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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
New findings of a fishtail point in the Colombian Caribbean region 2024 Revista colombiana de antropología 60 (1): 175-89
  • María Almeira Navia Gómez
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
Spatial and temporal trends in the distribution of engraved eggshell fragments: a comparative view from the Holocene archaeological record of Southern Africa and southern South America 2024 Journal of anthropological archaeology 73 (23): 1-19
  • Gustavo Martínez
  • Jayson Orton
  • Natalia Carden
  • Peter Mitchell
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Monumental snake engravings of the Orinoco River 2024 Antiquity 98 (399): 724-42
  • José Ramón Oliver
  • Natalia Lozada Mendieta
  • Philip Riris
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Settlement organization and distribution in Bronze Age Sardinia: utilizing cumulative viewshed analysis and spatial statistics in the Sulcis Plain 2024 Journal of field archaeology 49 (5): 356-70
  • Elic Weitzel
  • Elizabeth A. Murphy
  • Miriam Rothenberg
  • Thomas P. Leppard
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 2042-4582
Arizona Indian peoples' territories in the nineteenth century 2024 Journal of the Southwest 66 (1): 118-64
  • Harry J. Winters jr.
*H6/KUB [JOURNAL-] 0894-8410
The use of sources in the Diamante Valley: an approach from distributional archaeology 2024 Comechingonia: Revista de Arqueología 28 (2): 35-51
  • Clara Otaola
  • Fernando Ricardo Franchetti
  • Miguel Angel Giardina
The community food environment of a Brazilian metropolis 2023 Food Culture and Society 26 (1): 182-92
  • Amanda Cristina de Souza Andrade
  • Ariene Silva do Carmo
  • Bruna Albuquerque Leme
  • Caroline Luana dos Santos
  • Larissa Loures Mendes
  • Letícia de Oliveira Cardoso
  • Luana Lara Rocha
  • Mariana Zogbi Jardim
  • Waleska Teixeira Caiaffa
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
Regional trends in rock art production across Andean foothill valleys on north-central Chile 2023 Rock art research 40 (1): 32-44
  • Amalia Nuevo-Delaunay
  • Andrés Troncoso
  • César Méndez
  • Francisca Ivanovic
  • Francisca Moya
  • Paula Urzúa
  • Sebastián Grasset
H6/KE [ROCK-] 0813-0426
The Jaén stone bowl tradition and Ceja de Selva contribution to early Andean exchange networks 2023 Latin American antiquity 34 (1): 116-36
  • Ryan Clasby
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Ethnology and spatial classification: ethnographic descriptions of 'guest people' and their social influences 2023 Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 47 (2): 223-64
  • Hironao Kawai
H6 [OSAKA-] 0385-180X
The Early Holocene archaeology of Florida: geospatial approaches to understanding Bolen mobility 2023 Southeastern archaeology 42 (1): 31-45
  • Adam Burke
  • David K. Thulman
  • Jessi J. Halligan
  • Morgan Smith
The politics of mapping religion: locating, counting, and categorizing places of worship in European cities 2023 Space and culture 26 (2): 167-79
  • Julia Martínez-Ariño
  • Mar Griera
  • Tobias Müller
H6 [SPACE-] 1206-3312
Making informal sacred geographies: spiritual presence, sensual engagement, and wayside shrines in urban India 2023 Space and culture 26 (2): 192-203
  • Ursula Rao
H6 [SPACE-] 1206-3312
Holocene environmental evolution and human adaptability in a coastal area: a case study of the Jiaodong Peninsula in Shandong Province, eastern China 2023 Anthropological Science 131 (1): 45-53
  • Longsheng Wang
  • Xiaohui Wang
H6/KWV [ZINRUIGAKU-] 0918-7960
Northern Aymaran toponymy, revisited: a systematic approach to the linguistic origins of place names 2023 International journal of American linguistics 89 (4): 493-530
  • Arjan Mossel
  • Nicholas Q. Emlen
H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] 0020-7071
Insular networks: an exploration of material distribution, insularity and island identity on the edge of Europe in the Shetland Neolithic 2023 Journal of island and coastal archaeology 18 (4): 612-34
  • Bernard Gilhooly
  • Brendan O’Neill
  • Gabriel Cooney
  • Mik Markham
  • William P. Megarry
H6/KE [ISLAND-] 1556-4894
Reevaluating Nogales polychrome: a pioneering polychrome produced by the Trincheras tradition of northern Sonora, Mexico 2023 Kiva 89 (4): 522-47
  • Hunter M. Claypatch
*H6/KE [KIVA-] 2051-6177
The cultural landscapes of Maya roads: the material evidence and a GIS study from the Maya lowlands of Chiapas and Tabasco, Mexico 2023 Latin American antiquity 34 (4): 804-20
  • Flavio G. Silva de la Mora
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Evolution of mapping tribal populations in India 2023 South Asian anthropologist 23 (1): 51-60
  • Sumit Mukherjee
H6/KW [SOUTH-] 0257-7348
Location of Cornish cairns in relation to the Rough Tor effect 2023 Time and mind: the journal of archaeology, consciousness and culture 16 (1-4): 87-113
  • Bryn Tapper
  • Cathy Rozel Farnworth
  • Peter Herring
  • Roger Farnworth
H6/KH [TIME-] 1751-696X
Finding of a fishtail point in the Coyle River basin, south of the Province of Santa Cruz, Patagonia Argentina 2022 Magallania 50 (): 1-4
  • Lisandro G. López
  • Sebastián Matera
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0718-0209
Malay exiles in central Thailand: revisiting the cultural geography of Islam in Thailand and the Malay world’s northern diasporas 2022 Indonesia and the Malay world 50 (147): 273-88
  • Christopher M. Joll
H6/KX [INDONESIA-] 1469-8382
Cultural keystone places and the Chumash landscapes of Kumqaq’, Point Conception, California 2022 American antiquity 87 (3): 487-504
  • Alexis M. Mychajliw
  • Brian E. Holguin
  • Courtney A. Hofman
  • Kelly Easterday
  • Lain Graham
  • Leslie A. Reeder-Myers
  • Mark D. Reynolds
  • Todd J. Braje
  • Torben C. Rick
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
From Chauracabí to Osorno: cities and indigenous settlements on the southern borderland of the Kingdom of Chile 2022 Chungará 54 (2): 339-75
  • Leonor Adán Simón Urbina, Margarita Alvarado, Luis Cornejo, Ximena Urbina, Ricardo Álvarez y Aldo Farías
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
New data on amyloytic fermentation in the Amazon 2022 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 17 (3): 1-16
  • Alessandro Barghini
H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] 1981-8122
Panorama of pre-colonial archaeological sites in Minas Gerais: geographic information system mapping and basic metrics 2022 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 17 (3): 1-31
  • Andrei Isnardis
  • Sarah de Barros Viana Hissa
H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] 1981-8122
Lithic artifact distributions, chronology, and the trampling model (Borrero 1988): sand dunes on the north shore of Lake Viedma (Santa Cruz, Argentine Patagonia) 2022 Chungará 54 (3): 521-34
  • Flavia Carballo Marina
  • Juan Bautista Belardi
  • Patricia Campan
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Taste and place of Nanxiong cuisine in South China: a regional analytical framework 2022 Food Culture and Society 25 (5): 814-30
  • Junfan Lin
  • Paul Waley
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
Post-secular art for post-secular age: stational installations of the via dolorosa in Western cities 2022 Material religion 18 (2): 203-27
  • Pnina Arad
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Mapping ancient architecture via unplotted aerial vehicle-acquired lidar: a case study of Hōlualoa Royal Centre, Kona district, Hawai'i Island 2022 Journal of the Polynesian Society 131 (1): 71-92
  • Austin Chad Hill
  • Elise Jakoby Laugier
  • Jesse Casana
  • Mark D. McCoy
  • Thegn N. Ladefoged
H6/KX [POLYNESIAN-] 0032-4000
Emerald-green glass from Aqaba 2022 Journal of glass studies 64 (): 85-104
  • Carol Meyer
  • Laure Dussubieux
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0075-4250
Classification and spatial analysis of domes and cavities in rock art studies of archaeological significance in the eastern Andes of Colombia 2022 Revista colombiana de antropología 58 (1): 353-82
  • Laura López Estupiñán
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0486-6525
The spread of agriculture in south-eastern Europe: new data from North Macedonia 2022 Antiquity 96 (385): 15-33
  • Amalia Sabanov
  • Ferran Antolín
  • Goce Naumov
  • Juan F. Gibaja
  • Ljubo Kidanoski
  • Niccolò Mazzucco
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Pot sealing practice in the late fourth and third millennia BC: the northern Levant between connectivity and regionalism 2022 Origini 46 (): 57-86
  • Valentina Tumolo
H6/KE [ORIGINI-] 0034-6805
Casting moulds in the Bronze age of the Carpathian Basin. A catalogue of sites and finds 2022 Antaeus 38 (): 143-86
  • Gábor Ilon
H6/KE [MAGYAR TUDOMANYOS AKADEMIA. Regeszeti Intezet.Kozlemenyei-] 0238-0218
Grautonige Keramik der römischen Zeit aus Olbia und dem Umland - Archäologische und naturwissenschaftliche Analysen 2022 Eurasia antiqua: Zeitschrift für Archäologie Eurasiens 24 (): 227-69
  • Erdmute Schultze
  • Ewa Bobryk
  • Fleur Schweigart
  • Gerwulf Schneider
  • Małgorzata Daszkiewicz
H6/KE [EURASIA-] 0949-0434
The social significance of Mimbres painted pottery in the U.S. Southwest 2021 American antiquity 86 (1): 23-42
  • Kendall Baller
  • Matthew A. Peeples
  • Michelle Hegmon
  • Sarah Striker
  • Will G. Russell
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Qedesh in the Galilee: the emergence of an early Bronze Age Levantine megasite 2021 Journal of field archaeology 46 (4): 260-74
  • Ido Wachtel
  • Uri Davidovich
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 2042-4582
Shamanic ritual and ancient circumpolar migrations: the spread of the dark tent tradition through north Asia and north America 2021 Current anthropology 62 (2): 239-46
  • Charles Stépanoff
H6 [CURRENT-] 1537-5382
Are the widespread scatters of stone artefacts on dune surfaces in southeastern arid Australia really late Holocene in age? 2021 Australian archaeology 87 (1): 75-83
  • Amy Mosig Way
  • Marjorie Sullivan
  • Philip Hughes
*H6/KE [AUSTRALIAN-] 0312-2417
Proposition de lecture génitale féminine pour les supposées 'nasses' dans l'art rupestre du Sahara préhistorique 2021 Almogaren 52 (): 17-170
  • François Soleilhavoup
  • Jean-Pierre Duhard
The interaction of distant technologies: bridging Central Europe using a techno-typological comparison of spindle whorls 2021 Antiquity 95 (381): 627-47
  • Ana Grabundžija
  • Helmut Schlichtherle
  • Sabine Karg
  • Urs Leuzinger
  • Wolfran Schier
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Analysis of the worldwide distribution of the 'man or animal in the moon' motifs 2021 Folklore (Tartu) 84 (): 127-44
  • Marc Thuillard
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0949
Shifting social relations during the Terminal Classic period (ca. AD 810-950/1000): ceramics from the lowland site of Ucanal 2021 Ancient Mesoamerica 32 (3): 396-413
  • Christina T. Halperin
  • Jean-Baptiste LeMoine
*H6/KE [ANCIENT-] 0956-5361
The spirit of the place and the place of the spirit: local spirits, boundaries, and social order in Southwest Finnish folklore 2021 Temenos: Nordic journal of comparative religion 57 (2): 209-30
  • John Björkman
Economic aspects of settlement in the oasis of Bukhara, Uzbekistan: an archaeo-economic approach 2021 Cambridge archaeological journal 31 (4): 581-96
  • Federico Trionfetti
  • Rocco Rante
H6/KE [CAMBRIDGE-] 0959-7743
Between Qum and Qayrawān: unearthing early Shii ḥadīth sources 2021 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London) 84 (3): 419-42
  • Kumail Rajani
H6/KW [LONDON-] 0041-977X
Reexamining the geographical and temporal extent of the Suwannee Valley culture: the Floyd Mound and South Mound sites 2021 Florida anthropologist 74 (2): 88-106
  • Willet A. Boyer III
H6/KUB [FLORIDA-] 0015-3893
Writing amidst the scribbles: the role and place of writing in ancient Maya graffiti 2021 Papers from the Institute of Archaeology (London) 31 (1): 93-120
  • Christophe Helmke
  • Jarosław Źrałka
H6/KE [PAPERS-] 0965-9315
What's in an ArchSite name? 2021 Archaeology in New Zealand 64 (2): 21-33
  • Simon H. Bickler
H6/KE [NEW-] 0113-7832