Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Establishment and operation of the first elders’ care institution in Albania 2023 Bulgarska etnologiia 49 (1): 66-82
  • Inxhi Brisku
H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] 1310-5213
Anthropology as an instrument of studying the experience of failure 2019 Konteksty 73 (3): 119-27, 327
  • Marta Zimniak-Hałajko
H6/KVM [POLSKA-] 1230-6142
The Last Day 2018 Konteksty 72 (1/2): 143-52, 442
  • Monika Sznajderman
H6/KVM [POLSKA-] 1230-6142
Beyond exploitation: towards a nuanced understanding of agency for adolescent female sex workers - evidence from Zanzibar and Morogoro 2017 Culture, health & sexuality 19 (1): 76-90
  • Hannelore Van Bavel
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1369-1058
The forgotten pearl of Lower Silesia. The history of Sokołowsko (Görbersdorf) to 1945 2017 Konteksty 71 (4): 12-18, 300
  • Zofia Leszko
H6/KVM [POLSKA-] 1230-6142
'When urgent becomes non-urgent': researching health aspects of migration in Slovenia 2017 Glasnik slovenskega etnološkega Društva 57 (1/2): 54-64
  • Uršula Lipovec Čebron
What is a health worker? How spa therapists in a Norwegian health hotel understand their work 2016 Anthropology and medicine 23 (1): 30-41
  • Jorid Anderssen
H6/KGT [BRITISH-] 1364-8470
Service provider perspectives on post-abortion contraception in Nepal 2016 Culture, health & sexuality 18 (2): 223-235
  • Corinne H. Rocca
  • Jillian T. Henderson
  • Lin-Fan Wang
  • Mahesh Puri
  • Maya Blum
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1369-1058
Financial obligations and economic barriers to antiretroviral therapy experienced by HIV-positive women who participated in a job-creation programme in northern Uganda 2016 Culture, health & sexuality 18 (6): 654-68
  • Kallie Thomson
  • Kathryn Dovel
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1369-1058
Structural community factors and sub-optimal engagement in HIV care among low-income women in the Deep South of the USA 2016 Culture, health & sexuality 18 (6): 682-94
  • Janet M. Turan
  • Jessica S. Merlin
  • Melonie Walcott
  • Mirjam-Colette Kempf
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1369-1058
Anthropologists in global health experiments 2016 Medical anthropology 35 (5): 447-51
  • Anita Hardon
  • Robert Pool
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0145-9740
Moral foundations and symbolic pollution: what do midwives say about hospitalized women? 2016 Slovenský národopis 64 (4): 463-85
  • Zuzana Pešťanská
H6/KVL [SLOVENSKY-] 1335-1303
The dominant childbirth story: are women satisfied with their childbirth experience? 2015 Etnolog (New Series) 25 (): 181-98
  • Irena Rožman
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
The effects of globalisation on the intercultural environment and local culture of a small Slovak spa in Záhorie: theoretical context and preliminary research 2014 Ethnologia slovaca et slavica 36 (): 55-66
  • Linda Šimeková
H6/KVL [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1335-4116
Moscow's eastern medicine clinics and centers on the internet: a comparative analysis 2013 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5 (): 134-40
  • Elena Olegovna Propisnova
Benachteiligte Kinder an den Tagen der Arbeit, der Unterhaltung und Freude (am Bespiel der Brünner Krüppelanstalt in der Zwischenkriegszeit) 2012 Folia ethnographica 46 (1): 81-92
  • Andrea Zobačová
Filling and bathing in Santovka - regional, cultural and historical specific features and objects of cultural management 2011 Etnologické rozpravy 18 (1/2): 179-93
  • Ladislav Lenovský
H6/KVL [ETNOLOGICKÉ-] 1335-5074
'' 2011 Etnolog (New Series) 21 (): 57-75
  • Jana Šimenc
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
Take back medical education - the "primary care" shuffle 2010 Medical anthropology 29 (1): 6-14
  • Brian McKenna
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0145-9740
Virevoltes de l'assurance maladie, constance des pratiques de soins des assuré-e-s 2010 Tsantsa (15): 92-7
  • Hélène Martin
  • Jérôme Debons
H6/KF [TSANTSA-] 1420-7834
It gets better if you do? Measuring quality care in Puerto Rico 2010 Medical anthropology 29 (3): 303-29
  • Jessica Mulligan
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0145-9740
Facilities and equipment as predictors of effective health care delivery services in selected state government hospitals in Oyo state, Nigeria 2009 The Anthropologist 11 (3): 181-7
  • B. O. Ogundele
  • H. O. Olafimihan
Governance structures and equityin health service provision for primary health care in Zambia 2005 African social research (51): 67-76
  • C. A. Njobvu
  • K. Gondwe
  • L. Mdhluli
  • T. J. Ngulube
H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0002-0168
Ethnicity, equity, and access to genetic services- the UK perspective 2005 Annals of human biology 32 (2): 204-10
  • A. K. Saggar
  • P. Mehta
H6/HB [ANNALS-] 0301-4460
Counseling contraception for Malian migrants in Paris: global, state, and personal politics 2005 Human organization 64 (2): 147-56
  • Carolyn Sargent
H6/KF [APPLIED-] 0018-7259
Health practices among tribals in Maharashtra 2005 Vanyajati 53 (2): 13-19
  • Vijay J. Shingnapure
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Accessibility to health care facilities: a panacea for sustainable rural development in Osun state, southwestern Nigeria 2005 Journal of human ecology 18 (2): 121-8
  • Lekan Sanni
  • O. A. Ajala
  • S. A. Adeyinka
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0970-9274
Local government and health care delivery in Nigeria: a case study 2005 Journal of human ecology 18 (2): 149-60
  • D. O. Adeyemo
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0970-9274
Health status of a hill community: an assessment through utilization of health case services at block level in the state of Himachal Pradesh 2005 South Asian anthropologist 5 (1): 1-17
  • A. K. Sinha
  • B. G. Banerjee
  • K. D. Sharma
H6/KW [SOUTH-] 0257-7348
Functioning of depot-holder in rural service delivery partnership: implications for selective visitation 2005 South Asian anthropologist 5 (1): 19-33
  • H. Nazrul
  • Rukhsana Gazi
  • S. Alamgir
H6/KW [SOUTH-] 0257-7348
Reducing diabetes in Indian country: lessons from the three domains influencing Pima diabetes 2004 Human organization 63 (1): 34-46
  • Carolyn M. Smith-Morris
H6/KF 'APPLIED-' 0018-7259
Hilfesuchverhalten und die Barrieren der Nutzung des öffentlichen Gesundheitswesens bei pastoralnomadischen FulBe in Tschad 2004 Anthropos. Anthropos Institut, Sankt Augustin 99 (1): 25-38
  • Frank Krönke
An intercept of persons attending traditional birth homes in rural southeastern Nigeria 2004 Culture, health and sexuality 6 (2): 104-14
  • C Otutubikey Izugbara
  • Kinuabeye Ukwayi
Therapeutic itineraries: the medical field in rural Burkina Faso 2004 Anthropology and medicine 11 (1): 27-41
  • Helle Samuelsen
H6/ KGT [BRITISH-] 1364-8470
A study of the elderly people living in nursing homes in Iran with a specific focus on Tehran 2004 African and Asian studies 3 (2): 99-114
  • Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi
H6 [AFRICAN-] 1569-2094
Escape, enlightenment and endurance: narratives of recovery from psychosis 2004 Anthropology and medicine 11 (2): 181-99
  • Hermione Thornhill
  • Linda Clare
  • Rufus May
H6/ KGT [BRITISH-] 1364-8470
French colonial medicine in Cambodia: reflections of governmentality 2004 Anthropology and medicine 11 (1): 91-105
  • Ing-Britt Trankell
  • Jan Ovesen
H6/ KGT [BRITISH-] 1364-8470
Gender differences in an emerging health profession: Ghanaian women as itinerant drug vendors 2004 African and Asian studies 3 (1): 77-91
  • David A. Williamson
  • Gertrude Owusu
  • Joseph R. Oppong
  • Vijayan K. Pillai
H6 [AFRICAN-] 1569-2094
Responding to crisis: patterns of health care utilization in central Kenya amid economic decline 2003 African studies review 46 (1): 69-92
  • Paul N. Mbatia
  • York W. Bradshaw
South Omaha milagro: the history (and anthropology) of the Indian Chicano health center 2003 Practicing anthropology 25 (1): 22-5
  • Heidi J. Connealy
  • T. Lynne Barone
Criticizing with impunity? Bridging the widening gulf between academic discourse and action anthropology in global health 2003 Social analysis 47 (1): 90-5
  • Craig R. Janes
The Hispanic Health Council: an experiment in applied anthropology 2003 Practicing anthropology 25 (3): 2-7
  • Merrill Singer
The tensions of unity: challenges of community-centered research 2003 Practicing anthropology 25 (3): 8-11
  • Janghong Li
  • Merrill Singer
  • Scott Clair
  • Susan Shaw
An organizational life cycle perspective on the development of the Hispanic Health Council 2003 Practicing anthropology 25 (3): 46-51
  • Merrill Singer
Alaska native health care: a profile of successful self-determination 2003 Cultural survival quarterly 27 (3): 45-6
  • Trudy Anderson
Attitude of rural poor towards family planning programme 2003 Oriental anthropologist 3 (2): 145-8
  • E. P. K. Das
Their spirits live with us. Aboriginal women in downtown Eeastside Vancouver emerging into visibility 2003 American Indian quarterly 27 (3/4): 593-606
  • Dara Culhane
H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 0095-182X
Singular rituals serve elders' apprehension of personal health and well being 2002 Journal of ritual studies 16 (1): 97-107
  • Linda Marie Small
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 0890-1112
Quality of health and family planning services provided by the female health workers in Kolar district of Karnataka 2002 Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 37 (2): 85-94
  • R. Mutharyappa
Healthcare networks, health networks: Promethean culture or the liberty of impotence 2002 Tsantsa 7 (): 12-20
  • Ilario Rossi