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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Maíz, viajero incansable 2016 Artes de México (New Series) (123): 8-13
  • Dulce María Espinoza de la Mora
  • Elena Lazos Chavero
Gene differentiation among nine populations of Manipur (India) 2013 Oriental anthropologist 13 (1): 207-13
  • Bapukan Choudhury
  • Maishnam Rustam Singh
  • T. Shyamacharan Singh
*H6/KF [ORIENTAL-] 0972-558X
Young Alu insertions within the MHC Class I region in native American populations: insights into the origin of the MHC-Alu repeats 2013 American journal of human biology 25 (3): 359-65
  • Dora Sánchez
  • Ibone Espinoza
  • José E. Dipierri
  • Luis Gómez-Pérez
  • Miguel A. Alfonso-Sánchez
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Reevaluating a model of gender-biased gene flow among sub-Saharan hunter-gatherers and farmers 2013 Human biology 85 (4): 597-606
  • Cinzia Battaggia
  • Francesca Brisighelli
  • Ilaria Boschi
  • Marco Capocasa
  • Paolo Anagnostou
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Serological variation in Meos and Sunni Muslims and comparison with other castes of Haryana 2013 The Anthropologist 15 (2): 245-8
  • Abhay Singh Yadav
  • Surender Singh
Minimally destructive DNA extraction from archaeological artefacts made from whale baleen 2012 Journal of archaeological science 39 (12): 3750-3
  • Bjarne Grønnow
  • Hans Christian Gulløv
  • M. Thomas P. Gilbert
  • Mikkel-Holger S. Sinding
  • Peter A. Toft
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Genetic structure of indigenous and migratory populations in the area of Tuzla region considering some static and dynamic-morphological properties 2012 Glasnik antropološkog Društva Srbije 47 (): 173-80
  • Adisa Ahmić
  • Aldijana Tursunović
  • Alma Bašić
  • Hajrija Hamidović
  • Jasminka Hadžihalilović
H6/KVP [ANTROPOLOSKO-] 1820-7936
Common genetic heritage and admixture among Indian population groups as revealed by mtDNA markers 2012 Anthropological Science 120 (3): 227-34
  • Benrithung Murry
  • Kallur Nava Saraswathy
  • Khangembam Somibabu Meitei
  • Prakash Ranjan Mondal
  • Sanjenbam Yaiphaba Meitei
H6/KWV [ZINRUIGAKU-] 0918-7960
Afro-derived Amazonian populations: inferring continental ancestry and population substructure 2011 Human biology 83 (5): 627-36
  • Ândrea Ribeiro Dos Santos
  • Elzemar Martins Ribeiro Rodrigues
  • João Farias Guerreiro
  • Luana Gomes Lopes Maciel
  • Ney Pereira Carneiro Dos Santos
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Genetic homogeneity among Rajputs of Kangra district, Himachal Pradesh: a study based on surname analysis 2011 South Asian anthropologist 11 (1): 33-5
  • Aradhna
  • K.N. Saraswathy
  • P.K. Ghosh
  • Vani Kandpal
H6/KW [SOUTH-] 0257-7348
Cranial non-metric evidence for population admixture between East and West Eurasia in Bronze age, southwestern Xinjiang 2011 Acta anthropologica sinica 30 (4): 379-404
  • Hui Li
  • Jian-bo Zhang
  • Li Jin
  • Li-ming Li
  • Xin-hua Wu
H6/HB [ACTA-] 1000-3139
Microevolutionary processes due to landscape features in the province of Jujuy (Argentina) 2011 American journal of human biology 23 (2): 177-84
  • Emma Alfaro
  • José E. Dipierri
  • Luis Gómez-Pérez
  • Miguel A. Alfonso-Sánchez
  • Susana García-Obregón
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Genetic affinities among four endogamous populations of coastal Andhra Pradesh, India: an analysis based on ABO and Rh blood groups data 2010 International journal of anthropology 25 (2): 93-8
  • D.S.R.S. Prakash
  • G. Sudhakar
H6/HB [INTERNATIONAL-] 0393-9383
A genetic study of four population groups of Uttar Kannada district of Karnataka 2010 The Anthropologist 12 (3): 205-10
  • Gautam K. Kshatriya
  • Ipsa Pattanayak
  • Mansi Gauniyal
  • S. M. S. Chahal
Nonmetric cranial variation of Jomon Japan: implications for the evolution of eastern Asian diversity 2010 American journal of human biology 22 (6): 782-90
  • Atsushi Nakashima
  • Hajime Ishida
  • Masaaki Goto
  • Masahito Shigematsu
  • Tsunehiko Hanihara
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Effects of isolation and inbreeding on human quantitative traits: an example of biochemical markers of hemostasis and inflammation 2009 Human biology 80 (5): 513-33
  • Ariana Vork-Jović
  • Dražen Pulanić
  • Marijana Peričić
  • Mladen Petrovečki
  • Ozren Polašek
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Alu polymorphic insertions reveal genetic structure of North Indian populations 2009 Human biology 80 (5): 483-99
  • Manorama Tripathi
  • Piyush Tripathi
  • Rene J. Herrera
  • Suraksha Agrawal
  • Ugam Kumari Chauhan
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Genetic diversity of serum proteins in some Muslim populations of India 2009 Human biology 80 (5): 501-12
  • Absar-Ul Hasnain
  • Aisha Alam
  • Farhat Fatima
  • Riaz Ahmad
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Brief communication: restricted geographic distribution for Y-Q* paragroup in South America 2009 American journal of physical anthropology 140 (3): 578-82
  • Angelina García
  • Graciela Bailliet
  • María R. Santos
  • Marina Muzzio
  • Virginia Ramallo
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
Mitochondrial DNA variability among Egypt eight Tikúna villages: evidence for an intratribal genetic heterogeneity pattern 2009 American journal of physical anthropology 140 (3): 526-31
  • Aguinaldo Luiz Simões
  • Celso Teixeira Mendes-Junior
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
Test di permutazione per confronti di eterogeneità in genetica di popolazione 2008 Archivio per l'antropologia e la etnologia 138 (): 3-15
  • Fortunato Pesarin
H6 [ARCHIVIO-] 0373-3009
Fragile X gene stability in Basque valleys: prevalence of premutation and intermediate alleles 2008 Human biology 80 (6): 593-600
  • B. Criado
  • I. Arrieta
  • I. Huerta
  • M. Télez
  • P. Flores
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Evaluation of linkage disequilibrium on the Xq13.3 region: comparison between the Azores Islands and mainland Portugal 2008 American journal of human biology 20 (3): 364-6
  • Cidália T. Gomes
  • Claudia C. Branco
  • Ester Cabrol
  • Marta São Bento
  • Rita Cabral
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Variation of DATI VNTR alleles and genotypes among old ethnic groups in Mesopotamia to the Oxus region 2008 Human biology 80 (1): 73-81
  • Massoud Houshmand
  • Mohammad Hossein Sanati
  • Mohammad Mehdi Banoei
  • Morteza Hashemzadeh Chaleshtori
  • Parvin Shariati
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Genomic ancestry in urban Afro-Brazilians 2008 Annals of human biology 35 (1): 104-11
  • Aguinaldo Luiz Simões
  • Celso Teixeira Mendes Junior
  • Cláudia Emília Vieira Wiezel
  • Luzitano Brandão Ferreira
  • Yara Costa Netto Muniz
H6/HB [ANNALS-] 0301-4460
Azores Islands: genetic origin, gene flow and diversity pattern 2008 Annals of human biology 35 (1): 65-74
  • Cidália T. Gomes
  • Claudia C. Branco
  • Marta São Bento
  • Paula R. Pacheco
  • Rita Cabral
H6/HB [ANNALS-] 0301-4460
Gene diversity among some Muslim populations of western Uttar Pradesh, India 2008 The Anthropologist 10 (1): 5-9
  • Gulshan Ara
  • Mohammad Afzal
  • Tanveer Beg
  • Yasir Hasan Siddique
Y-chromosome variability in four Native American populations from Panama 2008 Human biology 80 (3): 287-302
  • Angelica González-Oliver
  • Connie J. Mulligan
  • Marina S. Ascunce
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Effect of sociocultural cleavage on genetic differentiation: a study from North India 2008 Human biology 80 (3): 271-86
  • Atul Kumar Pandey
  • Faisal Khan
  • Manorma Tripathi
  • Meenal Borkar
  • Sudha Talwar
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Genetic affinities of the Siddis of South India: an emigrant population of East Africa 2008 Human biology 80 (3): 251-70
  • Gautam K. Kshatriya
  • Mansi Gauniyal
  • S. M. S. Chahal
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Autosomal STR genetic variability in the Gran Chaco native population: homogeneity or heterogeneity? 2008 American journal of human biology 20 (6): 704-11
  • Dario A. Demarchi
  • Francisco Mauro Salzano
  • Mara Helena Hutz
  • Paulo Eduardo Raimann
  • Shaiane Goulart Crossetti
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Genetic polymorphism and forensic parameters of nine short tandem repeat loci in Ngöbé and Emberá Amerindians of Panama 2007 Human biology 79 (5): 563-77
  • Carlos W. Ramos
  • Diomedes E. Trejos
  • Edgardo A. Castro
  • Tomás D. Arias
  • Vicente Berovides-Alvarez
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Y-chromosome lineages in São Tomé e Príncipe islands: evidence of European influence 2007 American journal of human biology 19 (3): 422-8
  • António Brehm
  • Hélder Spínola
  • Rita Gonçalves
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Analysis of genetic heterogeneity among the inhabitants of Northern Bosia: biochemical and psychological traits observed in two periods of time 2006 Glasnik antropološkog Društva Jugoslavije 41 (): 99-109
  • Adisa Ahmić
  • Jasminka Hadžihalilović
  • Naris Pojskić
  • Rifat Hadžiselimović
H6/KVP [ANTROPOLOSKO-] 0351-1480
Genetic position of Andalusians from Huelva in relation to other European and North African populations: a study mased on GM and KM allotypes 2006 Human biology 78 (6): 663-79
  • A. González-Martín
  • B. Ambrosio
  • E. Guitard
  • R. Calderón
  • U. Aresti
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Genetic heterogeneity among three Adi tribes of Arunachal Pradesh, India 2006 Human biology 78 (2): 221-7
  • S. Krithika
  • Suvendu Maji
  • T. S. Vasulu
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
A genetic study of two tribal populations of Valsad district, south Gujarat 2006 Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 41 (1): 93-100
  • G. K. Kshatriya
  • Rupinder Bansal
  • S. M. S. Chahal
H6/KWL [INDIAN-] 0019-4387
Heterogeneity of apolipoprotein E polymorphism in different Mexican populations 2006 Human biology 78 (1): 65-75
  • Bertha Ruiz
  • Dolores Aceves
  • Eloy Zepeda
  • Patricia Nuño
  • Sonia Roman
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Conservation biology of Malagasy strepsirhines: a phylogenetic approach 2006 American journal of physical anthropology 130 (2): 238-53
  • Shawn M. Lehman
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
Multiple correlation between 13 exogenous factors and 14 anthropometric variables in a sample of boys coming from the city of Tuzla 2005 Glasnik antropološkog Društva Jugoslavije 40 (): 141-53
  • Adisa Ahmić
  • Amela Dahić
  • Emir Halilović
  • Fatima Jusupović
  • Hajrija Hamidović
  • Izet Eminović
  • Jasminka Hadžihalilović
  • Rifat Hadžiselimović
H6/KVP [ANTROPOLOSKO-] 0351-1480
Relations between genetic distance and some possible factors of genetic heterogenity of the local inhabitants from the area of NE Bosnia 2005 Glasnik antropološkog Društva Jugoslavije 40 (): 127-39
  • Adisa Ahmić
  • Hajrija Hamidović
  • Izet Eminović
  • Jasminka Hadžihalilović
  • Naris Pojskić
  • Rifat Hadžiselimović
H6/KVP [ANTROPOLOSKO-] 0351-1480
Dental perspectives on the population history of southeast Asia 2005 American journal of physical anthropology 127 (2): 182-209
  • Hirofumi Matsumura
  • Mark J. Hudson
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
Mitochondrial DNA genetic diversity among four ethnic groups in Sierra Leone 2005 American journal of physical anthropology 128 (1): 156-63
  • Bruce A. Jackson
  • Jamie Lee Wilson
  • Joshua Rosenberger
  • Salwa Kirbah
  • Sheree S. Sidney
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 0002-9483
Surnames in the Azores: analysis of the isonomy structure 2005 Human biology 77 (1): 37-44
  • Claudia C. Branco
  • Luisa Mota-Vieira
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Heterogeneity of the genome ancestry of individuals classified as white in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 2005 American journal of human biology 17 (4): 496-506
  • Andrea Rita Marrero
  • Bianca De_Almeida Carvalho
  • Fabio Pereira das_Neves Leite
  • Leandro Martins Peres
  • Tricia Cristine Kommers
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
The spectrum of haemoglobin variants in two scheduled tribes of Sundargharh district in north-western Orissa, India 2005 Annals of human biology 32 (5): 560-73
  • R.S. Balgir
H6/HB [ANNALS-] 0301-4460
Polymorphic Alu insertions and genetic diversity among African populations 2005 Human biology 77 (5): 675-704
  • Laisel Martinez
  • Maria C. Terreros
  • Rene J. Herrera
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Sicilian provinces: population subdivisions revealed by surname frequencies 2004 Human biology 76 (6): 901-20
  • A. De Silvestri
  • C. R. Guglielmino
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
DYS19 and DYS199 loci in a Chilean population of mixed ancestry 2004 American journal of physical anthropology 125 (1): 85-9
  • D. Sepúlveda
  • H. Jorquera
  • L. Cifuentes
  • M. Acuña
  • R. Morales
H6/HB 'AMERICAN-' 0002-9483
Patterns of mtDNA diversity in Northwestern North America 2004 Human biology 76 (1): 33-54
  • Beth A. Schultz Shook
  • Frederika A. Kaestle
  • James C. Chatters
  • Katherine E. Breece
  • Ripan S. Malhi