Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
‘Everyone just gets that we’re mixed’: racial identification among Puerto Ricans in New York City and Orlando 2024 Ethnic and racial studies 47 (1): 167-90
  • Janelle Ashley Viera
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
True selves, suspicious lives: public deceits, hopes for restoration, and existential troubles in misdocumented pasts 2024 Critique of anthropology 44 (1): 64-81
  • Paul Macalli
  • Sébastien Roux
H6 [CRITIQUE-] 0308-275X
Genetic options and constraints: a randomized controlled trial on how genetic ancestry tests affect ethnic and racial identities 2024 American journal of sociology 129 (4): 1172-1215
  • Şule Yaylacı
  • Wendy D. Roth
H6/KF [AMERICAN-] 0002-9602
When Maya children do not see power as more masculine: evidence from self-perception and gender-power association tasks 2024 Cross-cultural research 58 (2-3): 157-79
  • Jean-Baptiste Van der Henst
  • Rawan Charefeddine
  • Thomas Castelain
H6/KF [BEHAVIOR-] 1069-3971
When ethnicity is "national": mapping ethnic minorities in Europe's framework convention for the protection of national minorities 2024 Ethnic and racial studies 47 (9): 1812-33
  • Tina Magazzini
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Who are the Māori“in-between”? Indigenous diversity and inequity across descent, ethnicity and Iwi knowledge 2023 Ethnic and racial studies 46 (1): 166-89
  • Andrew Sporle
  • Barry Milne
  • Cinnamon Lindsey Latimer
  • Eileen Li
  • Lara M. Greaves
  • Larissa Renfrew
  • Logan Hamley
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Religious identification and Muslim immigrants’ acculturation preferences for newly arriving immigrants in Germany 2023 Ethnic and racial studies 46 (5): 1010-41
  • Verena Benoit
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Defying the exclusionary homogeneity of Irish whiteness: mixed-race children in Irish industrial schools in the twentieth century 2023 Ethnic and racial studies 46 (7): 1456-77
  • Philomena Mullen
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
El Tlalpanhuéhuetl de Malinalco: pasado, identidad biológical y conservación 2023 Arqueología mexicana 29 (178): 62-7
  • Eduardo Escalante Carrillo
  • Euler Padraza-Ortega
  • Laura M. Márquez-Valdemar
  • Solange Sotuyo
  • Tomás Villa Córdova
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
Arabs in segregated vs. mixed Jewish-Arab schools in Israel: their identies and attituded towards Jews 2023 Ethnic and racial studies 46 (12): 2720-46
  • Natalie Levy
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Is everyone really middle class? Social class position and identification in Alberta 2023 Canadian review of sociology and anthropology 60 (3): 336-66
  • Delphine Brown
  • Guillaume Durou
  • Michelle Maroto
H6/KUB [CANADIAN-] 1755-6171
Transitory versus durable boundary crossing: what explains the Indigenous population boom in Mexico? 2023 American journal of sociology 129 (1): 123-61
  • María Vignau Loría
  • Regina Martínez Casas
  • René D. Flores
H6/KF [AMERICAN-] 0002-9602
"Blond makes you strong": embodiment, intersubjectivity, and feminist reflexivity 2023 Ethnography 24 (2): 260-79
  • Pnina Motzafi-Haller
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
Identification of blended hemp textiles from the Middle Ages to the 20th century 2023 Textile: the journal of cloth and culture 21 (1): 254-73
  • Git Skoglund
H6/KGG [TEXTILE-] 1475-9756
Textiles and the acknowledgement of unidentified dead 2023 Textile: the journal of cloth and culture 21 (2): 480-90
  • Katie Taylor
H6/KGG [TEXTILE-] 1475-9756
Ethnography of remembering and forgetting among African descendents in Pelotas (RS), Brazil 2023 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 18 (3): 1-19
  • Yara Altez
H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] 1981-8122
State recognition and the dangers of race shifting: the case of Vermont 2023 American Indian culture and research journal 46 (2): 53-84
  • Darryl Leroux
H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 0161-6463
Biological profile of a saponified disarticulated limb relevant to forensic anthropology 2023 Human evolution 38 (3-4): 189-96
  • E. Varotto
  • F.M. Galassi
  • F.P. Cafarelli
  • G. Bertozzi
  • P. Ricci
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0393-9375
Demographic and social aspects of a brotherhood of brown people: the members of the Church of São Gonçalo Garcia 2023 Habitus: revista do Instituto Goiano de Pre-Historia e Antropologia 21 (2): 337-61
  • Andrea Lessa
  • Guadalupe do N. Campos
  • João Gustavo A. Chá Chá
  • Reinaldo B. Tavares
Bureaucratic portraiture and practices of citizenship 2023 Visual anthropology review 39 (1): 168-76
  • Karen Strassler
  • Natasha Raheja
  • Zeynep Devrim Gürsel
H6 [PROGRAM-] 1053-7147
Identity cards, semiotic instability, and signs of state recognition for Indonesian Warias 2023 Visual anthropology review 39 (1): 178-98
  • Benjamin Hegarty
H6 [PROGRAM-] 1053-7147
Looking together as method. Encounters with Ottoman Armenian expatriation photographs 2023 Visual anthropology review 39 (1): 200-29
  • Zeynep Devrım Gürsel
H6 [PROGRAM-] 1053-7147
The impossible portrait: networked image-events, counter-bureaucratic traces, and anti-Blackness in Delhi, India 2023 Visual anthropology review 39 (1): 230-48
  • Ethiraj Gabriel Dattatreyan
H6 [PROGRAM-] 1053-7147
Capturing the spirit of bureaucratic images: photo IDs, biometrics, and passing in border-free Europe 2023 Visual anthropology review 39 (1): 250-67
  • Romm Lewkowicz
H6 [PROGRAM-] 1053-7147
Visualizing citizenship in a bureaucratic frame 2023 Visual anthropology review 39 (1): 268-87
  • Natasha Raheja
H6 [PROGRAM-] 1053-7147
Forensic uncertainty, fragile remains, and DNA as a panacea: an ethnographic observation of the challenges in twenty-first-century disaster victim identification 2023 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 29 (S2): S27-S49
  • Lucy Easthorpe
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Missing migrants and the politics of disappearance in armed conflicts and migratory contexts 2022 Ethnos 87 (2): 321-37
  • Laura Huttunen
  • Ninna Nyberg Sørensen
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
Deconstructive and constructive logics: explaining inclusive language change in queer nonprofits, 1998-2016 2022 American journal of sociology 127 (4): 1267-310
  • Kristopher Velasco
  • Pamela Paxton
H6/KF [AMERICAN-] 0002-9602
One drop on the move: historical legal context, racial classification, and migration 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (5): 809-28
  • Heather A. O’Connell
  • Jenifer L. Bratter
  • Raul S. Casarez
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
The festivalized countryside in Poland: from folk fairs to community festyns 2022 Folklore 133 (2): 224-42
  • Waldemar Kuligowski
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
Claiming membership: boundaries, positionality, US citizenship, and what it means to be American 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (6): 1011-33
  • Irene Bloemraad
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Race, ethnicity, and the incorporation experiences of Hmong American young adults: insights from a mixed-method, longitudinal study 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (7): 1197-217
  • Douglas Hartmann
  • Pao Lee Vue
  • Teresa Toguchi Swartz
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Has there been a transgender tipping point? Gender identification differences in U.S. cohort born between 1935 and 2001 2022 American journal of sociology 128 (1): 94-143
  • Danya Lagod
H6/KF [AMERICAN-] 0002-9602
Perceived indicators of American Indian identity in everyday interaction: navigating settler-colonial erasure 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (11): 2025-48
  • Joseph P. Gone
  • Laurel R. Davis-Delano
  • Sita L. Strother
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Young Belgian Muslims: between religious reactivity and individualization 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (11): 2049-68
  • Corinne Torrekens
  • Dimokritos Kavadias
  • Nawal Bensaïd
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
The (not so) silent centre: New Zealander ethnicity responses in the census 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (11): 2094-116
  • Avril Bell
  • Patrick Broman
  • Taho Kukutai
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Can there be shamanism in the Western world? 2022 Shaman 30 (1-2): 103-15
  • Angela Puca
*H6/KFO [SHAMAN-] 1216-7827
Looking now at the heroes of that time 2022 Annuaire roumain d'anthropologie 59 (): 127-38
  • Andreea-Maria Stănescu
H6/HB [ANNUAIRE-] 0039-3886
The Alan capital *Magas: a preliminary identification of its location 2022 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London) 85 (1): 1-20
  • John Latham-Sprinkle
H6/KW [LONDON-] 0041-977X
Identification narratives, local stories, and virtual communication 2022 Martor: revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain (27): 133-8
  • Stefana Yorova
H6/KVQ [MARTOR-] 2734-8350
“I did not know I was gay”: sexual identity development and fluidity among married tongzhi in China 2022 Culture, health & sexuality 24 (12): 1681-94
  • Aurangzaib Alizai
  • Changhui Song
  • Hui Xie
  • Joyee Shairee Chatterjee
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Exploring the identities and experiences of young queer people in Mongolia using visual research methods 2022 Culture, health & sexuality 24 (12): 1695-1712
  • Cathy Vaughan
  • Dorjjantsan Ganbaatar
  • Meghan A. Bohren
  • Shahinoor Akter
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Osteometric reassociation of commingled human remains from a modern Greek sample using bone elements of the craniovertebral junction 2022 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 79 (4): 399-409
  • Ioanna Anastopoulou
  • Konstantinos Moraitis
  • Vasiliki Louka
Uncrossed Asianisms: how Singaporeans and Japanese sojourners in Singapore are not 'Asian' 2022 Asian journal of social science 50 (4): 301-8
  • Etsuko Kato
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
Sitting Bull, Four Horns, and Fort Buford. Questioning a famous set of Plains drawings 2022 Museum anthropology review 16 (1-2): 11-29
  • Candace Greene
“I am not Portuguese, but Creole of this province where my mother is from”. Daughters and sons of Portuguese born in the Viceroyalty of Peru, 1570-1700 2022 Fronteras de la Historia 27 (2): 133-55
  • Gleydi Slón Barreto
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
Bedouins, not 'Egyptians': characteristics and features of the Bedouin tribes of Sinai 2022 Nomadic peoples (NS) 26 (2): 219-42
  • Matthew Sparks
  • Nadeem Ahmed Moonakal
H6/KF [NOMADIC-] 0822-7942
Peasants? “We are who we are today because of the resistance we undertook.” Identification formation as part of a struggle of opposition in María la Baja, Colombia, 2014-2020 2022 Revista colombiana de antropología 58 (2): 164-90
  • Natalia Estefanía Ávila González
  • Sergio Zendejas Romero
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Becoming Amhara: ethnic identity change as a quest for respect in Aari, Ethiopia 2022 Journal of Eastern African studies 16 (3): 455-71
  • Julian Sommerschuh
H6/KY [EASTERN-] 1753-1063
"We share the same ancestry": US Kurdish diasporas and the aspirational and ascriptive practices of race 2022 American anthropologist 124 (1): 104-17
  • Stanely Ilango Thangaraj
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294