Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
'The Pacific turn': a rejonder | 2024 | Colonial Latin American review 33 (3): 320-46 | *H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] | 1466-1802 | |||
Reflections on Christian magic | 2023 | Martor: revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain (28): 138-46 | H6/KVQ [MARTOR-] | 2734-8350 | |||
Se jurer complice: serment collectif et sujet de droit amazighs | 2022 | Terrain (77): 30-47 | H6 [TERRAIN-] | 0760-5668 | |||
Evolution of the oath of allegiance (bay'a) as justification for rule during the Almoravids | 2021 | Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko (79): 137-58 | H6/KWV [TOKYO-] | 0082-562X | |||
Invoking humans in Roman-era oaths: emotional relations and divine ambiguity | 2021 | Numen 68 (4): 382-410 | H6/KFO [NUMEN-] | 0029-5973 | |||
Unspeakable words, unmasterable feelings: calamity and the making of history in Asante | 2018 | Journal of African history 59 (1): 3-20 | *H6/KY [JOURNAL-] | 0021-8537 | |||
Loyal to god: Old Believers, oaths and orders | 2017 | History and anthropology 28 (4): 477-96 | H6 [HISTORY-] | 0275-7206 | |||
Indo-Iranian parallels of the Slavic water rites of the oath and guilt confirmation attested in medieval Latin accounts and Slavic law codices | 2017 | Studia mythologica slavica 20 (): 33-54 | H6/KVP [STUDIA-] | 1408-6271 | |||
Loyalty and disployalty as relational forms in Russia's border with China in the 1960s | 2017 | History and anthropology 28 (4): 497-514 | H6 [HISTORY-] | 0275-7206 | |||
The Nanai, Hezhe and mobilized loyalties along the Amur | 2017 | History and anthropology 28 (4): 531-52 | H6 [HISTORY-] | 0275-7206 | |||
An oath or a sacrifice? | 2015 | Tautosakos Darbai (NS) 50 (): 183-99 | H6/KVT [TAUTOSAKOS-] | 1392-2831 | |||
A religious ritual as the predecessor of a document | 2015 | Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 4 (): 29-37 | H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] | 0321-1649 | |||
Ukrainian physicians reinterpret the Hippocratic oath: significance of remuneration and class in bioethics | 2015 | Human organization 74 (3): 197-206 | H6/KF [APPLIED-] | 0018-7259 | |||
"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye": friendship, survival, and the pathos of portraiture | 2014/2015 | Res 65/66 (): 375-86 | 0277-1322 | ||||
Where freedom goes, so too does happiness follow | 2014 | Liaudies kultūra 1 (): 17-27 | H6/KVT [LIAUDIES-] | 0236-0551 | |||
Egalitarian conflict management among the Îgembe of Kenya | 2014 | African study monographs supplementary issue 50 (): 73-102 | H6/KY [AFRICAN-] | 0286-9667 | |||
"God speak to us": performing power and authority in Salale, Ethiopia | 2014 | Journal of African cultural studies 26 (3): 287-302 | *H6/KY [JOURNAL-] | 1369-6815 | |||
Hydraulic space and social space in the central highlands of Madagascar: interdisciplinary put to the test in the field | 2013 | Journal des anthropologues (132-133): 45-93 | H6/KF [ASSOCIATION-] | 1156-0428 | |||
Kenyatta’s lament: oaths and the transformation of ritual ideologies in colonial Kenya | 2013 | Hau 3 (3): 167-93 | 2049-1115 | ||||
Contestation of the oath procedure in colonial Indonesia's Islamic court | 2013 | Indonesia and the Malay world 41 (119): 14-28 | H6/KX [INDONESIA-] | 1363-9811 | |||
Body and blasphemy in Catalonia (XV-XVIII centuries) | 2013 | Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares 68 (1): 99-123 | H6/KVE [REVISTA-] | 0034-7981 | |||
The Russian peasant and the material world of his judicial power (the second half of the nineteenth century) | 2012 | Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3 (): 129-46 | H6/KVY [ETNOGRAFICHESKOE-] | 0869-5415 | |||
Consecrated virgins in Italy: a case study in the renovation of Catholic religious life | 2011 | Journal of contemporary religion 26 (1): 43-55 | H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] | 1353-7903 | |||
Middle bronze age tumuli culture pottery deposit in Prague 9 - Běchovice | 2010 | Archeologické rozhledy 52 (2): 211-58 | H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] | 0323-1267 | |||
S. An-Ski (S.Z. Rappoport) the ethnographer of the Jews and his 'Jewish ethnopoetics' | 2010 | Studia mythologica slavica supplementa 2 (): 27-33 | H6/KVP [STUDIA MYTHOLOGICA SLAVICA. Suppl.-] | ||||
Polling places and "slow punctured provocation": occult-driven cases in postcolonial Kenya's high courts | 2010 | Journal of Eastern African studies 4 (3): 577-91 | H6/KY [EASTERN-] | 1753-1055 | |||
Oaths of office in tribal constitutions: swearing allegiance to whom? | 2008 | American Indian quarterly 32 (4): 389-411 | H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] | 0095-182X | |||
"S'il ment, que l'accusé soit maudit par la mosquée": anthropologie d'une eprouve juratoire au Burkina Faso | 2008 | Archives de sciences sociales des religions 53 (144): 93-108 | H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] | 0335-5985 | |||
Formal and informal patronage among Jews in the Islamic east: evidence from the Cairo Geniza | 2008 | Al-Qanṭara 29 (2): 341-82 | H6/KW [AL-QANTARA-] | 0211-3589 | |||
From the gospel to the bear in imperial Russia: how were animist peoples made to swear an oath? | 2007-2008 | Etudes mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines 38-39 (): 19-43, 493-4 | *H6/KW [ETUDES-] | 0766-5075 | |||
Zähmung der Widerspenstigen? Die Huldigung der Stadt Worms 1494 zwischen Text, Ritual und Performanz | 2003 | Paragrana: internationale Zeitschrift für historische Anthropologie 12 (1/2): 223-57 | 0938-0116 | ||||
Rituals of friendship and customs of sworn sisterhood among Russian girls | 2003 | Zhivaia Starina (NS) 3 (): 15-17 | H6/KVY 'ZHIVAIA-' | 0204-3432 | |||
Diplomatic ceremonial in the practice of the relations of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the State of Moscow at the turn of the 16th century | 2003 | Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 81-101 | H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] | 0202-3342 | |||
Sacrificial violence in the Iliad | 2002 | Journal of ritual studies 16 (1): 19-39 | H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] | 0890-1112 | |||
An investigation into zaishu (written oaths) as they appear in covenants | 2001 | Oriental culture 81 (): 139-60 | 0564-0202 | ||||
Folk curses and oaths from Serbia | 2001 | Zhivaia Starina (NS) 3 (): 32-3 | H6/KVY 'ZHIVAIA-' | 0204-3432 | |||
Celibacy among the Bulgarian Catholics in the region of Plovdiv in the first half of the 20th century (based on materials from the village of General Nikolaevo) | 2000 | Etnografski problemi na narodnata dukhovna kultura 6 (): 124-63 | |||||
Killing, healing, and the hidden motif of oath-sacrfice in Iliad 21 | 1999 | Journal of ritual studies 13 (2): 42-57 | H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] | 0890-1112 | |||
Covenant in the ethical system of the Yoruba | 1996 | Africana Marburgensia 29 (1/2): 3-15 |