Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Sushruta and Alcmaeon: a comparative analysis on the originators of neuroscience | 2023 | Human evolution 38 (3-4): 211-20 | H6/HB [HUMAN-] | 0393-9375 | |||
First metatarsal trabecular bone in extant hominoids and Swartkrans hominins | 2019 | Journal of human evolution 131 (): 1-21 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
A probable genetic origin for pitting enamel hypoplasia on the molars of Paranthropus robustus | 2019 | Journal of human evolution 129 (): 54-61 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
The endocast of StW 573 ('Little Foot') and hominin brain evolution | 2019 | Journal of human evolution 126 (): 112-23 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Humeral anatomy of the KNM-ER 47000 upper limb skeleton from Ileret, Kenya: implications for taxonomic identification | 2019 | Journal of human evolution 126 (): 24-38 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Cranial vault thickness variation and inner structural organization in the StW 578 hominin cranium from Jacovec Cavern, South Africa | 2018 | Journal of human evolution 121 (): 204-20 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Patterns of lateral enamel growth in Homo naledi as assessed through perikymata distribution and number | 2018 | Journal of human evolution 121 (): 40-54 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Comparative analysis of trabecular bone structure and orientation in South African hominin tali | 2017 | Journal of human evolution 106 (): 1-18 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Chewing efficiency and occlusal functional morphology in modern humans | 2016 | Journal of human evolution 93 (): 1-11 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Variability of Australopithecus second maxillary molars from Sterkfontein Member 4 | 2015 | Journal of human evolution 85 (): 181-92 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Enamel thickness trends in Plio-Pleistocene hominin mandibular molars | 2015 | Journal of human evolution 85 (): 35-45 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Microtomographic archive of fossil hominin specimens from Kromdraai B, South Africa | 2013 | Journal of human evolution 64 (5): 434-47 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Clarifying the context, dating and age range of the Gondolin hominins and Paranthropus in South Africa | 2013 | Journal of human evolution 65 (5): 676-81 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Homoplasy and thick enamel in primates | 2013 | Journal of human evolution 64 (3): 216-24 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
The enigmatic molar from Gondolin, South Africa: implications for Paranthropus paleobiology | 2012 | Journal of human evolution 63 (4): 597-609 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Olduvai hominin 8 foot pathology: a comparative study attempting a differential diagnosis | 2012 | Homo 63 (1): 1-11 | H6/HB [HOMO-] | 0018-442X | |||
The Omo-Turkana Basin fossil hominins and their contribution to our understanding of human evolution in Africa | 2011 | Evolutionary anthropology 20 (6): 264-92 | H6/HB [EVOLUTIONARY-] | 1060-1538 | |||
Palaeomagnetic analysis of the Sterkfontein palaeocave deposits: implications for the age of the hominin fossils and stone tool industries | 2011 | Journal of human evolution 60 (5): 523-39 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Variation in dental remains from Dmanisi, Georgia | 2010 | Anthropological Science 118 (1): 31-40 | H6/KWV [ZINRUIGAKU-] | ||||
The stability and adequacy of taxonomic nomenclature relating to the early stages of evolution of the genus Homo | 2010 | Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2 (): 3-14 | H6/KVY [ETNOGRAFICHESKOE-] | 0869-5415 | |||
LB1's virtual endocast, microcephaly, and hominin brain evolution | 2009 | Journal of human evolution 57 (5): 597-607 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Newly discovered fossil- and artifact-bearing deposits, uranium-series ages, and plio-pleistocene hominids at Swartkrans Cave, South Africa | 2009 | Journal of human evolution 57 (6): 688-96 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Protostylid expression at the enamel-dentine junction and enamel surface of mandibular molars of Paranthropus robustus and Australopithecus africanus | 2009 | Journal of human evolution 56 (1): 76-85 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Long-distance carcass transport at Olduvai Gorge? A quantitative examination of Bed I skeletal element abundances | 2009 | Journal of human evolution 56 (3): 247-56 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
The shape of the early hominin proximal femur | 2009 | American journal of physical anthropology 139 (2): 154-71 | H6/HB [AMERICAN-] | 0002-9483 | |||
Side steps: the erratic pattern of hominin postcranial change through time | 2008 | Journal of human evolution 55 (4): 639-51 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Enamel microstructure of the hominid KB 5223 from Kromdraai, South Africa | 2007 | American journal of physical anthropology 132 (2): 175-82 | H6/HB [AMERICAN-] | 0002-9483 | |||
The evolution of Zijanthropus boisei | 2007 | Evolutionary anthropology 16 (2): 49-62 | H6/HB [EVOLUTIONARY-] | 1060-1538 | |||
Masticatory biomechanics and its relevance to early hominid phylogeny: an examination of palatal thickness using finite-element analysis | 2007 | Journal of human evolution 52 (5): 585-99 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Fossil hominin ulnae and the forelimb of Paranthropus | 2007 | American journal of physical anthropology 134 (2): 209-18 | H6/HB [AMERICAN-] | 0002-9483 | |||
Variation in enamel development of South African fossil hominids | 2006 | Journal of human evolution 51 (6): 580-90 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Sr /Ca and early hominin diets revisited: new data from modern and fossil tooth enamel | 2005 | Journal of human evolution 48 (2): 147-56 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Brief communication: early hominin variability in first molar dental trait frequencies | 2005 | American journal of physical anthropology 128 (2): 477-84 | H6/HB [AMERICAN-] | 0002-9483 | |||
The rise of the hominids as an adaptive shift in fallback foods: plant underground storage organs (USOs) and australopith origins | 2005 | Journal of human evolution 49 (4): 482-98 | H6/HB [JOURNAL-] | 0047-2484 | |||
Analysis and significance of linear enamel hypoplasia in plio-pleistocene hominids | 2004 | American journal of physical anthropology 123 (3): 199-215 | H6/HB [AMERICAN-] | 0002-9483 | |||
Patterns of resource use in early Homo and Paranthropus | 2004 | Journal of human evolution 46 (2): 119-62 | 0047-2484 | ||||
Curvilinear, geometric and phylogenetic modeling of basicranial flexion: is it adaptive, is it constrained? | 2004 | Journal of human evolution 46 (2): 185-213 | 0047-2484 | ||||
Ancient teeth and modern human origins: an expanded comparison of African plio-pleistocene and recent world dental samples | 2003 | Journal of human evolution 45 (2): 113-44 | 0047-2484 | ||||
Macroscopic and microscopic analyses of linear enamel hypoplasia in plio-pleistocene South African hominins with respect to aspects of enamel development morphology | 2003 | American journal of physical anthropology 120 (4): 309-22 | H6/HB [AMERICAN-] | 0002-9483 | |||
Early hominid diversity, age and biogeography of the Malawi-rift | 2002 | Human evolution 17 (1/2): 113-22 | |||||
Skeletal evidence for precision gripping in Cebus apella | 2001 | Human evolution 16 (2): 137-42 | |||||
Early hominid brain evolution: a new look at old endocasts | 2000 | Journal of human evolution 38 (5): 695-717 | 0047-2484 | ||||
Stratigraphy, artefact industries and hominid associations for Sterkfontein, Member 5 | 2000 | Journal of human evolution 38 (6): 827-47 | 0047-2484 | ||||
A quantitative and qualitative reanalysis of the endocast from the juvenile Paranthropus specimen L338y-6 from Omo, Ethiopia | 1999 | American journal of physical anthropology 110 (4): 399-406 | H6/HB [AMERICAN-] | 0002-9483 | |||
The Malawi rift: biogeography, ecology and coexistence of Homo and Paranthropus | 1999 | Anthropologie, Brno 37 (3): 221-31 | 0323-1119 | ||||
Early hominid evolution and ecological change through the African plio-pleistocene | 1997 | Journal of human evolution 32 (2/3): 289-322 | |||||
The problem of species in hominid evolution | 1997 | Perspectives in human biology 3 (): 21-31 | 1038-5762 |