 | Archaeology 53 (3): 22-4 | 0003-8113 | ||||
Tamagotchi - a link between doll and animal. Virtual cemetries for cyber-creatures | 1998 | Konteksty 2 (): 70-3, 112 | |||||
Different views of animals and cruelty to animals: cases in fox-hunting and pet-keeping in Britain | 1997 | Anthropology today 13 (5): 2-6 | HI [ANTHROPOLOGY-] | ||||
The bird-catchers of Kropa | 1997 | Etnolog (New Series) 7 (): 361-9 | H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] | ||||
De l'acclimatation des concepts et des animaux ou les tribulations d'idées américanistes en Europe | 1997 | Terrain 28 (): 119-24 |