Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Disrupting Brazilian television: streaming and the decline of Globo's hegemony in video cultures 2024 International journal of cultural studies 27 (1): 9-27
  • Melina Meimaridis
H6/KF [INTERNATIONAL-] 1367-8779
State of agribusiness in Brazil: the officialization of an imagistic 2024 Mana 30 (1): 1-32
  • Marconi Severo
H6/KUL [MANA-] 1678-4944
The air of the coronavirus. Traditional medicine and Otomi conceptions of disease 2024 Alteridades (67): 23-36
  • Jorgelina Reinoso Niche
H6/KF [ALTERIDADES-] 0188-7017
Making of the Hindu nation, masculinity and the citizen - critical reading of chidren's magazines in South Asia and the place of Muslims 2024 Hawwa: journal of women of the Middle East and the Islamic world 22 (1): 68-90
  • M. Noorunnida
H6/KW [HAWWA-] 1569-2078
The conquest of the suburbs: racial purification in Argentine gated communities 2024 Ethnic and racial studies 47 (10): 2132-52
  • Ricardo Greene
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
A reflexivity exercise against teleologies. An exercise in reflexivity around daily actions of people with Mapuche ancestors 2024 Revista colombiana de antropología 60 (3): 1-26
  • Paula Inés Cecchi
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Culture is transnational 2023 International journal of cultural studies 26 (1): 3-15
  • Łukasz Szulc
H6/KF [INTERNATIONAL-] 1367-8779
Transgressing the canon. Emergence of the Maya literary movement in the literary critics 2023 Estudios de cultura maya 61 (): 281-306
  • José Alejos García
H6/KUL [ESTUDIOS-] 0185-2574
Where are the girls? Questions for research on hegemonic male youth culture 2023 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 27 (1): 51-71
  • Alexandre Barbosa Pereira
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
Inalienable dignity: writing counterhegemonic universal human rights histories 2023 Ethnohistory 70 (2): 187-99
  • Bonny Ibhawoh
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 1527-5477
Walk-spin is to resist: ethnogeneric subjectivities and struggles of Misak indigenous community (Colombia) against violent land dispossession and epistemicide 2023 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 27 (2): 429-46
  • Alba Marleny Calambas Tunubala
  • Carolina Buitrago Echeverry
  • José Manuel Romero Tenorio
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
The palenque of Limón through the voice of a Maroon, provincia de Cartagena (17th century) 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 21-49
  • María Cristina Navarrete
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
Four distinct culture of oilified masculinity, but absent hegemonic masculinity: some multiple masculinities perspectives from a remote UK offshore drilling platform 2023 Journal of contemporary ethnography 52 (3): 344-78
  • Nicholas Norman Adams
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0891-2416
Swimming betwixt two waters: the Qhapaq Ñan Project - national office (2013-2018) and the management of heritage from within the state 2023 Boletin de arqueologia PUCP (32): 121-34
  • Giancarlo Marcone
Between loss and opportunity: the fate of place after Socialism 2023 Focaal 96 (): 1-15
  • Dace Dzenovska
  • Dominic Martin
  • Volodymyr Artiukh
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
An anti-genealogical take on US anthropology and disciplinary reform 2023 American ethnologist 50 (3): 356-67
  • Carolyn Rouse
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
The roles of religious organizations in the decline of the anti-mining movement in Banyuwangi, East Java 2023 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 179 (1): 5-37
  • Amir Syarifudin Kiwang
  • Farid Abud Alkatiri
H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] 0006-2294
Did white swallowwort (Vincetoxicum hirundinaria) exist or did it not during the organic regulations regime? Notes on some previously unknown documents from Wallachia 2023 Martor: revue d'anthropologie du Musée du Paysan Roumain (28): 204-14
  • Nicolae Mihai
H6/KVQ [MARTOR-] 2734-8350
White supremacy and the making of anthropology 2023 Annual review of anthropology 52 (): 417-35
  • Aisha M. Beliso-De Jesús
  • Jemima Pierre
  • Junaid Rana
H1 [BIENNIAL-] 0084-6570
‘I trap her with a CD, then tomorrow find her with a big old man who bought her a smart phone’. Constructions of masculinities and transactional sex: a qualitative study from North-Western Tanzania 2022 Culture, health & sexuality 24 (2): 254-67
  • Ana Maria Buller
  • Daniel Nyato
  • Joyce Wamoyi
  • Lori Heise
  • Lottie Howard-Merrill
  • Nambusi Kyegombe
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Colonial comida: the colonization of food insecurity in Puerto Rico 2022 Food Culture and Society 25 (1): 18-31
  • Shir Lerman Ginzburg
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
Racialization and ethnicization: Hindutva hegemony and caste 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (2): 298-318
  • Balmurli Natrajan
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Nahau, Pihi Manus, Pilapan: hegemony's gender as artefacts of history 2022 Suomen antropologi 46 (2): 66-84
  • Nayahamui Michelle Rooney
H6 [SUOMEN -] 0355-3930
The (not so) silent centre: New Zealander ethnicity responses in the census 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (11): 2094-116
  • Avril Bell
  • Patrick Broman
  • Taho Kukutai
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
A socio-anthropological analysis of the construction of leadership in the province of Misiones, Argentina 2022 Etnografías Contemporáneas (14): 8-32
  • Augusto Abdulhadi
  • Laura A. Ebenau
Korean traditional music on global stages 2022 The World of Music 11 (1): 5-21
  • Anna Yates-Lu
  • Jan Creutzenberg
H6/KFY [WORLD-] 0043-8774
The knowing mother: maternal knowledge and the reinforcement of the feminine consuming subject in magazine advertisements 2022 Journal of consumer culture 22 (1): 40-60
  • Alan Petersen
  • David Marshall
  • Margaret K. Hogg
  • Tanja Schneider
  • Teresa Davis
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1469-5405
Becoming hegemony: the case for the (Italian) animal advocacy and veganwashing operations 2022 Journal of consumer culture 22 (1): 207-26
  • Niccolo Bertuzzi
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1469-5405
Digital transformations and the ideological formation of the public sphere: hegemonic, populist, or popular communication? 2022 Theory, culture and society 39 (4): 91-109
  • Sebastian Sevignani
H6 [THEORY-] 0263-2764
Studying gender while 'studying up'. On ethnography and epistemological hegemony 2022 Anthropology in action 29 (2): 1-10
  • Samantha Breslin
H6/KF [BASAPP-] 0967-201X
Religion as stateless hegemony: democracy and the continued dominance of Tibetan Buddhism in exile 2022 South Asia research 42 (3): 414-27
  • Ganesha Somayaji
  • Joanna P. Coelho
H6/KWL [SOUTH-] 0262-7280
Rethinking prevention as a reactive force to contain dangerous classes 2022 Anthropological theory 22 (3): 338-61
  • Angel Aedo
  • Paulina Faba
A post-Yugoslav anthropologist in exile: auto-ethnographic reflections on gender and identity from a feminist perspective 2022 Journal des anthropologues (170-171): 69-84
  • Alesandra Tatić
H6/KF [ASSOCIATION-] 1156-0428
Familial unfamiliarity: reading family spaces in New Generation Malayalam cinema 2022 South Asian popular culture 20 (3): 321-30
  • Mohammed Shafeeq
  • Zeenath Mohamed Kunhi
H6/KW [SOUTH-] 1474-6689
Movimiento e imperialismo Inca en los valles de Arica (Andes 18° S) 2021 Latin American antiquity 32 (2): 331-49
  • Pablo Mendez-Quiros Aranda
  • Thibault Saintenoy
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Between diversity and hegemony: transformations of kinship and gender relations in upper Yemen, seventh- to thirteenth-century CE 2021 History and anthropology 32 (2): 188-210
  • Andre Gingrich
  • Johann Heiss
  • Odile Kommer
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
‘You have a man’s spirit in a woman’s heart’: women who break hegemonic ideas about femininity in Icelandic legends 2021 Folklore 132 (3): 290-312
  • Dagrún Ósk Jónsdóttir
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 1469-8315
Radical sovereignty, rhetorical borders, and the everyday decolonial praxis of Indigenous peoplehood and Two-Spirit reclamation 2021 Ethnic and racial studies 44 (9): 1507-26
  • Ian Khara Ellasante
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Putonghua vs. minority languages: distribution of language laws, regulations, and documents in mainland China 2021 Ethnic and racial studies 44 (14): 2574-94
  • Huiyu Zhang
  • Shimeng Cai
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Reading patriarchal manhood, violence and love in Kabir Singh (2019) 2021 South Asian popular culture 19 (1): 15-32
  • Debapriya Ganguly
  • Rajni Singh
H6/KW [SOUTH-] 1474-6689
Failing as allies: Brown complicity in White supremacy 2021 South Asian popular culture 19 (1): 97-102
  • Leela MadhavaRau
H6/KW [SOUTH-] 1474-6689
Gramsci in the postcolony: hegemony and anticolonialism in Nasserist Egypt 2021 Theory, culture and society 38 (1): 79-99
  • Sara Salem
H6 [THEORY-] 0263-2764
Orbán's ordonationalism as post-neoliberal hegemony 2021 Theory, culture and society 38 (6): 71-93
  • Dorit Geva
H6 [THEORY-] 0263-2764
Keep crafting and carry on: nostalgia and domestic cultures in the crisis 2021 European journal of cultural studies 24 (1): 358-64
  • Jessica Martin
H6/KF [EUROPEAN-] 1367-5494
Political relations between Nahuas and Tének Chichimecas groups in the Epiclassic and Postclassic of Mesoamerica 2021 Revista española de antropología americana 51 (): 33-57
  • Emmanuel Márquez Lorenzo
H6/KUL [MADRID-] 0556-6533
'PC worlds': ethno-nationalist identitarian theories of anti-political correctness 2021 Anthropological theory 21 (1): 107-28
  • Anne-Christine Trémon
Bridges or walls? Or bridges are walls? Hegemony, situational selection and counter narratives at the boundaries of Spain and Europe 2021 Anthropological journal of European cultures 30 (1): 134-43
  • Elaine McIlwraith
Sardinian lives matter. Dynamics and reactions in an Italian internal colony 2021 Anthropological journal of European cultures 30 (2): 123-31
  • Luca Lai
  • Sharon Watson
Golden boys, bros, and barbecues: gendered occidentalism and the shaping of US policy in the Middle East 2021 Polar: political and legal anthropology review 44 (1): 91-106
  • Negar Razavi
H6/KF [APLA-] 1081-6976
Understanding Dutertismo: populism and democratic politics in the Philippines 2021 Asian journal of social science 49 (3): 131-7
  • Ian Clark R. Parcon
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849