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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Convivial reflexivity in the changing city - a tale of hospitality or hostility? 2022 International journal of cultural studies 25 (2): 210-30
  • Afroditi-Maria Koulaxi
H6/KF [INTERNATIONAL-] 1367-8779
On people, sensorial perception, and potential affinity in southern Chile 2019 Social analysis 63 (2): 66-80
  • Cristobál Bonelli
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0155-977X
"If you greet them, they ignore you": Chinese migrant (refused) greetings, and the interpersonal ethics of global inequality in Tanzania 2018 Anthropological quarterly 91 (1): 237-65
  • Derek Sheridan
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
Welcome to country speeches: a personal perspective from a Larrakia man 2018 ab-Original 2 (1): 110-14
  • Curtis Roman
Examination of Üsküdar/Selami Ali Efendi Manqabat in terms of salutation in terms of semiotics 2018 Journal of folklore and literature 2 (): 1-17
  • Nursel Uyanıker
Examination of Üsküdar/Selami Ali Efendi Manqabat in terms of salutation in terms of semiotics 2018 Journal of folklore and literature 2 (): 73-85
  • Nursel Uyanıker
Greetings in male Guinea baboons and the function of rituals in complex social groups 2018 Journal of human evolution 125 (): 87-98
  • Federica Dal Pesco
  • Julia Fischer
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0047-2484
Native California languages as semiotic resources in the performance of identity 2017 Journal of linguistic anthropology 27 (1): 40-53
  • Jocelyn Ahlers
H6/KK [JOURNAL-] 1055-1360
For your great and important day: old age, humor and online birthday cards 2017 Narodna umjetnost 54 (1): 49-67
  • Marija Geiger Zeman
  • Zdenko Zeman
H6/KVP [NARODNA-] 0547-2504
Tactics and tactility: a sensory semiotics of handshakes in coastal Kenya 2016 American anthropologist 118 (1): 49-66
  • Sarah Hillewaert
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
'What would they do if you greeted?' The Potentiality of greetings in the new South Africa 2015 African studies 74 (1): 123-45
  • Karie L. Morgan
H6/KY [BANTU-] 0002-0184
In the image of the other: nineteenth-century British voyagers and Okinawans at the point of meeting 2015 History and anthropology 26 (5): 553-75
  • Arne Røkkum
H6 [HISTORY-] 0275-7206
Writing on the sidewalk: birthday greetings 2014 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares 69 (1): 133-54
  • Ricard Morant-Marco
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 0034-7981
Recent rituals of indigenous recognition in Australia: welcome to country 2014 American anthropologist 116 (2): 296-309
  • Francesca Merlan
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Holiday greetings - from religious context to secular custom 2014 Zbornik 30 (): 175-85
  • Milina Ivanović-Barišić
H6/KVP [SRPSKA AKADEMIJA NAUKA I UMETNOSTI. Etnografski Institut Zbornik radova]
On the types and meanings of salutation gestures 2014 Etnolog (New Series) 24 (): 197-232
  • Gorazd Makarovič
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
Dis-moi quelle est la couleur de ta peau at je te dirai qui tu es: phenotype, language et stéréotype en République dominicaine 2013 Civilisations 62 (1/2): 31-49
  • Catherine Bourgeois
'Seeing Abraham' and other jubilees 2013 Etnolog (New Series) 23 (): 49-63
  • Marjeta Pisk
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
On the meanings of verbal salutations 2013 Etnolog (New Series) 23 (): 205-36
  • Gorazd Makarovič
H6/KVP [ETNOLOG-] 0354-0316
The phatic figure: public gesture and shared meaning on the highways of the Australian outback 2013 The Australian journal of anthropology 24 (1): 99-114
  • Adrian Peace
H6/KF [AUSTRALIAN-] 1035-8811
Arresting hospitality: the case of the 'handshake in space' 2012 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) (): S76-S89
  • Debbora Battaglia
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Hospitality and tone: holding patterns for strangeness in rural Mongolia 2012 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) (): S63-S75
  • Caroline Humphrey
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Blessings: speech and gesture. Ceremonial greetings and social organisation in Ceará (Brazil) 2012 Archives de sciences sociales des religions 57 (158): 73-93
  • Agnès Clerc-Renaud
H6/KFO [ARCHIVES-] 0335-5985
Submissive pant-gruntgreeting of female chimpanzees in Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania 2011 African study monographs 32 (1): 25-41
  • Tetsuya Sakamaki
H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0285-1601
Greeting rituals as everyday management of differences among Ras Tafari groups in Stellenbosch 2010 Anthropology Southern Africa 33 (3-4): 126-31
  • Lennox Olivier
*H6 [SOUTH-] 0258-0144
Ritual in Jemen (1). Der Gästeempfang 2010 Jemen-Report 41 (1/2): 35-7
  • Ulrike Stohrer
H6/KWH [JEMEN-] 0930-1488
'Horse in an overcoat': the structure and functions of humorous answers 2010 Zhivaia Starina (NS) 3 (): 9-11
  • O.IU. Boĭtsova
H6/KVY [ZHIVAIA-] 0204-3432
Affective language during the H1N1 influenza health crisis 2010 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares 65 (2): 427-43
  • Arantxa Martín López
  • Ricard Morant Marco
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 0034-7981
Hospitality, friendship, and the outsider in highland Sardinia 2009 Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe 9 (1): 4-12
  • Antonio Sorge
*H6/KF [SOCIETY-] 1535-5632
New research field of folkloristics: media communication 2007 Národopisná revue 4 (): 231-6
  • Marta Šrámková
H6/KVL [NARODOPISNE-] 8062-8351
"L'hospitalité berbere": prolongements d'un recit Gellnerien 2006 Hespéris-Tamuda 41 (): 41-50
  • Ahmed Skounti
H6/KY [HESPERIS-] 0018-1005
Texted festive greetings 2006 Agria 42 (): 379-88
  • József Kriston Vízi
H6/KVN [EGER-] 0236-9168
Customs of hospitality of the Armenians of Aghdznik (19th-20th centuries) 2005 Istoriko-filologicheskiy zhurnal 1 (): 160-9
  • Rafik Nagapetian
About the Easter rabbit 2004 Zhivaia Starina (NS) 2 (): 40-1
  • I. R. Kilachitskaia
H6/KVY [ZHIVAIA-] 0204-3432
Greeting by kissing hand and its semantics in Bulgarian tradition 2004 Bulgarska etnologiia 30 (1): 61-79
  • Dzheni Madzharov
H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] 1310-5213
Droit d'accueil et droit de l'endroit en pays kanak 2003 Journal de la Société des Océanistes 117 (2): 203-12
  • Jean Pipite
H6/KX [SOCIETE-] 0300-953
Die Begrüßungsrituale im Rahmen eines deutsch-französischen Austausches 2003 Paragrana: internationale Zeitschrift für historische Anthropologie 12 (1/2): 457-69
  • Christiane Montandon
A ritual welcome 2003 Liaudies kultûra 2 (): 8-14
  • Daiva Vaitkevičienė
H6/KVT 'LIAUDIES-' 0236-0551
Diplomatic ceremonial in the practice of the relations of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the State of Moscow at the turn of the 16th century 2003 Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1 (): 81-101
  • Marius Sirutavičius
H6/KVT [LIETUVOS-] 0202-3342
Postcards: an unideal collection (3). 'Remember me!' 2003 Konteksty 1/2 (): 242-50, 296
  • Małgorzata Baranowska
H6/KVM [POLSKA-] 1230-6142
Intimate hierarchies and Qur'anic Saliva (Tëfli): textuality in a Senegalese ethnomedical encounter 2002 Journal of linguistic anthropology 12 (2): 225-59
  • Sabina M. Perrino
Inequality in address behavior at public institutions in La Paz, Bolivia 2001 Anthropological linguistics 43 (2): 198-217
  • Maria E. Placencia
A phenomenological interpretation of Kerebe greetings 2001 Journal of African cultural studies 14 (2): 181-92
  • Euphrase Kezilahabi
Il [parlare-collera]. Sul saluto cerimonial Candoshi 2000 Etnosistemi 7 (7): 37-46
  • Alexandre Surrallés
H6/KF [ETNOSISTEMI-] 1122-6234
Packaged sentiments: the social meanings of greeting cards 1999 Journal of material culture 4 (2): 115-41
  • Alexandra Jaffe
Universal and culture-specific properties of greeting 1997 Journal of linguistic anthropology 7 (1): 63-97
  • Alessandro Duranti
The pragmatics of greeting, felicitation and condolence expressions in four Ethiopian languages 1997 African languages and cultures 10 (2): 103-28
  • Baye Yimam
Gift and return gift, greeting and return greeting in India. On a consequential footnote by Marcel Mauss 1997 Numen 44 (3): 242-69
  • Axel Michaels
Language and bodies in social space: Samoan ceremonial greetings 1992 American anthropologist 94 (3): 657-91
  • A Duranti
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