Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Reprise fragments in English and Hungarian: further support for an in-situ Q-equivalence approach to clausal ellipsis | 2023 | Language 99 (1): 154-91 | H6/KK [LANGUAGE-] | 0097-8507 | |||
Vowel length in Selice Romani: phonology, morphophonology, and diachrony | 2022 | Romani studies 32 (2): 185-219 | H6 [GYPSY-] | 1528-0748 | |||
Assessing linguistic vulnerability and endangerment in Serbia a critical survey of methodologies and outcomes | 2020 | Balcanica 51 (): 65-104 | H6/KVO [BALCANICA-] | 0350-7653 | |||
Linguistic objectives of the education of Hungarians in Moldavia from the perspective of the teachers | 2020 | Ethnographia 131 (4): 684-709 | H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] | 0014-1798 | |||
Intersecting constraint families: an argument for harmonic grammar | 2017 | Language 93 (3): 497-548 | H6/KK [LANGUAGE-] | 0097-8507 | |||
Getting invisible and refined: reflections on the public use of Hungarian in multilingual three-generation families in Bratislava | 2016 | Slovenský národopis 64 (1): 32-46 | H6/KVL [SLOVENSKY-] | 1335-1303 | |||
Zur unregelmäßigen Fexion der ungarischen Verben megy und van | 2015 | Suomalais: journal de la Société Finno-Ougrienne 95 (): 137-44 | H6 [SUOMALAIS-] | 0355-0214 | |||
Polarity particle responses as a window onto the interpretation of questions and assertions | 2015 | Language 91 (2): 359-414 | H6/KK [LANGUAGE-] | 0097-8507 | |||
The Ugrian chapter in the history of the CHuvash | 2014 | Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2 (): 153-66 | H6/KVY [ETNOGRAFICHESKOE-] | 0869-5415 | |||
Ecclesiastical-political aspects of the 'renewal' of folk religion in Moldavia at the beginning of the 20th century | 2013 | Ethnographia 124 (4): 511-31 | H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] | 0014-1798 | |||
The psalms book of the Romanian Reformed Church from Transylvania (I) | 2013 | Anuarul Institutului de Etnografie şi Folclor ‘Constantin Brăiloiu’ (Serie Nouă) 24 (): 197-215 | H6/KVQ [ANUARUL-] | 1220-5230 | |||
Verbalisation of the concept of fate in Ukrainian and Hungarian tales from the Carpathians | 2013 | Ethnographia 124 (4): 453-70 | H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] | 0014-1798 | |||
About certain disease names in Transylvanian-Saxon borrowed from Romanian and Hungarian and about certain plant names documented in their healing | 2011 | Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane Sibiu 18 (): 161-9 | H6/KVQ [ANUARUL-] | ||||
The role of colours in men's orientation and organization of everyday life | 2011 | Ethnographia 122 (1): 1-28 | H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] | 0014-1798 | |||
Genre and authority in the scholarly construction of charm and prayer: a view from the margins | 2011 | Incantatio 1 (): 79-101 | H6/KVT [TARTU-] | 2228-1355 | |||
The research-historical relations of the third Zichy expedition | 2010 | Ethnographia 121 (2): 167-98 | H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] | 0014-1798 | |||
Folksongs among the American Hungarians | 2010 | Hungarian heritage 11 (): 59-76 | *H6/KVN [HUNGARIAN-] | 1585-9924 | |||
Religious denomination in Hungarian proverbs | 2010 | Ethnographia 121 (3): 283-92 | H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] | 0014-1798 | |||
Trends and status of exploring ethnosocial issues of the Slovak minority in Hungary and the Hungarian minority in Slovakia | 2009 | Národopis Slovákov v Madarsku 22 (): 155-66 | H6/KVN [NARODOPIS-] | 0139-4511 | |||
Migration and surnames: family names from Kiskőrös and Csömör | 2009 | Národopis Slovákov v Madarsku 22 (): 33-43 | H6/KVN [NARODOPIS-] | 0139-4511 | |||
Are there humorous proverb texts? | 2009 | Acta ethnographica Hungarica 54 (1): 115-21 | H6/KVN [ACTA-] | 1216-9803 | |||
Natural and unnatural constraints in Hungarian harmony | 2009 | Language 85 (4): 822-63 | H6/KK [LANGUAGE-] | 0097-8507 | |||
Most frequent types of alteration in Anglo-American, German, French, Russian and Hungarian anti-proverbs | 2007 | Acta ethnographica Hungarica 52 (1): 47-103 | H6/KVN [ACTA-] | 1216-9803 | |||
Some interlinguistic relationships in the first Hungarian proverb collection of 1598 | 2007 | Folklore (Tartu) 35 (): 61-76 | H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] | 1406-0957 | |||
The old Turkish roots of the Hungarian hol volt, hol nem volt [once upon a time] | 2006 | Ethnographia 117 (3): 259-81 | H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] | 0014-1798 | |||
Wörter und Sachen im Gewerbe des Tapezierers (Werischwar/Pilisvörösvár). Lexikalisch-semantische Eigenschaften eines mundartlichen Tapezierer-Fachwortschatzes | 2006 | Beiträge zur Volkskunde der Ungarndeutschen 23 (): 144-72 | H6/KVN [BEITRAGE-] | 0230-2225 | |||
On the language of the liturgy among Slovak-speaking communities in Hungary | 2003 | Národopis Slovákov v Madarsku 19 (): 71-8 | H6/KVN [NARODOPIS-] | 0139-4511 | |||
The theatre and the public at the beginning of the 19th century | 2002 | Ethnographia 113 (3-4): 245-66 | H6/KVN [ETHNOGRAPHIA-] | 0014-1798 | |||
Carrying out Judas in a Slovak village in Hungary and its central European connections | 2001 | Acta ethnographica Hungarica 46 (3/4): 243-60 | 1216-9803 | ||||
Álmos and táltos | 2001 | Shaman 9 (2): 99-117 | *H6/KFO [SHAMAN-] | 1216-7827 | |||
Manufacture of palaeolithic stone tools and the technical terms | 2000 | Folia archaeologica 48 (): 7-26 | H6/KE 'FOLIA-' | 0133-2023 | |||
Vernacular names of diseases | 2000 | Anthropologiai közlemények 41 (): 117-26 | H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGIAI-] | 0003-5440 | |||
Problems encountered while revising the proverb lore in a general bilingual dictionary | 2000 | Acta ethnographica Hungarica 45 (3/4): 393-9 | 1216-9803 | ||||
Ruthenian-Hungarian co-existence as represented by linguistic data | 1997 | Ethnographia 108 (1/2): 343-57 | |||||
Die Frage des Ungarischen als Unterrichtssprache und des ungarischen Sprachunterrichts in den Landesversammlungen in Siebenburgen wahrend der Reformzeit | 1994 | A Debreceni Déri Múzeum évkönyve 357-65 (): |