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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Pottery and non-sedentary communities: origins, technology and usage 2020 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 15 (3): 745–71
  • Jasna Vuković
The state of current knowledge of the Eastern European sub-neolithic in Poland 2019 Archaeologia polona 57 (): 63-77
  • Stanisław Kukawka
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] 0066-5924
Polish mesolithic pots. Jasiu Kowalczyk – in memoriam 2019 Archaeologia polona 57 (): 23-34
  • Stefan Karol Kozłowski
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] 0066-5924
Organic admixtures in handmade pottery of the bearers of the Hatched ceramic culture (Strichkeramik- Kultur) of Belarus 2017 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 1 (): 44-54
  • M.I. Loshenkov
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
The beginnings of the neolithic in eastern Pomerania: a Linear Pottery culture settlement at site 13, Kościelna Jania, Smętowo Graniczne commune 2016 Sprawozdania archeologiczne 68 (): 193-222, [plates i-ii]
  • Joanna Pyzel
  • Lech Czerniak
  • Marcin Wąs
H6/KE [SPRAWOZDANIA-] 0081-3834
Pottery with a band and comb ornament from the Funnel Beaker settlement in Poganice, Słupsk county, site 4. Contribution to the study of directions of interregional contacts of the Łupawa group communities 2015 Folia praehistorica posnaniensia 20 (): 531-44
  • Jacek Wierzbicki
H6/KE [FOLIA-] 0239-8524
Rimutė Rimantienė - creator of the research school for the stone age in Lithuania and the eastern Baltic region 2015 Liaudies kultūra 5 (): 1-14
  • Adomas Butrimas
H6/KVT [LIAUDIES-] 0236-0551
Stone age sites in the south-eastern part of the Gulf of Finland coast: chronology and geomorphology 2012 Kratkie soobshcheniia 227 (): 243-50 [plate VIII]
  • A. Kriĭska
  • D.V. Gerasimov
  • S.N. Lisitsyn
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Institut Istorii Material'noy Kultury. Kratkiye Soobs'hcheniya-] 0130-2620
Vessels with band comb decoration in the Polish lowlands: an attempt at a chronologico-cultural verification 2010 Fontes archaeologici posnanienses 46 (): 19-30
  • Stanisław Kukawka
qH6/KE [FONTES-] 0071-6963
On the issue of age and specific traits of the origin and development of Laponoid anthropological type 2006 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5 (): 101-16
  • I. S. Maniukhin
The beginning of the neolithisation in Lithuania 2005 Lietuvos archeologija 29 (): 241-52
  • Džiugas Brazaitis
H6/KE [LIETUVOS-] 0207-8694
The most ancient historical sources concerning origins of Slavonic peoples and anthropological data 2005 Narodna tvorchist’ ta etnohrafiya 6 (): 18-23
  • Serhii Seheda
H6/KVY [NARODNA-] 0130-6936
The southern border of the Narva culture 2005 Lietuvos archeologija 29 (): 179-202
  • Eglė Marcinkevičiutė
H6/KE [LIETUVOS-] 0207-8694
Are there stone age pile dwelling sites in Lithuania? 2005 Lituanistica 62 (2): 33-45
  • Algirdas Girininkas
Ground flint axes in Lithuania 2005 Lietuvos archeologija 29 (): 71-118
  • Džiugas Brazaitis
  • Gytis Piličiauskas
H6/KE [LIETUVOS-] 0207-8694
Current state of the 'steppe' concept of Indo-European origins 2004 Arkheolohiia 1 (): 87-98
  • S. V. Koncha
Peculiaruties of neolithuzation in Lithuania 2004 Lituanistica 58 (2): 22-38
  • Algirdas Girininkas
The 'Papiškės-4' settlement site 2004 Lietuvos archeologija 25 (): 187-220
  • Dziugas Brazaitis
H6/KE [LIETUVOS-] 0207-8694
Radiocarbon dates for the earliest period of habitation in the Baltic States 2003 Arheologija un etnografija 21 (): 11-26
  • Ilga Zagorska
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIJA-] 0320-9415
Dubičiai type settlements and the neolithic Nemunas culture in south Lithuania 2002 Lietuvos archeologija 23 (): 107-36
  • Gytis Piličiauskas
Migratory processes in the eastern Baltic sea region in the late neolithic period: Corded Ware culture 2002 Lietuvos archeologija 23 (): 73-92
  • Algirdas Girininkas
Styles of Narva pottery in eastern Lithuania 2002 Lietuvos archeologija 23 (): 51-72
  • Dziugas Brazaitis
The Globular Amphora culture in Lithuania - a phenomenon or an episode? 2002 Lietuvos archeologija 23 (): 29-40
  • Dziugas Brazaitis
The bronze age materials from Visẹtiškẹs burial mounds and their environs 2000 Lietuvos archeologija 20 (): 101-14
  • Dziugas Brazaitis
H6/KE [LIETUVOS-] 0207-8694
The early neolithic at the Iča settlement site (Lake Lubāna Depression) 2000 Lietuvos archeologija 19 (): 203-20
  • Ilze Loze
Decoration of ceramics with organic temper from the settlement of Dakrariškė 5 2000 Lietuvos archeologija 19 (): 125-38
  • Adomas Butrimas
  • Marius Iršėnas
Corder Ware culture pottery in south Lithuania 2000 Lietuvos archeologija 19 (): 109-24
  • Giedre Grinevič+iūtė
The Balts by Finland Bay 2000 Lietuvos archeologija 19 (): 103-8
  • Algirdas Girininkas
Archaeological excavations on the neolithic site of Riigiküla IV 1996 Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia toimetised: humanitaar-ja sotsiaalteadused 45 (4): 410-19
  • Aivar Kriiska
Terminologische Frage: kultura narewska (die Narwa-Kultur) 1991 Archeologia polski 36 (1/2): 265-8
  • T Malinowski
A participation of northeastern elements in the pottery production of the funnel beaker culture in the Chełmno land: ([notes on] the work of A. KoŚko, "Osady kultury purcharów lejkowatych w Inowrocławiu-Mątwach woj. Bydgoszcz, stanowisko 1", Inowrocław 1988) 1990 Archeologia polski 35 (1): 139-61
  • S Kukawka
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