Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Uzbek head ornaments from the collection of the Náprstek Museum | 2018 | Annals of the Náprstek Museum 39 (2): 5-18 | H6/KVL [PRAGUE-] | 0231-844X | |||
A step towards the chronology of early medieval head ornaments in the eastern Alps | 2013 | Arheološki vestnik 64 (): 299-334 | H6/KE [ARHEOLOSKI-] | 0570-8966 | |||
Late antique decorative pins of the stylus type in Slovenia | 2013 | Arheološki vestnik 64 (): 197-248 | H6/KE [ARHEOLOSKI-] | 0570-8966 | |||
Even feathers make people. A selection of 18th century feather headdresses from northeastern North America | 2012 | Baessler-Archiv (Neue Folge) 60 (): 27-38 | H6 [BAESSLER-] | 0005-3856 | |||
On the formal principles of adornment and its meanings as a symbol in art (second section) | 2010 | Res (57-58): 299-308 | *H6 [RES-] | 0277-1322 | |||
Finds of Scythian influenced Aföld group in Transdanubia | 2010 | Folia archaeologica (): 101-25 | H6/KE [FOLIA-] | 0133-2023 | |||
World ornament: the legacy of Gottfried Semper's 1856 lecture on adornment | 2010 | Res (57-58): 309-29 | *H6 [RES-] | 0277-1322 | |||
Wearing the Virgin of Guadalupe? | 2009 | Cambridge anthropology 28 (2): 24-44 | H6 [CAMBRIDGE-] | 0305-7674 | |||
Headdresses and headwear decoration terminology | 2008 | Lietuvos archeologija 33 (): 187-202 | H6/KE [LIETUVOS-] | 0207-8694 | |||
Characteristics of brushing and covering heads of married women in Vojvodina: elements of underlying equipment for forming and covering heads of married women from the collection of folk costumes from the Museum of Vojvodina | 2007 | Rad vojvodanskih Muzeja 49 (): 165-90 | H6/KVP [NOVI-] | 1450-6696 | |||
Jewellery art among the Crimean Tatars | 2005 | Narodna tvorchist’ ta etnohrafiya 4 (): 52-8 | H6/KVY [NARODNA-] | 0130-6936 | |||
The female headgear 'kaitsa' in the region of Vidin, Bulgaria | 2005 | Bulgarska etnologiia 31 (3/4): 24-36 | H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] | 1310-5213 | |||
Bemerkungen zur Genese der Mädchenkränzchens in der traditionellen Volkskultur auf dem Beispiel der Rekonstruktion der Brautkopftracht in der Region von Luhačovické Zálesí und in Zlín | 2005 | Folia ethnographica 39 (): 57-70 | H6/KVL [ETHNOGRAPHICA-] | 0862-1209 | |||
Experimente zur Haar- und Schleiertracht in der Hallstattzeit | 2004/2005 | Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 134/135 (): 115-34 | H6 [ANTHROPOLOGISCHE GESELLSCHAFT IN WIEN. Mitteilungen-] | 0066-4693 | |||
The unknown China | 2004 | Kaos: parcours des mondes 4 (): 195-217 | H6/KFY [KAOS-] | ||||
The imported artefacts of the period of Classical Antiquity in the burials of the cemetery Pesochinski | 2004 | Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 3 (): 147-59 | H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] | 0869-6063 | |||
Adorning the head | 2003 | Art tribal 3 (): 44-53 | **H6/KFY 'WORLD-' | 1660-3699 | |||
Illuminated signs: style and meaning in the beadwork of the Xhosa and Zulu-speaking peoples | 2003 | African arts 36 (3): 12-33, 93-4 | H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] | 0001-9933 | |||
Metal details and ornaments of clothing according to data from investigations of the Vilnius Lower Castle | 2003 | Lietuvos archeologija 24 (): 107-26 [insert i-ii, iii-iv] | 0207-8694 | ||||
Occipital hair whorl and earlobe attachment types among the Monpas and Sherdukpens of Arunachal Pradesh | 2003 | Vanyajati 51 (1): 9-10 | 0042-2622 | ||||
Mandan headdress | 2003 | Whispering wind 33 (2): 4-9 | 0300-6565 | ||||
The evolution of temporal pendant in Slavonic-Russian metal attire | 2002 | Kratkie soobshcheniia 213 (): 49-60, 145 | 0130-2620 | ||||
The Paquet: a Winnebago woman's hair tie | 2002 | Whispering wind 32 (3): 4-7 | 0300-6565 | ||||
The millennnium history of a wooden hair-dressing | 2001/2002 | Bulletin of the International Committee on Urgent Anthropological and Ethnological Research 41 (): 85-92 | 0538-5865 | ||||
The finery of the ancient Semigallians | 2001 | Lietuvos archeologija 21 (): 55-62 | 0207-8694 | ||||
Hair in African art and culture | 2000 | African arts 33 (3): 54-69, 96 | H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] | 0001-9933 | |||
The Bulgarian woman's traditional hairdo, kerchief and headdress as a social sign | 2000 | Bulgarska etnologiia 26 (4): 51-71 | 1310-5213 | ||||
Le trésor de Streza-Cârţişoara (dép. de Sibiu) | 1998 | Studii şi cercetări de istorie veche şi arheologie 49 (2): 145-56 | H6/KE [STUDII-] | 1220-4781 | |||
Sairkhe as a cult centre of the ancient Colchis | 1997 | Arkheolohiia 4 (): 128-33 | 0235-3490 | ||||
Pacific rim hair ornaments | 1992 | Ornament 15 (3): 20-1 | *H6 [BEAD-] |