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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Marginality and martial practices in the Mahābhārata: Karṇa's education as warrior (Mahābhārata, XII, 1-3) 2023 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 68 (201): 93-117
  • Sylvain Brocquet
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
Damaged minds and disturbed behavior in the Greek and Indian epics 2022 Journal of Indo-European studies 50 (3-4): 415-62
  • Maria Marcinkowska-Rosół
  • Sven Sellmer
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0092-2323
Erysichthon's crime and punishment: the prehistory of a famine demon 2021 Journal of Indo-European studies 49 (1-2): 67-103
  • Laura Massetti
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0092-2323
Traditional pilgrimage in India 2018 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 1 (): 15-20
  • D.M. Zaĭtsev
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 2524-2369
The storm god and the hunter: a fragment of an old Balto-Slavic epos? 2018 Studia mythologica slavica 21 (): 27-37
  • Patrice Lajoye
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
The periodization of an individual's life in the Kālacakra teaching 2015 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 124-39
  • Andreĭ Mikhaĭlovich Strelkov
Circe, Calypso, Hiḍimbā: the Odyssey and Graeco-Aryan proto-epic 2014 Journal of Indo-European studies 42 (1-2): 144-74
  • Emily West
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0092-2323
Reconstruction of the origins of Padmavyūa based on the ecobiology of Nymphaea nouchali Burm. f.: lost details of an ancient war craft 2012 Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 93 (): 193-204, [plates 1-2]
  • Pundarikakshudu Tetali
  • Sujata Tetali
  • Vetury Sitaramam
Kirātārjunīa, canto XVIII with Mallinātha's commentary 2012 Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 93 (): 70-136
  • J.A.F. Roodbergen
Purāṇic chronology 2011 Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 92 (): 1-5
  • M.K. Dhavalikar
Controlling time in epic performances: an examination of Mahābhārata performance in central Himalayas and Indonesia 2011 Ethnomusicology forum 20 (1): 57-78
  • Andrew Alter
H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] 1741-1912
Theatre of India: yesterday and today 2010 Kul'tura i vremia 3 (): 186-99
  • M.N. Vorob'ev
Three functions of hell in the Hindu traditions 2009 Numen 56 (2/3): 385-400
  • Knut A. Jacobsen
H6/KFO [NUMEN-] 0029-5973
Married hero/single princess: Homer's Nausicaa and the Indic Citrāṅgadā 2009 Journal of Indo-European studies 37 (1/2): 214-24
  • Emily Blanchard West
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0092-2323
Early Rome and Indo-European comparison: Dominique Briquel on two crises 2009 Journal of Indo-European studies 37 (3-4): 489-508
  • Nick Allen
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0092-2323
Indo-European time and the Perun-Veles combat 2009 Studia mythologica slavica 12 (): 147-52
  • Emily Lyle
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
Gods and Titans in Hesiod's Theogony 2009 Studia mythologica slavica 12 (): 361-83
  • Mikhail Evzlin
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
The Mahābhārata and its universe: new approaches to the all-encompassing epic 2008 History of religions 47 (4): 304-19
  • Aditya Adarkar
H6/KFO [HISTORY-] 0018-2710
An Indo-European night raid? 2006 Journal of Indo-European studies 34 (1): 183-200
  • Kathleen Garbutt
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0092-2323
Dancing the self: personhood and performance in the Pāṇḍav Līlā of Garhwal 2005 Journal of ritual studies 19 (1): 130-45
  • Alf Hiltebeitel
  • John D. Smith
  • Joyce Burkhalter Flueckiger
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 0890-1112
Romulus and Bhîshma: intersecting structures 2005 Anthropologie et sociétés 29 (2): 21-44
  • Nicholas J. Allen
H6/KX [SOCIETE-] 0702-8997
A note on the development of emotional Bhakti: epic Śaivism in Mahābhārata 2005 Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 86 (): 153-66
  • Nicholas Sutton
Liṅga-Utpatti: towards holistic creativity 2005 Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 86 (): 27-53
  • Subash Anand
Performances of the Mahabharata epic [world] in the wayang in west Java 2004 Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology. Osaka 28 (4): 571-96
  • Madoka Fukuoka
H6 'OSAKA-' 0385-180X
On astronomical references in vyāsa-dhṛtarāṣṭra-saṁvāda in the bhīṣmaparvan of Mahābhārata 2003 Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 84 (): 13-22
  • B. N. Narahari Achar
Semantics of the scene of the mirror from the Rogozikha-1 site 2003 Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia 14 (): 130-8
  • A. P. Umanskiĭ
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 1563-0110
Mahābhārata and Iliad: a common origin? 2002 Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 83 (): 165-77
  • N. J. Allen
Kṛṣṇa's initiation at Sāndīpani's hermitage 2002 Numen 49 (1): 37-60
  • Andre Couture
Le MoksŁavimŁśaka du HarivamŁśa: une éloquente illustration de l'acte de vérité dans un éloge au grand VisŁnŁu libérateur 2002 Bulletin de l'Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient 89 (): 21-38
  • Marcelle Saindon
The Mahābhārata 12.224-30: a text critical note 2002 Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 83 (): 153-63
  • Ramkrishna Battachrya
Interpolations in the Mahābhārata 2001 Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 82 (4): 193-212
  • M. A. Mehandale
Sacrificial violence and textual battles: inner textual interpretation in the Sanskrit Mahābhārata 2001 History of religions 41 (2): 142-69
  • Tamar C. Reich
The bana, epic fiddle of central India 2000/1 Asian music 32 (1): 101-40
  • Roderic Knight
*H6/KFYV [ASIAN-] 0044-9202
Argos and Hanuman: Odysseus' dog in the light of Mahābārata 2000 Journal of Indo-European studies 28 (1/2): 3-16
  • N. J. Allen
Ajita Kesakambala: nihilist or materialist? 1999 Journal of the Asiatic Society 41 (1): 74-83
  • Ramkrishna Bhattacharya
H6/KWL [ASIATIC-] 0368-3308
Folk art at the crossroads of tradition and modernity: a study Patta painting in Orissa 1998 Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 29 (3): 197-211
  • Mamata Tripathy
Sacred bath ceremony and myth-ritual complex at Gangasagar 1998 Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India 47 (1): 25-47
  • Tushar K. Niyogi
H6/KWL [INDIA-] 0970-3411
Changing historiography of the pre-Buddha period 1998 Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 79 (1-4): 29-59
  • Shankar Goyal
Epic women: east and west: some observations 1995 Journal of the Asiatic Society 37 (3): 67-83
  • Pradip Bhattacharya
Interpretation of the Mahabharata myths: Madhvacharya's perspective 1993 Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society 84 (3): 53-63
  • K Krishnamoorthy
Epic women: east and west. A study with special reference to the "Mahabharata" and Gaelic heroic literature 1992 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal 34 (1/2): 33-96
  • M A Hughes
"The great war and ancient memory": modern Mahābhāratas and the limits of cultural translation 1992 Visual anthropology 5 (1): 87-96
  • R P Goldman
The hero five relationships 1992 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6 (): 90-103
  • N. J. Allen
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