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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Cultured milk. Fermented dairy foods along the southwest Asian-European neolithic trajectory 2021 Current anthropology (Supplement) 62 (24): S256-75
  • Alisa Scheibner
  • Eva Rosenstock
  • Julia Ebert
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Lactase persistence variants in Arabia and the African Arabs 2014 Human biology 86 (1): 7-18
  • Abdelhay Abdelsawy
  • Edita Priehodová
  • Evelyne Heyer
  • Viktor Černý
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
An association between lactose intolerance and anthropometric variables in the Sudanese Shagia tribe (East Africa) 2014 Annals of human biology 41 (1-6): 460-4
  • Agnieszka Kempińska-Podhorodecka
  • Agnieszka Papadowska
  • Arleta Drozd
  • Oktawian Knap
H6/HB [ANNALS-] 0301-4460
Study of influence of age, gender and genetic variants on lactose intolerance and its impact on milk intake in adult Asian Indians 2014 Annals of human biology 41 (1-6): 548-53
  • Manjari S. Mukherjee
  • Shruti V. Baadkar
  • Smita S. Lele
H6/HB [ANNALS-] 0301-4460
Revisiting consanguineous marriage in the greater Middle East: milk, blook, and Bedouins 2013 American anthropologist 115 (3): 374-87
  • Benjamin Reilly
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
The evolution of lactase persistence 2012 Antropologia portuguesa 29 (): 121-37
  • Jorge Rocha
H6 [ANTROPOLOGIA-] 0870-0990
Lactase persistence in Central Asia: phenotype, genotype, and evolution 2011 Human biology 83 (3): 379-92
  • Evelyne Heyer
  • Frédéric Austerliz
  • Laure Ségurel
  • Lionel Brazier
  • Tatiana Hegay
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Early neolithic diet and animal husbandry: stable isotope evidence from three Linearbandkeramik (LBK) sites in central Germany 2011 Journal of archaeological science 38 (2): 270-9
  • Angelina Siebert
  • Harald Meller
  • Nicole Nicklisch
  • Veit Dresely
  • Vicky M. Oelze
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Tracing the distribution and evolution of lactase persistence in southern Europe through the study of the T-13910 variant 2009 American journal of human biology 21 (2): 217-19
  • Cinzia Battaggia
  • Cristian Capelli
  • Cristina Fabbri
  • Paolo Anagnostou
  • Valentina Coia
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Phylogenetic analysis of the evolution of lactose digestion in adults 2009 Human biology 81 (5-6): 597-19
  • Clare Holden
  • Ruth Mace
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Update to Holden and Mace's 'Phylogenetic analysis of the evolution of lactose digestion in adults' (1997): revisiting the coevolution of human cultural and biological diversity 2009 Human biology 81 (5-6): 621-4
  • Ruth Mace
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Persistence of lactase activity among northern Europeans: a weighing of evidence for the calcium absorption 2001 Ecology of food and nutrition 40 (5): 397-469
  • Frederick J. Simoons
Lactose, rickets, and the coevolution of genes and culture 2000 Human ecology 28 (3): 471-7
  • Kathleen Fuller
'Milk makes me sick but my body needs it': conflict and contradiction in the establishment of authoritative knowledge 1998 Medical anthropology quarterly 12 (4): 447-66
  • Catherine P. Kingfisher
Phylogenetic analysis of the evolution of lactose digestion in adults 1997 Human biology 69 (5): 605-28
  • Clare Holden
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