Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Representations of mental problems in content published by female social media influencers | 2024 | International journal of cultural studies 27 (2): 217-33 | H6/KF [INTERNATIONAL-] | 1367-8779 | |||
Culture and class in contemporary Chinese psychotherapy | 2024 | Anthropology today 40 (3): 7-9 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGY-] | 0268-540X | |||
Youth identity development on the basis of traditional Kazakh folk music | 2024 | Folklore (Tartu) 93 (): 70-104 | H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] | 1406-0949 | |||
The place of Russia's political regime (2003-2023) on a conceptual map of the world's autocracies | 2023 | Social science information 62 (3): 390-408 | H6/KF [SOCIAL-] | 0539-0184 | |||
The Disney princesses and the glass slipper of the modal personality | 2022 | Annuaire roumain d'anthropologie 59 (): 101-7 | H6/HB [ANNUAIRE-] | 0039-3886 | |||
Does personality matter? Noncognitive skills and the male migrant wage gap in Germany | 2022 | International migration review 56 (2): 376-409 | H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] | 0197-9183 | |||
Why should we care what extremists think? The contribution of emic perspectives to understanding the "right-wing extremist" mind-set | 2022 | Journal of contemporary ethnography 51 (1): 318-46 | H6/KY [JOURNAL-] | 0891-2416 | |||
Using public datasets to understand the psychological correlates of smoking, alcohol consumption, and obesity: a counter-level analysis | 2022 | Cross-cultural research 56 (2-3): 99-124 | H6/KF [BEHAVIOR-] | 1069-3971 | |||
Relational flexibility: skills, "personal development," and the limits of theorizing neoliberal selfhood in India | 2022 | American ethnologist 49 (4): 478-90 | H6 [AMERICAN-] | 0094-0496 | |||
‘You have a man’s spirit in a woman’s heart’: women who break hegemonic ideas about femininity in Icelandic legends | 2021 | Folklore 132 (3): 290-312 | H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] | 1469-8315 | |||
Becoming role models: pedagogies of soft skills and affordances of person-making in contemporary China | 2021 | Ethos 49 (2): 135-51 | H6 [ETHNOS-] | 1469-588X | |||
Contexts of reception as figured worlds: recent-arrival immigrant youth in highs school ESL and content-area classrooms | 2021 | Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (3): 254-73 | H6 [COUNCIL-] | 0161-7761 | |||
Tito and children in political folklore 1980: wishes for Tito's speedy recovery | 2021 | Ethno-anthropological problems journal 16 (2): 509–27 | H6/KVP [ETNOANTROPOLOSKI PROBLEMI Casopis -] | 0353-1589 | |||
Between the Apollonian and the Dionysian. Ethnography of two running teams | 2020 | Cuadernos de antropologia social (51): 245-59 | H6/KF [CUADERNOS-] | 1850-275X | |||
Celebrity status and the attribution of value | 2020 | European journal of cultural studies 23 (1): 3-17 | H6/KF [EUROPEAN-] | 1367-5494 | |||
From the literary field to reality TV: the perils of downward celebrity migration | 2020 | European journal of cultural studies 23 (1): 18-34 | H6/KF [EUROPEAN-] | 1367-5494 | |||
'Russell Brand's a joke, right?' Contrasting perceptions of Russell Brand's legitimacy in grassroot and electoral politics | 2020 | European journal of cultural studies 23 (1): 35-53 | H6/KF [EUROPEAN-] | 1367-5494 | |||
Celebrity capital, field-specific aesthetic criteria and the status of cultural objects: the case of Masked and anonymous | 2020 | European journal of cultural studies 23 (1): 54-70 | H6/KF [EUROPEAN-] | 1367-5494 | |||
Why becoming a national treasure matters: elite celebrity status and inequality in the United Kingdom | 2020 | European journal of cultural studies 23 (1): 71-88 | H6/KF [EUROPEAN-] | 1367-5494 | |||
'Zoella hasn't really written a book, she's written a cheque': mainstram media representations of YouTube celebrities | 2020 | European journal of cultural studies 23 (1): 112-32 | H6/KF [EUROPEAN-] | 1367-5494 | |||
Designer notoriety: what the Lubitz case tells us about the accumulation of attention capital in celebrity culture | 2020 | European journal of cultural studies 23 (1): 133-46 | H6/KF [EUROPEAN-] | 1367-5494 | |||
French-Japanese biculturality: originalities, specificities? | 2019 | L'Autre: cliniques, cultures et sociétés 20 (1): 62-70 | H6 [AUTRE-] | 1626-5378 | |||
A new worldwide measure of happiness explains national differences in suicide rate and cigarette consumption | 2019 | Cross-cultural research 53 (4): 355-84 | H6/KF [BEHAVIOR-] | 1069-3971 | |||
Cultural differences in the perception of personal growth among adolescents | 2019 | Cross-cultural research 53 (4): 428-42 | H6/KF [BEHAVIOR-] | 1069-3971 | |||
The Aztec gods in blended-space: a cognitive approach to ritual time | 2019 | Journal of cognition and culture 19 (3-4): 385-410 | H6 [JOURNAL-] | 1567-7095 | |||
How is perception of time associated with cognitive functioning? The relationship between time perspective and executive control | 2019 | Time and society 28 (3): 1124-47 | H6 [TIME-] | 0961-463X | |||
Time perspectives mediate the relationship between personality traits and alcohol consumption | 2019 | Time and society 28 (3): 1148-66 | H6 [TIME-] | 0961-463X | |||
Sleep timing is linked to sociosexuality: evidence from German, Polish, Slovak, and Spanish females | 2019 | Time and society 28 (3): 1272-87 | H6 [TIME-] | 0961-463X | |||
The transformative power of food: the "milk mothers" in Sri Lankan Buddhism | 2019 | Material religion 15 (5): 529-52 | H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] | 1743-2200 | |||
Capitalising on silver tongues. A case study of self-advancement and parenting practice in north-east China | 2019 | Asian journal of social science 47 (6): 661-76 | H6/KW [ASIAN-] | 1568-4849 | |||
The development of gratitude in the United States | 2018 | Cross-cultural research 52 (1): 58-72 | H6/KF [BEHAVIOR-] | 1069-3971 | |||
The African concept of personhood and its relevance to respect for human life and dignity in Africa and the global context | 2018 | African study monographs supplementary issue 56 (): 21-32 | H6/KY [AFRICAN-] | 0286-9667 | |||
Introduction to special section 1: anthropology and character | 2018 | Andean pastQJ+1 And Past Social anthropology 26 (2): 159-67 | H6/KF [SOCIAL-] | 0964-0282 | |||
On the character of character: an immodest proposal | 2018 | Andean pastQJ+1 And Past Social anthropology 26 (2): 168-81 | H6/KF [SOCIAL-] | 0964-0282 | |||
Czech and Slovak Romani on the path abroad: migration and human personality | 2018 | Romani studies 28 (1): 79-108 | H6 [GYPSY-] | 1528-0748 | |||
'Characters ... stamped upon the mind'. On the a priority of character in the Caribbean everyday | 2018 | Social anthropology 26 (3): 314-29 | H6/KF [SOCIAL-] | 0964-0282 | |||
Un concepto de dios aplicable a la tradición maya | 2018 | Arqueología mexicana 26 (152): 20-7 | *H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] | 0188-8218 | |||
Art and the individual in African masquerades. Introduction | 2018 | Africa 88 (4): 702-17 | H6/KY [AFRICA-] | 0001-9720 | |||
Letting the mask slip: shameless fame of Sierra Leone's Gongoli | 2018 | Africa 88 (4): 718-43 | H6/KY [AFRICA-] | 0001-9720 | |||
Is it agency? An integrative interpretation of female adolescents' sexual behaviour in three remote Australian Aboriginal communities | 2018 | The Australian journal of anthropology 29 (3): 316-31 | H6/KF [AUSTRALIAN-] | 1035-8811 | |||
Southwest studies, Indian children's art, and tourism promotion: the American and Dutch career and collection of Lucy Schouten, 1950-70 | 2018 | Journal of the Southwest 60 (3): 492-636 | *H6/KUB [JOURNAL-] | 0894-8410 | |||
Folk mystic: a narrative of a Polish highlander Cunegonde Siwiec | 2018 | Folklore (Tartu) 74 (): 73-96 | H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] | 1406-0957 | |||
Cognitive functions, emotions and personality in woman with fibromyalgia | 2018 | Anthropologischer Anzeiger 75 (4): 271-7 | H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGISCHER-] | 0003-5548 | |||
'The post-mortem fate' of KHristo Botev from the viewpoint of the sites of memory | 2018 | Bulgarska etnologiia 45 (1): 92-110 | H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] | 1310-5213 | |||
San Francisco de Asís de Real de Catorce: the pilgrim, nocturnal and corporeal | 2018 | Trace 73 (): 60-86 | *H6/KUL [TRACE-] | 0185-6286 | |||
The Virgin hands power: images of saints and virgins social construction in valle de San Francisco (San Luis Potosí and Guanajuato, Mexico) | 2018 | Trace 73 (): 87-116 | *H6/KUL [TRACE-] | 0185-6286 | |||
Las emociones tienen muchas caras: lecciones Inuit | 2018 | Etnografías Contemporáneas 4 (7): 161-74 | 2451-8050 | ||||
Social and cultural relocations of Rudolf Maister: about the political mythology of Lower Styria | 2018 | Traditiones: acta Instituti Ethnographiae Slovenorum 47 (1): 193-212 | H6/KVP [TRADITIONES-] | 0352-0447 | |||
Contested heroes - Gavrilo Princip and Rudolf Maister as subcultural icons | 2018 | Traditiones: acta Instituti Ethnographiae Slovenorum 47 (1): 213-29 | H6/KVP [TRADITIONES-] | 0352-0447 | |||
Arbitrage, uncertainty and the new ethos of capitalism | 2017 | Sociological review 65 (1): 21-36 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 |