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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Laca asiática y color mexicano en la cruz del Nazareno de el Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz, España) 2023 Arqueología mexicana 29 (178): 76-81
  • Ana García Barrios
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
Japanese objects in New Spain: nanban art and beyond 2022 Colonial Latin American review 31 (3): 327-53
  • Rie Arimura
  • Sonia I. Ocaña Ruiz
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
Lacquered history: Soviet crafts and problematic memory of the Communist past 2021 Martor: revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain (26): 47-54
  • Elizaveta Berezina
H6/KVQ [MARTOR-] 2734-8350
Pasto varnish and lacquers from Japan. Historical context of their encounters 2020 Anales. Museo de América (Madrid) (28): 99-108
  • Yayoi Kawamura
H6/KUL [MUSEO DE AMERICA. Anales] 1133-8741
The art of Pasto varnish in the collections of the Museo de América in Madrid 2020 Anales. Museo de América (Madrid) (28): 81-98
  • Ana Zabía de la Mata
H6/KUL [MUSEO DE AMERICA. Anales] 1133-8741
Pasto varnish chest in Pamplona Cathedral. Study and treatment 2020 Anales. Museo de América (Madrid) (28): 109-26
  • Alicia Ancho Villanueva
H6/KUL [MUSEO DE AMERICA. Anales] 1133-8741
Images and tradition through objects covered with Pasto varnish (barniz de Pasto). An approach to its interpretation 2020 Anales. Museo de América (Madrid) (28): 127-46
  • María del Pilar López Pérez
H6/KUL [MUSEO DE AMERICA. Anales] 1133-8741
One small corner of the Viceroyalty in South Kensington: barniz de Pasto at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London 2020 Anales. Museo de América (Madrid) (28): 147-56
  • Dana Melchar
  • Lucia Burgio
  • Nick Humphrey
H6/KUL [MUSEO DE AMERICA. Anales] 1133-8741
Preminary considerations on the technique and restoration of Pasto varnish or mopa-mopa objects 2020 Anales. Museo de América (Madrid) (28): 157-69
  • Adelina Illán
  • Clara Bondía
  • Rafael Romero
H6/KUL [MUSEO DE AMERICA. Anales] 1133-8741
Analysis of the materials of a chest decorated with barniz de Pasto from the collections of Museo de América in Madrid 2020 Anales. Museo de América (Madrid) (28): 170-9
  • Andrés Sánchez Ledesma
H6/KUL [MUSEO DE AMERICA. Anales] 1133-8741
Comparative study of the materials and lacquering techniques of the lacquer objects from Warring States period China 2020 Journal of archaeological science 114 (): 1-9
  • Shuya Wei
  • Songluan Zhou
  • Yingchun Fu
  • Zifan Chen
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
The story of the eared bowl 2019 Arts & cultures (): 84-93
  • Estelle Niklés van Osslet
  • Marie Orsi
Natural lacquer was used as a coating and an adhesive 8000 years ago, by early humans at Kuahuqiao, determined by ELISA 2018 Journal of archaeological science 100 (): 80-7
  • Bingjian Zhang
  • Guoping Sun
  • Jian Wu
  • Leping Jiang
  • Meng Wu
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
From Asia to New Spain via Europe: Asian lacquers and Chioiserie in the eighteenth century 2017 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas 39 (111): 131-86
  • Sonia I. Ocaña Ruiz
H6/KFY [MEXICO-] 0185-1276
From Japan to Spain via New Spain: Vicery Sarmiento y Valladares and New Spanish enconchados 2017 Anales. Museo de América (Madrid) (25): 126-39
  • Sonia I. Ocaña Ruiz
H6/KUL [MUSEO DE AMERICA. Anales] 1133-8741
Gloss pottery from the excavations of the Polianka settlement in the Crimean Azov Sea area 2016 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 4 (): 90-105
  • A.A. Maslennikov
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Zwei japanische Lack-Porträtmedaillons nach europäischen Kupferstichen 2015 Tribus 64 (): 167-77
  • Karolin Randhahn
H6 [TRIBUS-] 0082-6413
A new piece of Namban art: the lectern of the city hall of Tudela 2014 Anales. Museo de América (Madrid) 22 (): 21-33
  • Pilar Andueza Unanua
H6/KUL [MUSEO DE AMERICA. Anales] 1133-8741
Der chinesische Rotlack-Wandschirm im Weltmuseum Wien 2013 Archiv für Völkerkunde 61-62 (): 133-49
  • Burgl Baustädter
H6/KF [ARCHIV-] 0066-6513
A 4th-century AD crypt from the necropolis near Kurskoe village in the Crimea 2012 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 2 (): 34-41
  • Aleksandr A. Trufanov
The researches on the artifacts unearthed from the sacrificial zone of Jinsha site 2011 Kaogu Xuebao (2): 183-212
  • Jinsong Shi
H6/KE [KAOGU XUEBAO-] 0453-2902
Analytical characterization of lacquer objects excavated from a Chu tomb in China 2011 Journal of archaeological science 38 (10): 2667-74
  • Guoding Song
  • Manfred Schreiner
  • Shuya Wei
  • Václav Pitthard
  • Valentina Pintus
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Selbstinszenierung im Kleinen: In Lack geschnitzter Lobpreis an Ruhm und Größe der Qing-Dynastie 2009 Tribus (58): 117-24
  • Ulrich Theobald
H6 [TRIBUS-] 0082-6413
N.N. CHeboksarov at the origins of museum work in the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences 2009 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6 (): 114-19
  • KHristina Tur'inskaia
  • Klara Kalinovskaia
On the "true body" of Huineng 2009 Res (55-56): 42-60
  • Michele Matteini
*H6 [RES-] 0277-1322
SSB - Stroever Schellack Bremen 2008 Ten Den Zen: jahrbuch Über Museum Bremen 15 (): 23-30
  • Renate Niemann
H6 [TEN-]
Debating Jomon social complexity 2007 Asian perspectives 46 (2): 361-88
  • Richard Pearson
H6/KE [ASIAN-] 0066-8435
Tombs of the Warring States to Western Han period at Pengling, Qianshan, Anhui 2006 Kaogu Xuebao (2): 231-80, i-xxiv
  • Anhui Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology
  • Qianshan County Commission for the Preservation of Ancient Monuments
H6/KE [KAOGU-] 0453-2902
Report on Kōbe dolls in the Japanese collection of the Náprstek Museum 2006 Annals of the Náprstek Museum 27 (): 15-20
  • Alice Kraemerová
H6/KVL [PRAGUE-] 0231-844X
Production of lacquer ware and its management in the Warring States, Qin and Han periods 2005 Kaogu Xuebao (4): 381-410, [plates i-iv]
  • Shi Hong
H6/KE [KAOGU-] 0453-2902
The unknown China 2004 Kaos: parcours des mondes 4 (): 195-217
  • Roxana Azimi
The Chinese screens in the collection of the Náprstek Museum in Prague: some functional and aesthetic aspects 2003 Annals of the Náprstek Museum 24 (): 31-62
  • Laura Ottaviani-Jaede
H6/KVL [PRAGUE. Naprstkovo Muzeum. Annals] 0231-844X
Lackierte Malerei aus Persien. Bemerkungen zur Geschichte und Technologie am Beispiel eines Lackobjektes aus dem Staatlichen Museum für Völkerkunde München 2003 Münchner Beiträge zur Völkerkunde 8 (): 229-46
  • Erika Kassnel
If you keep on lacquing, you shall be a lacquer. From gesture efficiency to action on oneself 2002 Techniques et culture 40 (): 107-23, 202-3, 205-6
  • Celine Rosselin
  • Marie-Pierre Julien
Mexican lacquer 2001 El palacio 106 (2): 24-5
  • J. Brynn Bender
Beispiele aus der ethnografischen Panjab-Sammlung des Linden-Museums 2000 Tribus 49 (): 83-95
  • Johannes Kalter
Kunsthandwerk aus Birma: Yun-Lacke aus der Sammlung Scherman 2000 Münchner Beiträge zur Völkerkunde 6 (): 71-122
  • Uta Weigelt
Luxury knowledge: the Xiushilu ('records of lacquering') of 1625 1997 Techniques et culture 29 (): 27-40
  • Craig Clunas
Eine armenische Hochzeit: Lackmalereien aus dem Iran 1992 Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde Leipzig 54 (): 41-7
  • I Seiwert
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