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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Des gobelets en Grande Bretagne. Le 'set' Campaniforme reconsidéré 2020 Préhistoires méditerranéennes N.S. 8 (): 1-34
  • Alex Gibson
H6/KE [PREHISTOIRE-] 1167-492X
Beakers in Britain. The Beaker package reviewed 2020 Préhistoires méditerranéennes N.S. 8 (): 1-31
  • Alex Gibson
H6/KE [PREHISTOIRE-] 1167-492X
Settlement duration and materiality: formal chronological models for the developmenmt of Barnhouse, a grooved ware settlement in Orkney 2016 Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 82 (): 193-225
  • Alison Sheridan
  • Andrew Meirion Jones
  • Ann MacSween
  • Colin Richard
  • Elaine Dunbar
H6/KE [PREHISTORIC-] 0079-497X
Refining the chronology of the neolithic settlement at Pool, Sanday, Orkney: implications for the emergence and development of grooved ware 2015 Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 81 (): 283-310
  • Alison Sheridan
  • Ann Macsween
  • Christopher Bronk Ramsey
  • John Hunter
  • Julie Bond
H6/KE [PREHISTORIC-] 0079-497X
The return of the Rinyo-Clacton folk? The cultural significance of the grooved ware complex in later neolithic Britain 2010 Cambridge archaeological journal 20 (1): 1-15
  • Julian Thomas
H6/KE [CAMBRIDGE-] 0959-7743
Trends in pig product processing at British Neolithic Grooved Ware sites traced through organic residues in potsherds 2008 Journal of archaeological science 35 (7): 2059-73
  • Alex M. Gibson
  • Anna J. Mukherjee
  • Richard P. Evershed
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Compound-specific stable carbon isotopic detection of pig product processing in British late Neolithic pottery 2007 Antiquity 81 (313): 743-54
  • Alex M. Gibson
  • Anna J. Mukherjee
  • Mark S. Copley
  • Richard P. Evershed
  • Robert Berstan
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
The Grimes Graves flint mine site in the light of new research 2000 PrzeglÄ…d archeologiczny 48 (): 19-73
  • Ian Longworth
  • Jacek Lech
Evidence for varying patterns of exploitation of animal products in different prehistoric pottery traditions based on lipids preserved in surface and absorbed residues 1999 Journal of archaeological science 26 (12): 1473-82
  • Stephanie N. Dudd
Maeshowe and the winter solstice: ceremonial aspects of the Orkney Grooved Ware culture 1997 Antiquity 71 (272): 338-59
  • Euan W. MacKie
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