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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Human settlement and landscape dynamics on the coastline south of the Gironde estuary (SW France): a multi-proxy approach 2023 Journal of island and coastal archaeology 18 (1): 53-74
  • Alizé Hoffmann
  • Camille Culioli
  • Elías López-Romero
  • Florence Verdin
  • Frédérique Eynaud
  • Jean-Bernard Huchet
  • Jérémy Rollin
  • Pierre Stéphan
H6/KE [ISLAND-] 1556-4894
Iridescent beetle adornments suggest incipient status competition among the earliest horticulturists in Bears Ears National Monument 2023 American antiquity 88 (1): 2-19
  • Francis E. Smiley
  • Michael L. Terlep
  • Randall Haas
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Variaciones en el comportamiento mortuorio durante la caída del imperio inca en el Pucará de Tilcara (Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy): aportes desde la entomología forense y la bioantropología 2022 Latin American antiquity 33 (3): 540-55
  • Clarisa Otero
  • Kelly J. Knudson
  • Maria Laura Fuchs
  • Maria Soledad Gheggi
  • Néstor Centeno
  • Verónica Seldes
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Patterns of camelid sacrifice at the site of Pachacamac, Peruvian central coast, during the Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000-1470): perspectives from funerary archaeoentomology 2020 Journal of archaeological science 114 (): 1-8
  • Céline Erauw
  • Giorgia Giordani
  • Lawrence S. Owens
  • Peter A. Eeckhout
  • Stefano Vanin
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Plant remains and associated insects from the Millipede site (13ML361), a burned earthlodge in southwest Iowa 2020 Plains anthropologist 65 (253): 43-76
  • Ronald C. Schirmer
  • William Green
  • William T. Billeck
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Insects in urban contexts: their role as evidence in a nineteenth century case of objects reuse 2019 Comechingonia: Revista de Arqueología 23 (2): 135-54
  • Ana Igareta
  • Graciela Varela
  • Roxana Mariani
  • Thelma Teileche
Subfossil beetles, lice and fleas from palaeoeskimo and neoeskimos sites: the contribution of archaeoentomological research in the Circumpolar North 2017 Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 47 (2-3): 11-21, 195
  • Allison Bain
  • Frédéric Dussault
  • Olivier Lalonde
  • Véronique Forbes
H6/KUB [RECHERCHES-] 0318-4137
Flies, the dead and offerings: archaeoentomology of Mochica graves from the Pyramid of the Moon, Peru 2017 Recherches amérindiennes au Québec 47 (2-3): 23-34, 196
  • Jean-Bernard Huchet
H6/KUB [RECHERCHES-] 0318-4137
Mesolithic hearth-pits: fact or fantasy? A reassessment based on the evidence from the sites of Doel and Verrebroek (Belgium) 2015 Journal of archaeological science 61 (): 158-71
  • Geertrui Louwagie
  • Philippe Crombé
  • Roger Langohr
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Duck fleas as evidence for eiderdown production on archaeological sites 2015 Journal of archaeological science 61 (): 105-11
  • Véronique Forbes
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Insect remains and their traces: relevant fossil witnesses in the reconstruction of past funerary practices 2014 Anthropologie (Brno) 52 (3): 329-46
  • Jean-Bernard Huchet
H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0323-1119
Head combs for delousing in ancient Arican populations: scratching for the evidence 2014 Chungará 46 (4): 693-706
  • Bernardo Arriaza
  • Felix Olivares
  • Jorg Heukelbach
  • Vicky Cassman
  • Vivien G. Standen
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Head combs for delousing in ancient Arican populations: scratching for evidence 2014 Chungará 46 (4): 693-706
  • Bernardo Arriaza
  • Felix Olivares
  • Jorg Heukelbach
  • Vicki Cassman
  • Vivien G. Standen
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Early Thule winter houses: an archaeoentomological analysis 2014 Arctic anthropology 51 (1): 101-117
  • Allison Bain
  • Frédéric Dussault
  • Genevieve LeMoine
*H6 [ARCTIC-] 0066-6939
The death scenario of an Italian Renaissance princess can shed light on a zoological dilemma: did the black soldier fly reach Europe with Columbus? 2014 Journal of archaeological science 49 (): 203-5
  • Alfio Raspi
  • Angelo Canale
  • Gino Fornaciari
  • Giovanni Benelli
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Defining an indicator package to allow identification of 'cesspits' in the archaeological record 2013 Journal of archaeological science 40 (1): 526-43
  • David N. Smith
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Isotopes as palaeoeconomic indicators: new applications in archaeoentomology 2012 Journal of archaeological science 39 (2): 511-20
  • Gary A. King
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Zoorchaeology and taphonomy of Peñas Coloradas (Antofagasta de la Sierra, Puna de Catamarca, Argentina) late and Inca period 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 245-58
  • Jorge Guillermo Ortiz
  • Silvana Valeria Urquiza
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Wurmian rodents and insectivores (Rodentia, Soricomorpha, Mammalia) from the "Mare" or Liliecilor" Cave (Moieciu, Brasov department, Romania) 2012 Bulletin du Musée d'Anthropologie préhistorique de Monaco (52): 47-68
  • Alexandra-Cristina Paunesco
H6/KE [MONACO. Musee d'Anthropologie Prehistorique. Bulletin] 0544-7631
The influence of environmental conditions on the burial rite of the barbarian population of the lower Dniester region in the 3rd-2nd centuries BC 2010 Kratkie soobshcheniia 224 (): 266-84, 338
  • V.M. Kishliaruk
H6/KVY [AKADEMYA-] 0130-2620
Underneath Ranefer's floors - urban environments on the desert edge 2010 Journal of archaeological science 37 (3): 474-81
  • Barry J. Kemp
  • Eva Panagiotakopulu
  • Paul C. Buckland
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Pests in an ancient Egyptian harbor 2010 Journal of archaeological science 37 (10): 2449-58
  • Cheryl Ward
  • Chiara Zazzaro
  • Ksenija Borojevic
  • Rainer Gerisch
  • Warren E. Steiner jr.
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Flies, Mochicas and burial practices: a case study from Huaca de la Luna, Peru 2010 Journal of archaeological science 37 (11): 2846-56
  • B. Greenberg
  • J.B. Huchet
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Recovery of DNA from archaeolgical insect remains: first results, problems and potential 2009 Journal of archaeological science 36 (5): 1179-83
  • Eske Willerslev
  • Gary A. King
  • Harry Kenward
  • M. Thomas P. Gilbert
  • Matthew J. Collins
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
The visibility of past trees and woodland: testing the value of insect remains 2006 Journal of archaeological science 35 (10): 1368-80
  • Harry Kenward
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Insect species associations characterise past occupation sites 2006 Journal of archaeological science 35 (10): 1452-73
  • Harry Kenward
  • John Carrott
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Fossil insects and the neolithic: methods and [potential] 2004 Antaeus 27 (): 235-52
  • Eva Panagiotakopulu
  • Paul C. Buckland
  • Philip Ian Buckland
H6/KE [MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Regeszeti Intezet.Kozlemenyei-] 0238-0218
Archaeobotanical and archaeoentomological evidence from a well at Atlit-Yam indicates colder, more humid climate on the Israeli coast during the PPNC period 2004 Journal of archaeological science 31 (9): 1301-10
  • Anat Hartmann
  • Ehud Galili
  • Moordechai E. Kislev
H6/KE 'JOURNAL-' 0305-4403
Identifying changing fluvial conditions in low gradient alluvial archaeological landscapes: can open coleoptera provide insights into changing discharge rates and floodplain evolution? 2004 Journal of archaeological science 31 (1): 109-20
  • Andy J. Howard
  • David N. Smith
Insect remains from the collections in the Egyptian Museum of Turin 2003 Archaeometry 45 (2): 355-62
  • E. Panagiotakopulu
A palaeoenvironmental investigation of sediments from the prehistoric mine of Copa Hill, Cwmystwyth, mid-Wales 2002 Journal of archaeological science 29 (10): 1161-88
  • A. E. Caseldine
  • S. H. E. Clark
  • S. Timberlake
  • T. M. Mighall
Fleas from pharaonic Amarna 2001 Antiquity 75 (289): 499-500
  • E. Panagiotakopulu
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Species associations among insect remains from urban archaeological deposits and their significance in reconstructing the past human environment 2001 Journal of archaeological science 28 (8): 887-905
  • Harry Kenward
  • John Carrott
La Tène and Gallo-Roman natural environments and human impact at the Touffréville rural settlement, reconstructed from coleoptera and plant remains (Calvados, France) 2000 Journal of archaeological science 27 (11): 1055-72
  • Jean-Herve Yvinec
  • Nicola Coulthard
  • Philippe Ponel
  • Veronique Matterne
An arthropod assemblage and the ecological conditions in a byre at the neolithic settlement of Weier, Switzerland 2000 Journal of archaeological science 27 (3): 209-18
  • B. Overgaard Nielsen
  • P. Rasmussen
  • V. Mahler
Cimex lectularius L., the common bed bug from Pharaonic Egypt 1999 Antiquity 73 (282): 908-11
  • Eva Panagiotakopulu
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Pubic lice (Pthirus pubis L.) were present in Roman and medieval Britain 1999 Antiquity 73 (282): 911-15
  • Harry Kenward
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
A lepidopterous cocoon from Thera and evidence for silk in the Aegean bronze age 1997 Antiquity 71 (272): 420-9
  • A. Sarpaki
  • C. Doumas
  • E. Panagiotakopulu
  • P. C. Buckland
  • P. M. Day
Archaeoentomology's potential in Near Eastern archaeology 1997 Biblical archaeologist 60 (1): 52
  • Allison Bain
  • Eva Panagiotakopulu
Enhancing bioarchaeological interpretation using indicator groups: stable manure as a paradigm 1997 Journal of archaeological science 24 (7): 663-73
  • Harry Kenward
Funeral archaeoentomology: a new approach in sepulture interpretation 1996 Bulletin et mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 8 (3/4): 299-311
  • Jean-Bernard Huchet
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