Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Thinking methodologies with textiles, thinking textiles as methodologies in the context of transitional justice | 2024 | Qualitative research 24 (5): 1121-41 | H6 [QUALITATIVE-] | 1468-7941 | |||
Feeding figurines at Middle Preclassic La Blanca, Pacific coast of Guatemala | 2024 | Mexicon 46 (4): 86-91 | *H6/KUL [MEXICON-] | 0720-5988 | |||
Quantifying the subjective? Recent developments within sensory archaeology | 2024 | Time and mind: the journal of archaeology, consciousness and culture 17 (1-2): 1-7 | H6/KH [TIME-] | 1751-696X | |||
As muitas vidas de um chapéu de Carnaval | 2024 | Mana 30 (2): 1-37 | H6/KUL [MANA-] | 1678-4944 | |||
Archaeological object interviews as a method to study and engage with finder-collectors | 2024 | Antiquity 98 (400): 1097-1106 | H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] | 0003-598X | |||
Exploring materiality and sensory experience through Viking Age reenactment | 2024 | Time and mind: the journal of archaeology, consciousness and culture 17 (1-2): 101-18 | H6/KH [TIME-] | 1751-696X | |||
More-than-human anthropology | 2022 | Etnografia polska 66 (1/2): 5-10 | H6/KVM [ETNOGRAFIA-] | 0071-1861 | |||
Objects, people, politics: from Perestroika to the post-Soviet era | 2022 | Fashion theory 26 (4): 525-44 | H6/KFY [FASHION-] | 1362-704X | |||
Tangible and intangible in Arja, a Balinese musical dance theater: crown, body, and stock characters | 2021 | Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 46 (2): 277-309 | H6 [OSAKA-] | 0385-180X | |||
Special theme: Humans and things weaving a performance together. Exploring an intersection of the anthropology of materiality and performing arts studies | 2021 | Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 46 (2): 223-51 | H6 [OSAKA-] | 0385-180X | |||
Beyond 'function' and 'metaphor': wheelchairs in the video-dance Tiresias | 2021 | Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 46 (2): 253-76 | H6 [OSAKA-] | 0385-180X | |||
Trans-border flow of music as an encounter with instruments: cases of Balinese gamelan in Japan | 2021 | Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 46 (2): 311-48 | H6 [OSAKA-] | 0385-180X | |||
« Cette bagnole m’a donné deux grandes joies ! » Essai d’auto-anthropologie | 2021 | Terrain (75): 26-47 | H6 [TERRAIN-] | 0760-5668 | |||
Amours, délices et orgues. La mécanique du désir | 2021 | Terrain (75): 74-91 | H6 [TERRAIN-] | 0760-5668 | |||
Peut-on s’éprendre de tout? Formes limites du lien amoureux | 2021 | Terrain (75): 4-25 | H6 [TERRAIN-] | 0760-5668 | |||
De sucre et d’ivoire. Se fabriquer un conjoint sur mesure dans les contes populaires de l’Italie du Sud | 2021 | Terrain (75): 92-113 | H6 [TERRAIN-] | 0760-5668 | |||
Post update blues. Pourquoi mon amie est-elle devenue si robotique ? | 2021 | Terrain (75): 114-21 | H6 [TERRAIN-] | 0760-5668 | |||
Artificial representations of a person. Puppets, mannequins, zombies and other images of (non)-beings | 2017 | Konteksty 71 (1/2): 289-300, 474 | H6/KVM [POLSKA-] | 1230-6142 | |||
The netsuke phenomenon. On wandering objects | 2017 | Konteksty 71 (1/2): 242-51, 472 | H6/KVM [POLSKA-] | 1230-6142 | |||
Conflicts in the habitus: the emotional work of becoming modern | 2016 | Sociological review 64 (1): 148-65 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Toward an anthropology of landmines: rogue infrastructure and military waste in the Korean DMZ | 2016 | Cultural anthropology 31 (2): 162-87 | H6 [CULTURAL-] | 0886-7356 | |||
Taking love seriously in human-plant relations in Mozambique: toward an anthropology of affective encounters | 2016 | Cultural anthropology 31 (2): 244-71 | H6 [CULTURAL-] | 0886-7356 | |||
The political economy of technofetishism: agency, Amazonian ontologies, and global magic | 2015 | Hau 5 (1): 35-57 | 2049-1115 | ||||
Maya crosses, mountains and caves in the light of ontological relativism and phenomenological anthropology | 2015 | Český Lid 102 (4): 437-63 | H6/KVL [CESKY-] | 0009-0794 | |||
The forest and the trees | 2014 | Hau 4 (2): 237-43 | 2049-1115 | ||||
Virtual dialog with Maurice Merleau-Ponty. Examining the traditional culture in terms of perception | 2014 | Tautosakos Darbai (NS) 47 (): 15-42 | H6/KVT [TAUTOSAKOS-] | 1392-2831 | |||
'Places of power', 'spirits of dolmens' and 'pristine knowledge': archaeological monuments and the new age movement 'Anastasia' | 2014 | Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5 (): 74-87 | H6/KVY [ETNOGRAFICHESKOE-] | 0869-5415 | |||
Plural world interpretations: the case of the Tuvans of south Siberia | 2014 | Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5 (): 88-103 | H6/KVY [ETNOGRAFICHESKOE-] | 0869-5415 | |||
Material culture. A new paradigm of anthropology | 2013 | Lud 97 (): 39-56 | H6/KVM [LUD-] | 0076-1435 | |||
Car culture: some anthropological dimensions | 2009 | Etnolog (New Series) 19 (): 117-36 | H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] | 0354-0316 | |||
Reconstruction of medieval fortifications from an anthropological perspective | 2009 | Archeologické rozhledy 61 (3): 547-53 | H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE-] | 0323-1267 | |||
Entangled biographies: rebuilding a Sasak house | 2007 | Ethnos 72 (2): 195-218 | H6 [ETHNOS-] | 0014-1844 | |||
The funeral of the doll: about the immortality of one cliché | 2006 | Zhivaia Starina (NS) 1 (): 22-5 | H6/KVY [ZHIVAIA-] | 0204-3432 | |||
Metaconsumptive practices and the circulation of objectifications | 2006 | Journal of material culture 11 (3): 293-317 | H6/KF [JOURNAL-] | 1359-1835 | |||
Death provoking behaviour during the funerary period in traditional Lithuanian culture | 2006 | Liaudies kultûra 5 (): 14-21 | H6/KVT [LIAUDIES-] | 0236-0551 | |||
The role of dolls and toys in human ontogeny | 2006 | Zhivaia Starina (NS) 1 (): 15-18 | H6/KVY [ZHIVAIA-] | 0204-3432 | |||
Dolls in children's games today | 2006 | Zhivaia Starina (NS) 1 (): 18-22 | H6/KVY [ZHIVAIA-] | 0204-3432 | |||
The return to things | 2006 | Archaeologia polona 44 (): 171-85 | H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] | 0066-5924 | |||
Shedding skins: the materiality of divestment in India | 2004 | Journal of material culture 9 (1): 59-71 | H6/KF [JOURNAL-] | 1359-1835 | |||
Communication as interface or information exchange? A reply to Richard Rushton | 2004 | Journal of visual culture 3 (3): 359-66 | H6/KF 'JOURNAL-' | 1470-4129 | |||
Response to Mark B. N. Hansen's 'Affect as medium, or the [digital-facial-image' | 2004 | Journal of visual culture 3 (3): 353-7 | H6/KF 'JOURNAL-' | 1470-4129 | |||
Negotiating materiality: international and local museum practices at the Vanuatu Cultural Center and national museum | 2003 | Oceania 73 (3): 170-8 | H6/KX 'OCEANIA-' | 0029-8077 | |||
Etic and emic interpretations of an artefact and their relation to [its] inherent meaning | 2003 | Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 44 (1): 73-83 | 0012-7477 | ||||
The domestication of new technologies as a set of trials | 2003 | Journal of consumer culture 3 (3): 363-85 | 1469-5405 | ||||
The role of control in attributing intentional agency to inanimate objects | 2003 | Journal of cognition and culture 3 (3): 208-17 | 1567-7095 | ||||
Strands which refuse to be braided: hair samples from Beatrice Blackwood's Ojibwe collection at the Pitt Rivers Museum | 2003 | Journal of material culture 8 (1): 75-96 | H6/KF [JOURNAL-] | 1359-1835 | |||
Fetishism and hauism in central Mexico: using Marx and Mauss to understand commodity production in a cooperative setting | 2003 | Research in economic anthropology 22 (): 261-81 | H6/KF 'RESEARCH-' | 0190-1281 | |||
Fluid signs of commodity fetishism: the cosmologies of Coca Cola and Tesguino | 2003 | Research in economic anthropology 22 (): 283-98 | H6/KF 'RESEARCH-' | 0190-1281 | |||
Negotiating indigenous water knowledge in a global water crisis | 2002 | Cultural Survival quarterly 26 (2): 18-20 | 0740-3291 | ||||
E-topia as cosmopolis or citadel: on the democratizing and de-democratizing logics of the internet, or, toward a critique of the new technological fetishism | 2002 | Theory, culture and society 19 (1/2): 197-225 | 0263-2764 |