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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
All that glitters is not pyrite: a geochemical assessment of iron-ore objects used by the Classic Maya 2024 Ancient Mesoamerica 35 (1): 81-96
  • Andrea Sandoval
  • Tanya Carías P.
  • Tomás Barrientos Q.
  • Yoshiyuki Iizuka
*H6/KE [ANCIENT-] 0956-5361
Vessels in time: ceramic pastes from the first and second millennium A.D. (ca. 0-1500 A.D.) in the central-western sector of the Santa Maria valley (Catamarca-Tucuman) 2024 Comechingonia: Revista de Arqueología 27 (2): 137-59
  • Agustina Longo
Geochemical analyses to make the invisible more concrete: cycles of building use and roof hatches at the Early Neolithic site of Aşıklı Höyük 2024 Journal of field archaeology 49 (5): 301-17
  • Fatma Kalkan
  • Mihriban Özbaşaran
  • Rana Özbal
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 2042-4582
Local production and developing core regions: ceramic characterization in the Lake Pátzcuaro basin, Western Mexico 2023 Latin American antiquity 34 (1): 21-39
  • Amy J. Hirshman
  • Anna S. Cohen
  • Daniel E. Pierce
  • Jeffrey R. Ferguson
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Collective action and shellfish harvesting practices among Late Archaic villagers of the south Atlantic bight 2023 Journal of anthropological archaeology 69 (): 1-10
  • Carey J. Garland
  • Victor D. Thompson
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Economic integration and obsidian consumption in the Late Postclassic period Ki'che' region 2023 Latin American antiquity 34 (4): 723-41
  • Rachel A. Horowitz
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
The Neolithic ceremonial centre at Nowe Objezierze (NW Poland) and its biography from the perspective of the palynological record 2023 Journal of anthropological archaeology 72 (): 1-14
  • Agnieszka Matuszewska
  • Anna Pędziszewska
  • Joanna Święta-Musznicka
  • Lech Czerniak
  • Marek Podlasiński
  • Monika Niska
  • Tomasz Goslar
  • Wojciech Tylmann
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
A further reply to Atholl Anderson regarding three scoria blocks associated with early Māori occupation sites in southern New Zealand 2023 Archaeology in New Zealand 66 (4): 56-7
  • E.G. Ramsay
  • G.S. Collett
  • G.T. Kerby
  • W.R.H. Ramsay
H6/KE [NEW-] 0113-7832
Geochemical analysis of colonoware and brick artifacts from Brook Green Plantation using portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry 2022 North American archaeologist 43 (1): 49-63
  • Alexis Widdifield
  • Carolyn D. Dillian
  • David T. Palmer
*H6/KE [NORTH-] 0197-6931
“What they call distance, that will have to be explained to me”. Frequency, geochemical characterization and circulation of obsidian artifacts from the Sarmiento Basin (Chubut, Argentina) 2022 Chungará 54 (2): 217-27
  • Alberto Enrique Pérez
  • Eduardo Moreno
  • Santiago Peralta González
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Social buildings: soil geochemistry and anthropogenic patterns from Late Iron Age Finland 2022 Journal of field archaeology 47 (6): 379-96
  • Elisabeth Holmqvist
  • Kristin Ilves
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 2042-4582
Some notes on scoria blocks from archaeological sites in Murihiku 2022 Archaeology in New Zealand 65 (3): 22-31
  • Atholl Anderson
H6/KE [NEW-] 0113-7832
The stone adze and obsidian assemblage from the Talasiu site, Kingdom of Tonga 2021 Archaeology in Oceania 56 (1): 1-16
  • Christian Reepmeyer
  • Frédérique Valentin
  • Geoffrey R. Clark
  • Redbird Ferguson
H6/KX [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0003-8121
Village-specific Kula partnerships revealed by obsidian sourcing on Tubetube Island, Papua New Guinea 2021 Archaeology in Oceania 56 (1): 32-44
  • Alana Pengilley
  • Ben Shaw
  • Geoff Irwin
  • Sarah Kelloway
H6/KX [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0003-8121
Interaction and Isolation in New Georgia: insights from the Nabo Point ceramic assemblage, Tetepare 2021 Archaeology in Oceania 56 (1): 45-64
  • Amy Mcstay
  • Glenn Summerhayes
  • Peter Sheppard
  • Tim Thomas
H6/KX [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0003-8121
Terra sigillata (1): Materialkomponenten und Produktionsmethoden 2021 Almogaren 52 (): 171-235
  • Helmut Leitner
  • Rudolf Franz Ertl
Recherches archéologiques sur les mines et la métallurgie de l'argent à imiter (Maroc) 2021 Journal of African archaeology 19 (1): 90-113
  • Caroline Robion-Brunner
  • François-Xavier Fauvelle
  • Jean-Marc Fabre
  • Mustaphas Souhassou
  • Romain Mensan
  • Sandrine Baron
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1612-1651
Pottery production and exchange in the last millennium in the western Solomon Islands: a ceramic sequence for Choiseul 2021 Journal of Pacific archaeology 12 (1): 25-46
  • Charles J.T. Radclyffe
  • Glenn R. Summerhayes
  • James M. Scott
  • Richard Walter
H6/KE [NEW-] 1179-4704
Visual and geochemical characterisation of late Cretaceous-Eocene cherts from eastern New Zealand: a preliminary study 2021 Journal of Pacific archaeology 12 (2): 68-78
  • Phil Moore
H6/KE [NEW-] 1179-4704
The mirror, the magus and more: reflections on John Dee's obsidian mirror 2021 Antiquity 95 (384): 1547-64
  • Elizabeth Healey
  • Michael D. Glascock
  • Stuart Campbell
  • Yaroslav Kuzmin
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
El fuego en los procesos constructivos de los montículos del sur de la cuenca de la Laguna Merín (Uruguay): un aporte de la datación por luminiscencia (OSL/TL) 2020 Latin American antiquity 31 (3): 498-516
  • Christopher Duarte
  • Daniel Panario
  • Marcos Tassano
  • Ofelia Gutiérrez
  • Roberto Bracco Boksar
  • Walter Norbis
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Integrating multi-scalar sampling strategies for archaeological sediment chemistry 2020 Journal of field archaeology 45 (8): 588-607
  • Catherine B. Scott
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0093-4690
New excavations at Umhlatuzana Rockshelter, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: a stratigraphic and taphonomic evaluation 2020 African archaeological review 37 (4): 551-78
  • Andrew S. Carr
  • Gerrit L. Dusseldorp
  • Irene Esteban
  • Irini Sifogeorgaki
  • May Murungi
  • Valentijn van den Brink
  • Victor Klinkenberg
*H6/KE [AFRICAN-] 0263-0338
Royal funerals, ritual stones and participatory networks in the maritime Tongan state 2020 Journal of anthropological archaeology 57 (): 1-10
  • Christian Reepmeyer
  • David Burley
  • Elle Grono
  • Geoffrey Clark
  • Mathieu Leclerc
  • Phillip Parton
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Between the Deseado Massif and the north Santa Cruz river basin (Patagonia, Argentina): geochemical analysis of obsidian artifacts and human circulation models 2020 Magallania 48 (1): 141-60
  • Brandi L. Macdonald
  • Brenda L. Gilio
  • Michael D. Glascock
  • Nora V. Franco
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0718-0209
New discoveries at Mokarta, a Bronze Age hilltop settlement in west Sicily 2020 Antiquity 94 (375): 696-704
  • Christopher Sevara
  • Klaus Löcker
  • Michael Doneus
  • Ralf Totschnig
  • Roderick B. Salisbury
  • Sebastiano Tusa
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Isotopic insights into the jar-and-coffin mortuary ritual of the Cardamom Mountains, Cambodia 2020 Antiquity 94 (378): 1575-91
  • Dougald O’Reilly
  • Louise Shewan
  • Nancy Beavan
  • Richard Armstrong
  • Siân Halcrow
  • Tep Sokha
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Black obsidian in the north coast of Santa Cruz: human interactions and lithic procurement 2020 Comechingonia: Revista de Arqueología 24 (3): 83-110
  • Pablo Ambrústolo
Soil geochemistry, phytoliths and artefacts from an early Swahili daub house, Unguja Ukuu, Zanzibar 2019 Journal of archaeological science 103 (): 32-45
  • Federica Sulas
  • Stephanie Wynne-Jones
  • Søren Munch Christiansen
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Traveling monastic paths: mobility and religion at medieval Irish monasteries 2019 Journal of anthropological archaeology 55 (): 1-24
  • elise Alonzi
  • Gwyneth Gordon
  • Kelly J. Knudson
  • Niamh Daly
  • Rachel E. Scott
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Resource procurement and inter-regional connections in pre-contact Taranaki, New Zealand: new evidence from geochemical analysis of obsidian 2019 Archaeology in Oceania 54 (3): 149-62
  • Andrew Brown
  • Derek Pitman
H6/KX [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0003-8121
Addressing models of Maori interaction and regional variation in New Zealand: an analysis of stone adzes from the Auckland (Tamaki) region 2019 Archaeology in Oceania 54 (3): 163-72
  • Andrew McAlister
  • Brendan Kneebone
H6/KX [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0003-8121
Duff's adze typology versus Polynesian adze exchanges 2019 Archaeology in Oceania 54 (3): 173-83
  • Michelle J. Richards
H6/KX [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0003-8121
Geochemical sourcing of volcanic materials imported into Teti'aroa Atoll shows multiple long-distance interactions in the Windward Society Islands, French Polynesia 2019 Archaeology in Oceania 54 (3): 184-99
  • Andrew Mcalister
  • Aymeric Hermann
  • Céline Liorzou
  • Guillaume Moille
  • René Maury
H6/KX [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0003-8121
Investigating Dismal River obsidian use in central Nebraska 2019 Plains anthropologist 64 (251): 257-74
  • Courtney L.C. Ziska
  • Phil R. Geib
  • Richard E. Hughes
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Crossing the Pyrenees during the late Glacial Maximum. The use of geochemistry to trace past human mobility 2019 Journal of anthropological archaeology 56 (): 1-14
  • Bernard Gratuze
  • François Xavier Le Bourdennec
  • Josep Maria Fullola
  • Marta Sánchez de la Torre
  • Mathieu Langlais
  • Xavier Mangado
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Human and environmental impacts of ancient copper metallurgy. A case study from southern Jordan 2019 Current anthropology 60 (6): 840-8
  • Kyle A. Knabb
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Human and environmental impacts of ancient copper metallurgy. A case study from southern Jordan 2019 Current anthropology 60 (6): 840-8
  • Kyle A. Knabb
H6 [CURRENT-] 1537-5382
Ceramics and society in Mahan and Paekche: a comparison of pottery geochemistry and craft production patterns at the sites of P'ungnap T'osŏng and Kwangju Palsan 2019 Asian perspectives 58 (1): 149-79
  • Rory Walsh
H6/KE [ASIAN-] 0066-8435
An interdisciplinary approach to the Cedro archaeological site, lower Amazon 2019 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 14 (2): 553-80
  • Daiana Travassos Alves
  • Joanna Troufflard
H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] 1981-8122
Discovery of Talasea obsidian in a post-Lapita deposit on the Arnavon Islands, Solomon Islands 2019 Journal of Pacific archaeology 10 (2): 73-9
  • Charles James Tekarawa Radclyffe
  • Glenn Summerhayes
  • Richard Walter
H6/KE [NEW-] 1179-4704
Geoarchaeology and geochronology of the Upper Palaeolithic site of Temereşti Dealu Vinii, Banat, Romania: site formation processes and human activity of an open-air locality 2019 Quartar 66 (): 111-34
  • Adrian Doboş
  • Alexandru Ciornei
  • Janina J. Bösken
  • Nicole Klasen
  • Philipp Schulte
  • Stephan Pötter
  • Thomas Albert
  • Wei Chu
H6/KE [QUARTAR-] 0375-7471
Preliminary investigations into the source of brick clay, Brookegreen Plantation, Georgetown County, South Carolina 2018 North American archaeologist 39 (1): 3-24
  • Carolyn Dillian
  • David Palmer
*H6/KE [NORTH-] 0197-6931
Earliest salt working in the world: from excavation to microscopy at the prehistoric sites of Ţolici and Lunca (Romania) 2018 Journal of archaeological science 89 (): 46-55
  • Dominique Sordoillet
  • Jean-Pierre Sizun
  • Martine Buatier
  • Nicolas Rouge
  • Olivier Weller
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
The archaeological documentation and geochemistry of the Rua Tokitoki adze quarry and the Poike fine-grain basalt source on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) 2018 Archaeology in Oceania 53 (1): 15-27
  • Dale F. Simpson Jr
  • Emma J. St Pierre
  • Marshall I. Weisler
  • Robert Bolhar
  • Yuexing Feng
H6/KX [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0728-4896
Soil nutrients and pre-European contact agriculture in the leeward Kohala field system, island of Hawai'i 2018 Archaeology in Oceania 53 (1): 28-40
  • Alison Preston
  • Julie Stein
  • Oliver A. Chadwick
  • Peter M. Vitousek
  • Thegn N. Ladefoged
H6/KX [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0728-4896
Seeking back. Geochemical characterization by PIXE of Palaeolithic manganese-rich lumps and their potential sources 2018 Journal of anthropological archaeology 50 (): 54-68
  • Africa Pitarch Martí
  • Francesco d'Errico
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
The environmental history of a former salt town in Transylvania (sic, northern Romania) 2018 Acta archaeologica (Budapest) 69 (1): 185-206
  • Attila Tóth
  • Balázs Pál Sümegi
  • Elek Benkő
  • Gusztáv Jakab
  • Lóránd Silye
  • Pál Sümegi
  • Tünde Törőcsik
H6/KE [ACTA-] 0001-5210
Presenting multivariate statistical protocols in R using Roman wine amphorae productions in Catalonia, Spain 2018 Journal of archaeological science 93 (): 150-65
  • Alexis Torrano
  • Andreas Angourakis
  • Josep M. Gurt Esparraguera
  • Verònica Martínez Ferreras
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Obsidian in the forest: geochemistry of archaeological artifacts from SW Río Negro and NW Chubut (Patagonia, Argentina) 2018 Chungará 50 (2): 201-16
  • Charles Stern
  • Cristina Bellelli
  • Mariana Carballido Calatayud
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182