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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
‘We don’t openly discuss these things’: cultural complexities in teaching about sexuality and HIV in South Africa 2024 Culture, health & sexuality 26 (1): 16-29
  • Elasmus Muza
  • Jacqueline Naidoo
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Pregnancy and STI/HIV prevention intervention preferences of South African adolescent girls: findings from a cultural consensus modelling qualitative study 2024 Culture, health & sexuality 26 (2): 191-207
  • Anthony E. Hitch
  • Carla Sharp
  • Jan Cloete
  • Jennifer L. Brown
  • Jessica M. Sales
  • Kholisa Rani
  • Lochner Marais
  • Molefi Lenka
  • Nicole K. Gause
  • T. Dylanne Twitty
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Normalising intolerance: the efforts of Christian Right groups to block LGBTIQ+ inclusion in South African schools 2024 Culture, health & sexuality 26 (2): 236-47
  • Dennis Francis
  • Haley McEwen
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Inequality or insecurity? The case of pre-colonial farming communities in southern Africa 2024 Antiquity 98 (397): 135-54
  • Mncedisi J. Siteleki
  • Per Ditlef Fredriksen
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Still unknown and overlooked? Anthropologies of childhood and infancy in Southern Africa, 1995–2020 2024 Ethnos 89 (1): 58-79
  • Fiona C. Ross
  • Michelle Pentecost
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
Betting the farm: rural illiberal state-building in Angola via Chinese loans 2024 African affairs 122 (489): 533-58
  • Brad Safarik
H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9909
Spatial and temporal trends in the distribution of engraved eggshell fragments: a comparative view from the Holocene archaeological record of Southern Africa and southern South America 2024 Journal of anthropological archaeology 73 (23): 1-19
  • Gustavo Martínez
  • Jayson Orton
  • Natalia Carden
  • Peter Mitchell
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Making places in the world: an ethnographic review and archaeologic perspective on hunter-gatherer relationship with trees 2024 Journal of anthropological archaeology 73 (23): 1-16
  • Paula C. Ugalde
  • Steven L. Kuhn
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
A puported Pleistocene sand sculpture from South Africa 2024 Rock art research 41 (1): 58-73
  • Alan K. Whitfield
  • Andrew S. Carr
  • Charles W. Helm
  • Hayley C. Cawthra
  • Jan C. De Vynck
  • Paul D. Cowley
  • Pieter-Jan Gräbe
  • Renée Rust
  • Willo Stear
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
Potentiality in crisis: making and living the potential in Angola's boom and bust 2024 History and anthropology 35 (2): 234-51
  • Paolo Gaibazzi
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Contested religious and cultural issues: an encounter between Western missions and African cultures and religions in South Africa in the nineteenth century 2024 Journal of religion in Africa 54 (1): 42-72
  • Henry Mbaya
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 0022-4200
Relational harm: on the divisive effects of global health volunteering at a hospital in rural Zambia 2024 Medical anthropology 43 (3): 189-204
  • James Wintrup
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 1545-5882
Expectation and disconfirmation: dissatisfaction influence on attitude towards immigrants in South Africa 2024 Ethnic and racial studies 47 (6): 1231-57
  • William Hatungimana
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Forever young: institution-based waithood among youth in Ghana and South Africa 2024 Time and society 33 (2): 125-48
  • Itamar Dubinsky
  • Noa Levy
H6 [TIME-] 0961-463X
Multiculturalism and the fetishization of ethnic difference in Mauritius 2024 Anthropological quarterly 97 (1): 33-62
  • Leo Couacaud
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Plantations beyond monocrops: cannabis ecologies from colonial Angola to São Tomé 2024 Journal of ethnobiology 44 (1): 46-55
  • Marta Macedo
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0278-0771
‘Remember there is that thing called confidentiality’: experiences of institutional discrimination in the health system among adolescent boys and young men living with HIV in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa 2024 Culture, health & sexuality 26 (5): 475-87
  • Lesley Gittings
  • Marija Pantelic
  • Phakamani Kom
  • Rebecca Hodes
  • Sinebhongo Mbula
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Assessing tuberculosis in the skeleton with the use of decision tree analysis 2024 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 81 (2): 233-9
  • Deona Botha
  • Maryna Steyn
  • Rethabile Masiu
Recusar o império da ignorância: compassos das revoluções em Angola e Portugal na obra tardia de Ruy Duarte de Carvalho (1941-2010) 2024 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 28 (1): 197-210
  • Inês Ponte
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
Processos revolucionários em discurso: descentralizando e desconstruindo os impactos do 25 de Abril em Angola 2024 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 28 (1): 261-9
  • Ruy Llera Blanes
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
Panoramas from the periphery: women's history tapestries at Rorke's drift 2024 African arts 57 (2): 34-47
  • Philippa Hobbs
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
Visual community authoethnography and heritage: selected cairns in South Africa 2024 Visual anthropology 37 (2): 126-45
  • Mary E. Lange
  • Ruth Teer-Tomaselli
*H6 [VISUAL-] 1545-5920
Relationship impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown restrictions on young women and men in Durban and Soweto, South Africa 2024 Culture, health & sexuality 26 (6): 734-46
  • Angela Kaida
  • Anita Raj
  • Campion Zharima
  • Gina Ogilvie
  • Janan J. Dietrich
  • Kalysha Closson
  • Mags Beksinska
  • T. Michelle Kuchena
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Money, chores and emotional support: Kenyan and Zambian fathers’ perceptions of male partner involvement in maternal and infant health within the context of HIV 2024 Culture, health & sexuality 26 (6): 747-62
  • Benjamin H. Chi
  • Janet M. Turan
  • Jean Scandlyn
  • Karen Hampanda
  • Lisa L. Abuogi
  • Marcella Fasano
  • Maricianah Onono
  • Perfect Shankalala
  • Tobias O. Odwar
  • Tulani Francis L. Matenga
  • Wilbroad Mutale
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Fertility preservation and protection: young women’s decision-making about contraceptive use in Zimbabwe 2024 Culture, health & sexuality 26 (6): 824-38
  • Chido Dziva Chikwari
  • Constance R.S. Mackworth-Young
  • Constancia V. Mavodza
  • Ethel Dauya
  • Mandikudza Tembo
  • Portia Nzombe
  • Rangarirayi Nyamwanza
  • Rashida A. Ferrand
  • Sarah Bernays
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Transforming South Africa's unjust food system: an argument for decolonization 2024 Food Culture and Society 27 (3): 792-809
  • Brittany Kesselman
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
Studio call, Michael Subotzky 2024 Nka: journal of contemporary African art (54): 102-18
  • Chika Okeke-Agulu
H6/KY [NKA-] 1075-7163
Decolonising archaeology in South Africa: two decades after the National Heritage Resources Act of 1999 2024 Journal of social archaeology 24 (2): 171-96
  • Kerry-Leigh P. Reddy
  • Thembi Russell
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1469-6053
Hatching conflicts: trout reproduction, properties of water, and property ownership in South Africa 2024 Ethnos 89 (3): 418-37
  • Duncan Brown
  • Heather A. Swanson
  • Knut G. Nustad
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
Understanding agricultural and tree plantation frontiers emergence in southern and eastern Africa 2024 Bulletin des séances. Académie Royale des Sciences d’Outre-Mer (New Series) 2 (1): 29-39
  • Adia Bey
  • Angela Kronenburg Garcia
  • Dilini Abeygunawardane
  • Eduardo Oliveira
  • Patrick Meyfroidt
  • Virginia Rodriguez Garcia
H6/KY [INSTITUT-] 0001-4176
The mythmaking surrounding entrepreneurship and the false promises of the Mamlambo: a comparative study 2024 Folklore 35 (1): 250-75
  • Felicity Wood
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
Liminal bodies left in perpetual suspension: social, cultural and political-economic responses to the Covid-19 pandemic in Southern African contexts 2024 Anthropology Southern Africa 47 (1): 1-5
  • Gcobani Qambela
  • Jonathan Stadler
*H6 [SOUTH-] 2332-3256
Vacillating vaccines: responses to Covid-19 in the United States and South Africa 2024 Anthropology Southern Africa 47 (1): 6-19
  • Jimmy Pieterse
  • Theodore Powers
*H6 [SOUTH-] 2332-3256
Of vaccines, biopower, subjects and governmentality: an ethnographic enquiry into the Zimbabwean Covid-19 vaccination drive 2024 Anthropology Southern Africa 47 (1): 20-31
  • Talent Moyo
*H6 [SOUTH-] 2332-3256
Covid-19 infection as ritual process in Venda, South Africa 2024 Anthropology Southern Africa 47 (1): 32-45
  • Fraser G. McNeill
*H6 [SOUTH-] 2332-3256
When caring and mourning threaten public health: the experience of Covid-19 preventative regulations in Zambia 2024 Anthropology Southern Africa 47 (1): 46-58
  • James Musonda
*H6 [SOUTH-] 2332-3256
Continuity and discontinuity of rituals: Covid-19 pandemic in Southern Africa 2024 Anthropology Southern Africa 47 (1): 59-72
  • Bopane Rampeta
  • Chanda Penda
  • Tamia Botes
  • Thulani Baloyi
  • Zikhona Ngqula
*H6 [SOUTH-] 2332-3256
Beyond the "single story" of vaccine hesitancy: "stydying up" a public health response to vaccine-associated polio in South Africa 2024 Anthropology Southern Africa 47 (1): 73-84
  • Lehnohonolo Kekana
*H6 [SOUTH-] 2332-3256
“The issues still persist”: a roundtable discussion of perpetual crisis, the massification of grief and joyful black futures 2024 Anthropology Southern Africa 47 (1): 85-94
  • Abongile Nkamisa
  • Candice Sehoma
  • Gcobani Qambela
  • Kharnita Mohamed
  • Lwanda Maqwelane
*H6 [SOUTH-] 2332-3256
Tragedy, trauma and infinte possibilities 2024 Anthropology Southern Africa 47 (1): 95-7
  • Nokwanda Zakiyyah Shabangu
*H6 [SOUTH-] 2332-3256
Becoming traditional: contemporary San art and the production of (non-) knowledge 2024 Ethnography 25 (2): 187-207
  • Leïla Baracchini
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
Traditional adhesive production systems in Zambia and their archaeological implications 2024 Journal of anthropological archaeology 74 (): 1-19
  • Alessandro Aleo
  • Christabel Maombe
  • Geeske H.J. Langejans
  • George Mudenda
  • Jelte Zeekaf
  • Martha Nchimunya Kayuni
  • Sebastian Fajardo
  • Terry Nyambe
  • Tinde van Andel
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
'Something like a nuclear weapon': African charismatic prophetic revelations and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic 2024 Journal of religion in Africa 54 (2): 167-92
  • J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 0022-4200
Follow the 'Ting: sorghum in South Africa 2023 Food Culture and Society 26 (1): 116-44
  • Laura M. Pereira
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
The enigmatic softstone vessels of northern Madagascar: petrological investigations of a medieval quarry 2023 Journal of field archaeology 48 (1): 55-72
  • Christoph Nitsche
  • Guido Schreurs
  • Vincent Serneels
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 2042-4582
Tradition, masculinities, and subject positions: an ethnography among men in Cabinda 2023 Revista de antropología (São Paulo) 66 (): 1-20
  • Paulo Ricardo Muller
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0034-7701
A dollop of sadza and a bag of mealie meal: food in Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Tambudzai trilogy 2023 Food Culture and Society 26 (2): 501-16
  • Igor Cusack
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
Articulations of inferiority: from pre-colonial to post-colonial paternalism in tourism and development among the indigenous Bushmen of Southern Africa 2023 History and anthropology 34 (2): 303-22
  • Stasja Koot
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Ichnology in rock art science: examples from Southern Africa 2023 Rock art research 40 (1): 19-31
  • Charles W. Helm
  • Hayley C. Cawthra
  • Jan C. De Vynck
  • Renee Rust
  • Willo Stear
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
Becoming a debtor to eat: the transformation of food sharing in Namibia 2023 Ethnos 88 (2): 392-412
  • Michael Schnegg
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X