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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Usage of human labour in the history of Serbian archaeology: three examples 2019 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 14 (3): 861-87
  • Aleksandar Bandović
Labor mobilization and cooperation for urban construction: building apartment compounds at Teotihuacan 2019 Latin American antiquity 30 (4): 741-59
  • Tatsuya Murakami
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Youth labor actions. continuities and differences 2015 Traditiones: acta Instituti Ethnographiae Slovenorum 44 (3): 93-111
  • Andrea Matošević
H6/KVP [TRADITIONES-] 0352-0447
Production of bent furniture in the foothills of the Hostýnské vrchy (some specifics of the labour of domestic workers) 2013 Etnologické rozpravy 20 (1/2): 86-104
  • Radek Bryol
H6/KVL [ETNOLOGICKE-] 1335-5074
The 'Tadzhik', 'non-Russians', 'Gastarbeiters', and others: foreign migrant workers in the suburbs of Irkutsk 2012 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 14-31
  • Konstantin Vadimovich Grigorichev
Migration of villagers as a factor of the manpower resources imbalance: sociological analysis 2012 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 1 (): 47-51
  • T.S. Balakireva
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 0321-1649
The Chinese diaspora in the British Empire in the second half of the 19th century: partnership or conflict? 2011 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3 (): 145-57
  • Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich Bogomolov
Factors affecting rural household farm labour supply in farming communities in South Africa 2011 Journal of human ecology 34 (1): 23-8
  • Francis D.K. Anim
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0970-9274
Polish women workers in Czechoslovakia: what made them come? 2011 Český Lid 98 (1): 31-52
  • Ondřej Klípa
H6/KVL [CESKÝ-] 0009-0794
Oil and the migration of the Nogai people to the north 2008 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3 (): 78-81, 92-102
  • A. A. Iarlykapov
The perils of father-reported fertility data for household labour supply models 2008 Population studies 62 (2): 235-43
  • James P. Vere
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Role of the informal economy in migration processes in Spain 2007 Glasnik slovenskega etnološkega Društva 47 (1/2): 29-35, 127-8
  • Jaka Repič
Control strategies and polity competition in the lower Yi-Luo valley, north China 2004 Journal of anthropological archaeology 23 (2): 172-95
  • Yun Kuen Lee
*H6/KE 'JOURNAL-' 0278-4165
Japan: the national model of immigration policy 2004 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3 (): 57-65
  • Nikolai Vladimirovich Anisimtsev
Climbing invisible ladders: how nurse's aides craft lateral careers 2004 Ethnography 5 (1): 75-105
  • Anne-Marie Arborio
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY] 1466-1381
Permanent agricultural labourers at a manor in 30s and 40s of the 20th century (on the example of Male Vozokany and Tajna) 2003 Slovenský národopis 51 (1): 51-72
  • Vladimir Taliga
'When the hand that holds the trowel is black...' Disciplinary practices of self-representation and the issue of [native] labour in archaeology 2003 Journal of social archaeology 3 (3): 334-52
  • Nick Sheperd
Labour, work relations and identity in a rural community in Poland 2003 Anthropological journal on European cultures 12 (): 11-30
  • Michal Buchowski
******H6/ KF [ANTHROPOLOGICAL-] 0960-0604
Work in the Kolkhoz 2002 Eesti Rahva Museumi aastaraamat 46 (): 27-50, [insert i-x]
  • Indrek Jääts
The professional orientation of the Romani and Sinti from Moravia and [Silesia]: from carrying on trades and business, via musical and entertaining performances, to casual labour and services complemented by home production and illegal sources of income 2002 Český Lid 89 (4): 343-50
  • Ctibor Nečas
'We cast about for a remedy': Chinese labor and African opposition in the Gold Coast, 1874-1914 2001 International journal of African historical studies 34 (2): 365-84
  • Kwabena O. Akurang-Parry
The washerwomen from Boljunec 2001 Etnolog (New Series) 11 (1): 127-44
  • Martina Repinc
Tributos, limosnas, y mantas en Yucatán, siglo XVI 2001 Ancient Mesoamerica 12 (1): 73-8
  • Sergio Quezada
*H6/KE [ANCIENT-] 0956-5361
Transformations in the age and gender of unfree workers on hybrid cotton seed farms in Andhra Pradesh 2001 Journal of peasant studies 28 (3): 1-36
  • Davuluri Venkateshwarlu
  • Lucia Da Corta
Surplus yield and production structure: the case of small-scale rural industries in West Bengal 2001 Journal of peasant studies 28 (2): 119-45
  • Pradip Kumar Biswas
The British armed services and the participation of minority ethnic communities: from equal opportunities to diversity? 2001 Sociological review 49 (2): 219-35
  • Christopher Dandeker
  • David Mason
'Unnatural vice' in South Africa: the 1907 commission of enquiry 2001 International journal of African historical studies 34 (1): 121-40
  • Marc Epprecht
On some issues concerning agricultural workers 2001 Etnologické rozpravy 1 (): 62-70
  • L'ubica Falt'anová
Temporary migration overseas and household labor supply: evidence from urban Philippines 2001 International migration review 35 (3): 709-25
  • Edgard R. Rodriguez
  • Erwin Tiongson
Migración laboral agrícola mexicana temporal hacia Estados Unidos y Canadá: viejos y nuevos problemas 2000 Dimensión antropológica 8 (21): 113-72
  • Juan Manuel Sandoval Palacio
  • Rosa Mar a Vanegas García
Mauerwerk auf Selvagem Grande (Portugal) - Beschreibung und bauliche Würdigung 2000 Almogaren 31 (): 207-21
  • Jorg W. Hansen
English and Spanish summaries
Reclutamiento y remuneración de la mano de obra minera en Oruro, 1750-1810 2000 Anuario de estudios americanos 57 (1): 223-50
  • Concepcion Gavira Márquez
Welfare state type, labour markets and refugees: a comparison of Jews from the former Soviet Union in the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany 1998 Ethnic and racial studies 21 (1): 116-37
  • Madeleine Tress
Herding strategies of the Datoga pastoralists of Tanzania: is household labor a limiting factor 1997 Human ecology 25 (4): 519-44
  • Daniela F. Sieff
From iron to bread. The centenary of the Škedenj ironworks 1997 Etnolog (New Series) 7 (): 63-70
  • Katja Colja
Mexico-United States labor migration flows 1997 International migration review 31 (4): 1112-21
  • Jorge A. Bustamante
Migración afroantillana a México en el siglo XIX 1996 América negra 12 (): 77-88
  • Laura Muñoz
Chieftaincy, labour control and capitalist development in Cameroon 1996 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 37/38 (): 329-46
  • Piet Konings
La main d'oeuvre étrangère dans le district de Lublin avant la première guere mondiale 1995 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska: Sectio F 50 (): 183-204
  • Albin Koprukowniak
Free labour and Spanish immigration in Cuba, 1880-1930 1992 Revista de Indias 52 (195/6): 220-1, 749-94
  • V C Naranjo Orovio
A methodology for assessing the potential impact of AIDS upon farming systems in Kenya 1992 African urban quarterly 7 (3/4): 274-83
  • Tony Barnett
Simple methods for monitoring the socio-economic impact of AIDS: lessons from research in Uganda and Kenya 1992 African urban quarterly 7 (3/4): 268-72
  • Tony Barnett
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