Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Pregnancy outcomes of adolescent and adult mothers belonging to Adi-Minyong tribal population of Arunachal Pradesh | 2022 | Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 57 (2): 158-76 | H6/KWL [INDIAN-] | 0019-4387 | |||
Movement, materiality, and the mortuary: adopting go-along ethnography in research on fetal and neonatal postmortem | 2019 | Journal of contemporary ethnography 48 (2): 209-35 | H6/KY [JOURNAL-] | 0891-2416 | |||
Embracing the obstetric imaginary: Chuukese women, migration, and stratified reproduction | 2019 | Medical anthropology 38 (4): 342-55 | H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] | 0145-9740 | |||
The pain and pride of 'angel mothers': disappointments and desires around reproductive loss in Romania | 2018 | Medical anthropology 37 (2): 174-87 | H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] | 0145-9740 | |||
A global perinatal health indicator falters in Afghanistan | 2018 | Medical anthropology 38 (3): 253-66 | H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] | 0145-9740 | |||
Infection as the cause of perinatal mortality in Latvia | 2017 | Papers on anthropology 26 (2): 95-104 | H6/HB [PAPERS-] | 1406-0140 | |||
Exploring unobserved heterogeneity in perinatal and neonatal mortality risks: the case of an Italian sharecropping community, 1900-39 | 2017 | Population studies 71 (1): 23-41 | H6/HB [POPULATION-] | 0032-4728 | |||
"Who is to blame?" Perinatal death and cross-accusations in maternity in Rajasthan, India | 2017 | L'Homme (223-224): 131-59 | H6 [HOMME-] | 0439-4216 | |||
Infection as the cause of perinatal mortality in Latvia | 2017 | Papers on anthropology 26 (2): 95-104 | H6/HB [PAPERS-] | 1406-0140 | |||
The direct effect of exposure to disease in early life on the height of young adult men in southern Sweden, 1814-1948 | 2015 | Population studies 69 (2): 179-99 | H6/HB [POPULATION-] | 0032-4728 | |||
Tophets and their functions: clues from human skeletal remains at Mozia, Sicily of the late VIII - early VII centuries BCE | 2014 | International journal of anthropology 29 (1-2): 13-25 | H6/HB [INTERNATIONAL-] | 0393-9383 | |||
Kaltoum at the "cake hospital": the infantile anorexia in a transcultural clinic | 2013 | L'Autre: cliniques, cultures et sociétés 14 (3): 312-21 | H6 [AUTRE-] | 1626-5378 | |||
Fertility decline under seemingly unfavourable conditions in Orissa, India | 2013 | Journal of biosocial science 45 (1): 135-40 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0021-9320 | |||
Barriers to the use of maternity waiting homes in indigenous regions of Guatemala: a study of users' and community members' perceptions | 2013 | Culture, health & sexuality 15 (2): 205-18 | H6/KGT [CULTURE-] | 1369-1058 | |||
Pregnancy outcome and delivery in Spanish and migrant women: an ecological approach | 2013 | Anthropological Review: the official publication of the Polish anthropological Society 76 (2): 129-50 | H6/KVM [PRZEGLAD-] | 1898-6773 | |||
Phoenician bones of contention | 2013 | Antiquity 87 (338): 1199-207 | H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] | 0003-598X | |||
Age estimations attest to infant sacrifice at the Carthage Tophet | 2013 | Antiquity 87 (338): 1191-9 | H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] | 0003-598X | |||
C-section among African migrants in France: sociological analysis of a 40 years conflict | 2013 | Anthropologie et sociétés 37 (3): 119-37 | H6/KX [SOCIETE-] | 0702-8997 | |||
Bones, teeth, and estimating age of perinates: Carthaginian infant sacrifice revisited | 2012 | Antiquity 86 (333): 738-45 | H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] | 0003-598X | |||
Infant death clustering in families: magnitude, causes, and the influence of better health services, Bangladesh 1982-2005 | 2011 | Population studies 65 (3): 273-87 | H6/HB [POPULATION-] | 0032-4728 | |||
Fertility and mortality differrentials among the Kabuis of Saombung, Imphal East District, Manipur | 2011 | The Anthropologist 13 (4): 307-10 | H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGIST-] | 0972-0073 | |||
Perinatal infant death at the Roman villa site at Hembleden, Buckinghamshire, England | 2011 | Journal of archaeological science 38 (8): 1931-8 | H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0305-4403 | |||
Intra- and inter-household differences in antenatal care, delivery practices and postnatal care between last neonatal deaths and last surviving children in a peri-urban area of India | 2010 | Journal of biosocial science 42 (4): 511-30 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0021-9320 | |||
Why did the stillbirth rate decline in Denmark after 1940? | 2010 | Population studies 64 (2): 117-30 | H6/HB [POPULATION-] | 0032-4728 | |||
Investigating foetal and perinatal mortality in prehistoric skeletal samples: a case study from a 3000-year-old Pacific island cemetery | 2009 | Journal of archaeological science 36 (12): 2780-7 | H6/KE [JOURNAL-] | 0305-4403 | |||
From uterus to jar: the significance of an infant pot burial from Melora Saddle, an early nineteenth-century African farmer site on the Waterberg plateau | 2009 | Southern African humanities 21 (1): 213-38 | H6/KY [NATAL-] | 1681-5564 | |||
Infant death in late prehistoric Southeast Asia | 2008 | Asian perspectives 47 (2): 371-404 | H6/KE [ASIAN-] | 0066-8435 | |||
Twinning and its correlates: community-based study in a rural area of India | 2008 | Human biology 80 (6): 611-21 | H6/HB [HUMAN-] | 0018-7143 | |||
Brief and precarious lives: infant mortality in contrasting sites from medieval and post-medieval England (AD 850-1859) | 2007 | American journal of physical anthropology 134 (1): 117-29 | H6/HB [AMERICAN-] | 0002-9483 | |||
Perinatal mortality of very low birth weight infants in Estonia in the period 1992-2002 | 2005 | Papers on anthropology 14 (): 353-9 | H6/HB [PAPERS-] | 1406-0140 | |||
A study of maternal health services in three districts of Karnataka | 2005 | Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 40 (1): 87-99 | H6/KWL [INDIAN-] | 0019-4387 | |||
Teenagerschwangerschaften aus evolutionsbiologischer Sicht | 2004 | Anthropologischer Anzeiger 62 (1): 37-49 | 0003-5548 | ||||
Frequency of childbirth with high birth-weight in the maternity ward of the Prokupije hospital | 2004 | Glasnik antropološkog Društva Jugoslavije 39 (): 179-84 | H6/KVP [ANTROPOLOSKO-] | 0351-1480 | |||
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in Europe, 1300-1700: a review of data on alcohol consumption and a hypothesis | 2003 | Food and foodways 11 (1): 1-26 | H6 [FOOD-] | 0740-9710 | |||
Pregnancy wastage and child mortality among the Bihari Harijans of Guwahati, Assam | 2003 | South Asian anthropologist 3 (2): 203-13 | 0257-7348 | ||||
Perinal characteristics and outcome of newborns (1999-2000) in the Wielkopolska region | 2003 | Variability and evolution 11 (): 47-53 | H6/HB 'VARIABILITY-' | 0860-7907 | |||
Seasonal variations of the body mass of prematurely born children | 2002 | Glasnik antropološkog Društva Jugoslavije 37 (): 297-300 | H6/KVP [ANTROPOLOSKO-] | 0351-1480 | |||
A Bayesian approach to ageing perinatal skeletal material from archaeological sites: implications for the evidence for infanticide in Roman-Britain | 2002 | Journal of archaeological science 29 (6): 677-85 | 0305-4403 | ||||
Sex differential patterns in perinatal deaths in Italy | 2002 | Human biology 74 (6): 879-88 | 0018-7143 | ||||
Features of placenta and umbilical cord and birth weight in twins | 2001 | Anthropologiai közlemények 42 (): 67-80 | 0003-5440 | ||||
Environmental factors increasing the risk for neural tube defects in the population of Delhi (India) | 2001 | Journal of human ecology 12 (3): 177-83 | H6 [JOURNAL-] | 0970-9274 | |||
Inbreeding incidence on biological fitness in an isolated Mediterranean population: La Alta Alpujarra Oriental (southeastern Spain) | 1998 | Annals of human biology 25 (6): 589-96 | H6/HB [ANNALS-] | ||||
Committed to life - and looking death in the eye | 1997 | Arv: Nordic yearbook of folklore 53 (): 17-30 | |||||
Socio-cultural variation and selection intensity among the Oraon of Assam | 1997 | Journal of human ecology 8 (3): 153-6 | |||||
Factors influencing infant mortality in Vietnam | 1993 | Journal of biosocial Science 25 (3): 285-302 | |||||
Survival in the perinatal period: a prospective analysis [Philippines] | 1993 | Journal of biosocial Science 25 (3): 359-70 | |||||
Natural selection associated with birth weight. 6, Towards the end of the stabilizing component | 1992 | Annals of human genetics 56 (2): 113-18 | |||||
Considerazioni sui casi di mortalità perinatale verificatosi nel quinquennio 1985/1989 nel Reparto di Ostetricia e Ginecologia dell'Ospedale di Prato | 1992 | Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia 122 (): 199-205 | |||||
Effect of ABO incompatibility on fertility and fetal deaths | 1991 | Man in India 71 (): 511-16 | |||||
Still births in relation to birth weight and length, birth orders and mother's age | 1991 | Man in India 71 (): 475-81 |