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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
On mythological motifs reflected in the bylina 'Dobrynya and Nastas'ia' 2020 Studia mythologica slavica 23 (): 119–35
  • Maksim Anatol’evich Iuiukin
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
The voice and the echo of myth 2008 Zhivaia Starina (NS) 1 (): 2-5
  • Sergei IUr'evich Nekliudov
H6/KVY [ZHIVAIA-] 0204-3432
The dead and their treasures. Functions of burial mounds according to the Old Norse sagas 2008 Archeologické rozhledy 60 (1): 3-35
  • Jan Kozák
  • Kateřina Ratajova
H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] 0323-1267
Style of 'Likaabharan' in Indian proverbs 2007 Folklore (Tartu) 35 (): 85-98
  • Biplab Chakraborty
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0957
Ethnopoetics and structural anthropology as seen through a narrative by Victoria Howard Clackamas Chinook 2004 Journal de la Société des Américanistes 90 (1): 25-55
  • Catharine Mason
H6/KUB [SOCIETE-] 0037-9174
The storyteller's manner in Chinese storytelling 2003 Asian folklore studies 62 (1): 65-112
  • Vibeke Børdahl
Projecting Islam: narrative in Swahili poetry 2001 Journal of African cultural studies 14 (1): 107-19
  • Farouk Topan
Representations of the legal status and living conditions of women in Slovene popular family ballads: an essay to outline women as the subjects of folk songs in connection with the women-carriers of these songs 2001 Etnolog (New Series) 11 (1): 157-75
  • Marjetka Golež Kaučič
Amethysts 2001 Iraq 53 (): 183-6
  • Jeremy Black
Elegiac Chhaṇd and Dubā in Charani lore 2000 Asian folklore studies 59 (1): 41-58
  • Jhaverchand Meghānťi
H6/KWS [FOLKLORE-] 0385-2342
The function of Loki in Snorri Sturluson's Edda 2000 History of religions 40 (2): 109-24
  • Stefanie von Schnurbein
H6/KF0 [HISTORY-] 0018-2710
The illusion of an allusion: a soothing song for the exiled Prince Dipasana (d. ca 1840) in Ambon 2000 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society (Series 3) 10 (2): 193-204
  • Edwin Wieringa
H6/KW [ROYAL-] 1356-1863
The force of destiny, or the Kidung Harsa-Wijaya reread 2000 Indonesia and the Malay world 28 (82): 243-53
  • Stuart Robson
The music of the Yakut Olonkho 2000 Literatura ludowa 44 (6): 31-7, 'i'
  • Anna S. Larionova
'The God's song' as a type of first-person narrative song: on the typology of folk genres among the Ainu and the Sakha-Yakut peoples 2000 Literatura ludowa 44 (6): 49-58, 'i'
  • Swietłana D. Michoplewa
Strategies of internationalism in Croatian ballad scholarship: the Balkan ballad, Mediterranean horizons 1999 Traditiones: acta Instituti Ethnographiae Slovenorum 28 (2): 97-109
  • Simona Delić
The poetics of domestic internationalism in the comparative research into the Croatian narrative poem. The Balkan ballad, the Mediterranean folklore horizons 1999 Narodna umjetnost 36 (1): 253-68
  • Simona Delić
Les 'Sarrassins' du Veron: la dyamique discursive d'un legendaire 1998 Cahiers de litterature orale 43 (): 133-61
  • Karine Basset
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