Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
New excavation of the prehistoric mining fields at Bílý kámen near Sázava, Central Bohemia | 2020 | Archeologické rozhledy 72 (3): 349-78 | H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] | 0323-1267 | |||
Artefacts made from siliceous rocks of Polish origin on prehistoric sites in the Czech Republic | 2018 | Archaeologia polona 56 (): 35-48 | H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] | 0066-5924 | |||
Early neolithic potters of the Italian middle Adriatic region | 2017 | Archeologické rozhledy 69 (2): 227-45 | H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] | 0323-1267 | |||
Buried in ashes: site formation processes at Lapa do Santo rockshelter, east-central Brazil | 2017 | Journal of archaeological science 77 (): 10-34 | H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0305-4403 | |||
The geoarchaeiology of occupied wadis in Egypt | 2011 (2013) | Archaeologia polona 49 (): 163-76 | H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] | 0066-5924 | |||
Sources of archaeological dacite in northern New Mexico | 2011 | Journal of archaeological science 38 (5): 1001-7 | H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0305-4403 | |||
A comparison of chemical and petrographic analyses of neolithic pottery from Southeastern Europe | 2011 | Journal of archaeological science 38 (2): 255-69 | H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0305-4403 | |||
Archaeological petrology and the archaeometry of lithic materials | 2008 | Archaeometry 50 (2): 194-215 | H6/KE [ARCHAEOMETRY-] | 0003-813X | |||
Petrographic and chemical characterization of pottery production of the late Minoan I kiln at Haghia Triada, Crete | 2007 | Archaeometry 49 (4): 621-53 | H6/KE [ARCHAEOMETRY-] | 0003-813X | |||
The science of Dampier rock art - part 1 | 2007 | Rock art research 24 (2): 209-46 | H6/KE [ROCK-] | 0813-0426 | |||
Settlements of Pomeranian, Przeworsk and Wielbark cultures at Stroszki, near Września | 2005 | Fontes archaeologici posnanienses 40 (): 281-454 | q H6/KE [FONTES-] | 0071-6963 | |||
Stone artifacts from the cave of Tham Khuyen in the north of Vietnam | 2004 | Arkheologischeskie vesti 11 (): 13-22 | H6/KVY [ARKHEOLOGICHESKIE-] | ||||
Exploring automatic grouping procedures in ceramic petrology | 2004 | Journal of archaeological science 31 (9): 1325-38 | H6/KE 'JOURNAL-' | 0305-4403 | |||
The resources of raw materials for production of macrotools from the neolithic to the early iron age in the territory of Karelia | 2004 | Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 77-83 | H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] | 0869-6063 | |||
Bohemian raw materials deposits for lithic chipped artefacts in prehistoric times | 2004 | Památky archeologické 95 (): 5-30 | H6/KE [PAMATKY-] | 0031-0506 | |||
Extraction and processing of stone in ancient Russian settlements in the middle Dnepr river region | 2003 | Arkheolohiia 1 (): 66-75 | H6/KVY [ARKHEOLOHIYA-] | 0235-3490 | |||
Geological classification of the boundary stone between Aquileia and Emona | 2002 | Arheološki vestnik 53 (): 383-4 | 0570-8966 | ||||
Poröse Substanz aus den Brandgräbern des kaiserzeitlichen Gräbefeldes in Chmielów Piaskowy | 2002 | Materiały archeologiczne (Cracow) 34 (): 195-210 | H6/KE [MATERIALY-] | 0075-7039 | |||
Petrographische Analyse der Burg Týřov | 2002 | Archeologické rozhledy 54 (3): 681-7 | 0323-1267 | ||||
Exploration of stone raw materials in stone industry of late neolithic communities of lowland Poland (Niẓ Polski): prospects for further petroarchaeological studies in the Kujawy region | 2001 | Przegląd archeologiczny 49 (): 17-34 | 0079-7138 | ||||
The effects of fire on archaeological soils and sediments: temperature and colour | 2000 | Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 66 (): 385-95, 408, 412, 416 | H6/KE [PREHISTORIC-] | 0079-497X | |||
Raw materials of neolithic /eneolithic stone implements from sites around Senica (western Slovakia) | 2000 | Archeologické rozhledy 52 (3): 465-82 | 0323-1267 | ||||
Flaking properties, petrology and use of Polish flint | 2000 | Antiquity 74 (286): 822-32 | H6/KE [ANTIQUITY] | 0003-598X | |||
Quaternary environmental change in Cyrenaica evidenced by U-Th, ESR and OSL dating of coastal alluvial fan sequences | 2000 | Libyan studies 31 (): 5-16 | H6/KY [SOCIETY FOR LIBYAN STUDIES. Annual report] | 0263-7189 | |||
Spalt- und geschliffene Industrie aus der Záhorie-Niederung | 1999 | Slovenská archeologia 47 (1): 7-40 | 1335-0102 | ||||
Mineralogical and petrographic characteristics of finds from Altyn-depe burials (with reference to chronology) | 1999 | Arkheologischeskie vesti 6 (): 76-85 | |||||
Fingerprinting ancient Egyptian quarries: preliminary results using laser ablation microprobe-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry | 1999 | Archaeometry 41 (2): 227-38 | |||||
Grog, petrology, and early Transcaucasians at Godin Tepe | 1999 | Iran 37 (): 25-31, [appendix: Pl. x-xi] | H6/KVJ [IRAN-] | 0578-6967 | |||
Bulk mass - a nondestructive diagnostic method in petrological determination of stone artifacts | 1998 | Starinar 49 (): 167-72 | 0350-0241 | ||||
Petrology of Gilbody, Pennington and Christian /Pennington (18th century Liverpool) porcelains and their distinction from some contemporary phosphatic and magnesian/plombian British wares | 1998 | Journal of archaeological science 25 (11): 1131-47 | H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | ||||
Flaking qualities and petrographical propetries of rocks | 1997 | Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia (Serie ciencias humanas) 25 (): 187-99 | H6/KUL [ANALES-] | ||||
Mesopotamian petrology: stages in the classification of the material world | 1997 | Cambridge archaeological journal 7 (2): 205-24 |