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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
A study of women’s religion, life, and agency through Guanyin hairpins in Ming dynasty China 2023 Material religion 19 (4): 347-72
  • Hui-han Jin
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
A beaded hair comb of the early Ming dynasty 2021 Beads 33 (): 27-33
  • Valerie Hector
*H6 [BEADS-]
Hairstyle as a socio-cultural means of nonverbal communication. A study of dread-locks in Poland 2020 Etnografia polska 64 (1/2): 141-54
  • Karolina Dziubata
H6/KVM [ETNOGRAFIA-] 0071-1861
Performing health and beauty in eighteenth-century England: the significance of hair in the creation of appearances 2018 Fashion theory 22 (6): 617-40
  • Emma Markiewicz
H6/KFY [FASHION-] 1362-704X
Honky Tonk hairdos: Winifred Atwell and the professionalization of Black hairdressing in Britain 2018 Fashion theory 22 (6): 593-616
  • Kim Smith
H6/KFY [FASHION-] 1362-704X
Great expectations: the role of the wig stylist (sheitel macher) in Orthodox Jewish salons 2018 Fashion theory 22 (6): 569-91
  • Emma Tarlo
H6/KFY [FASHION-] 1362-704X
Fascination with difference: a note on power relations and body culture in Greece 2012 Journal of Mediterranean studies 21 (1): 153-73
  • Marina Petronoti
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1016-3476
Children and childhood in the notions of the Chinese: the past and present 2011 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6 (): 100-11
  • Alekseĭ Aleksandrovich Zakurdaev
Weaving threads between the ethnic and the global. African women's entrepreneurial ventures in Athens 2010 Anthropological journal of European cultures 19 (2): 129-48
  • Marina Petronoti
Corps et vêtements des femmes Rom en Roumanie. Un regard anthropologique 2008 Etudes tsiganes (Nouvelle Série) (33-34): 60-77
  • Iulia Hasdeu
H6 [ETUDES-] 0014-2247
Characteristics of brushing and covering heads of married women in Vojvodina: elements of underlying equipment for forming and covering heads of married women from the collection of folk costumes from the Museum of Vojvodina 2007 Rad vojvodanskih Muzeja 49 (): 165-90
  • Katarina Radisavljević
H6/KVP [NOVI-] 1450-6696
Learning through the breach: language socialization among African American cosmetologists 2007 Ethnography 8 (2): 171-203
  • Lanita Jacobs-Huey
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
'A story about hair': a curious mirror of Lu Xun's pre-republican years 2007 Journal of Asian studies 66 (2): 421-59
  • Eva Shan Chou
*H6/KW [JOURNAL-] 0021-9118
A tribe with guns 2006 China's ethnic groups 4 (2): 52-77
  • Dehuai Wei
  • Mingguang Sun
*H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
Unilateral antler combs from Romuliana 2006 Starinar 56 (): 353-66
  • Sofija Petković
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Symbolism of hairstyles in Korea and Japan 2006 Asian folklore studies 65 (1): 69-86
  • Na-Young Choi
H6/KWS [FOLKLORE-] 0385-2342
Following traditional lifestyle in peace: a true story of a long-haired old man from Yi ethnic group 2006 China's ethnic groups 4 (2): 78-93
  • Li Tian
*H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
Women working at hairdressing: a case study of a rapidly increasing business among women in urban Ghana 2005 African study monographs supplementary issue 29 (): 83-94
  • Yukiyo Oda
H6/KY [AFRICAN STUDY MONOGRAPHS. Supplementary issue. 33] 0286-9667
Haartracht in der Region von Podluží 2005 Folia ethnographica 39 (): 137-51
  • Jitka Matuszková
Experimente zur Haar- und Schleiertracht in der Hallstattzeit 2004/2005 Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 134/135 (): 115-34
  • Karina Grömer
Die Haartracht der fidschianischen Häuptlinge - Ein Beitrag zum Thema Körperschmuck 2004/2005 Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 134/135 (): 135-49
  • Hermann Mückler
Fang, a people concerned with appearances. The decorative art of the Fang from south Cameroon, Rio Muni and Gabon in the 19th century 2004 Kaos: parcours des mondes 4 (): 90-125
  • Louis Perrois
Memory: concerning about the adorning design 2003 China's ethnic groups 1 (3): 6-29
  • Anonimous
***H6/KWS 'CHINA'S-' 1672-3341
'It's just a fashion!' Linking homosexuality and 'modernity' in South Africa 2003 Etnofoor 16 (2): 7-25
  • Graeme Reid
*H6 [ETNOFOOR-] 0921-5158
Adorning the head 2003 Art tribal 3 (): 44-53
  • Iris Hahner
**H6/KFY 'WORLD-' 1660-3699
The venerable Bede, druidic tonsure and archaeology 2002 Antiquity 76 (292): 458-71
  • Natalie Venclová
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Fracht - Pracht - Tracht: ein kleiner Exkurs über Haare in der Kultur und der Kulturwissenschaft 2002 Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde 98 (1): 223-33
  • Regina Bendix
Thug realism: inhabiting fantasy in urban Tanzania 2002 Cultural anthropology 17 (1): 93-124
  • Brad Weiss
The evolution of temporal pendant in Slavonic-Russian metal attire 2002 Kratkie soobshcheniia 213 (): 49-60, 145
  • N. V. ZHilina
The millennnium history of a wooden hair-dressing 2001/2002 Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research 41 (): 85-92
  • Natalia Malkova
Orilonise: the hermeneutics of the head and hairstyles among the Yoruba 2001/2 World of tribal arts 7 (2): 80-99
  • Babatunde Lawal
The finery of the ancient Semigallians 2001 Lietuvos archeologija 21 (): 55-62
  • Janis Graudonis
Hair in African art and culture 2001 American anthropologist 103 (2): 182-8
  • Thomas R. Miller
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Hair in African art and culture 2000 African arts 33 (3): 54-69, 96
  • Frank Herreman
  • Roy Sieber
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
The Bulgarian woman's traditional hairdo, kerchief and headdress as a social sign 2000 Bulgarska etnologiia 26 (4): 51-71
  • Radoslava Ganeva
Within a hair's breadth: body hair and identity among Turks in Strasbourg 2000 Terrain 35 (): 155-65, 169
  • Benoît Fliche
Eastern Slavonic types of women's head-dresses and the influence of the Far East cultures over them (X-XIX centuries) 1998 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 1 (): 96-103
  • A. R. IAshchanka
Headdresses in Norwegian folkdress-tradition 1998 Folia ethnographica 32 (): 25-43
  • Aagot Noss
Hair symbolism and hair manipulation in folk culture 1998 Lud 82 (): 157-76
  • Anna Targońska
Pins with female bust decoration and the emperor cult 1997/8 Antaeus 24 (): 79-92, 604-18
  • Ma ria T. Bíró
Elemente aus der Landnahmezeit in der ungarischen Kleidung mit besonderer Berücksichtingung der ungarischen Volkstracht 1996 Acta ethnographica Hungarica 41 (1/4): 93-110
  • Alice Gáborján
Östliche Züge in der ungarischen Tract 1989 Acta ethnographica Hungarica 35 (3/4): 195-259
  • A Gáborján
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